Ramakrishna Paramhansa Dev: The Guru of Swami Vivekananda
Ramakrishna Paramahansa Deb, the guru, and mentor of India’s great monk Swami Vivekananda, is one of our great philosophers and religious priests in India. Swami Tapasyananda wrote in his recent book titled Bhakti Schools of Vedanta (Lives and Philosophies of Ramajuna, Nimbarka, Madhva, Vallabha, and Caitanya) that, “Sri Ramakrishna lived the whole gamut of the spiritual evolution of the human spirit and practiced all the paths of adoration that the aspirants have evolved. Thus, his life lived in the broad daylight of history is more valuable than any commentary. And he has his realization unclouded and undistorted by adherences to any tradition exclusively.” Sri Ramakrishna has been described by his great disciple Swami Abhedananda as a sampradaya-vihin (one without traditional preconception) but at the same time one who does not criticize any sampradaya (sampradayam na nindati). He can, therefore, be taken as the man sitting at the foot of the tree.” In the Bhagwad Gita Sri Krishna told “Mama vartmanu-vartante manusyah partha sarasah” – it is the same doctrine that Sri Ramkrishna reasserted in the modern age when he said, “Yatho math, tatho path” – As many traditions, so many paths.” Though the translation in the Belur Math inscribed under the large wall image of Ramakrishna Dev is a little different than that I have already mentioned earlier. However, Swami Tapasyananda in his recently published book – Bhakti Schools of Vedanta – has enumerated ten universal offenses which are as follows:
1. Slandering saintly persons;
2. regarding the name and attributes of Siva as independent of those of Visnu;
3. ignoring spiritual preceptors;
4. finding fault with the Scriptures;
5. taking the praises of the Divine Name found in the Scriptures as exaggerations (arthavada);
6. & 7. deliberately sin, or resolve to sin, with the idea that one can absolve oneself from them
later by chanting the Diving Name;
8. holding an attitude of indifference to the Divine Name;
9. considering oneself superior to the Divine Name; and
10. imparting the Diving Name to people who have no faith in it.
There is diversity in nature. “In God’s creation, diversity is the universal rule. There must be evil as well as good. Again, there are various kinds of objects – animals, plants, and minerals. Among animals again, here are some which are gentle and inoffensive, and others which, like the tiger, a ferocious and live upon other animals. Some trees bring forth good fruits, sweet as nectar; while others bring forth poisonous fruits which cause death. Likewise, there are good men and bad men, holy men and those who are sinful. Some, again, are just and devout and others are attached to the world. Further, Ramakrishna said, “Men may be divided into four classes: – (1) Worldly men (those who are bound in the fetters of the world); (2) The Seekers after Liberation; (3) The Liberated, and (4) The Ever-Free.
A beautiful analysis of men is given here: “The worldly are they who are attached to the little things of this world – money, honors, titles, never give a thought to Him. The Seekers after Liberation do their best to avoid the world made up as it is of ‘women and gold’. But, it is given to only a few amongst them to find what they seek, namely, liberation.” The Liberated are those who are not attached to either ‘women’ or to ‘gold.’ Holy men are examples of these. In their minds, there is not a trace of attachment to the things of this world. They meditate always on the hallowed feet of the Lord. The Ever-free, like Narada, the holy Sage, are those who abide in the world for the sake of others – in order to teach the Truth to others. In relation to the power of God’s name, he said, “Fear not, my friend; have faith and walk across the deep. But mind you, do not show any want of faith, for then you will be drowned.” Let us only have faith in the Lord and depend upon Him; he will reach salvation – no matter if he has committed the vilest of sins – the murder of Brahmins, of women, and the rest! Let him only say, “Lord, I shall not do this again.” Surrendering to God increases mental power, reinforces energy, and dispels fear. We may commit any mistake in life, but atonement for it, and complete surrender to God will give us mental peace.
The Power of Environment
The human mind is everything, and it is the most powerful instrument of life. Ramakrishna uttered, “The mind is everything. If the mind has lost its liberty, you lose yours. If the mind is free, you are free too. The mind may be dipped in colors – red, orange, yellow, violet, or green. It is like the white cloth just returned to you by the washerman. This white cloth you may dip in any color you like. Study English, and you must speak in English in spite of yourself being a non-Englishman.” Further, he added “You put on boots, whistle, in fact (you) do your level best to behave like a native of English. The pundit who studies Sanskrit must quote couplets. If the mind is kept in bad company, it will color one’s thought and conversation.” So, shun all evil companies. How will you judge an evil person? One who has no faith in God, Truth, Mother, and the country is a bad company. Always the honest and diligent people are the best minds in the world.