Butterfly Effect: The Tiny Steps that Reshape Our Destiny - ZorbaBooks

Butterfly Effect: The Tiny Steps that Reshape Our Destiny

Life is a canvas,

a masterpiece in the making,

And each decision we make is like a brushstroke,

Some are bold and daring,

others are subtle and delicate,

But each one adds to the final picture we create.


It’s like a game of chess,

each move carefully calculated,

But one wrong move can change the course of the game,

We must think ahead, anticipate the consequences,

 And make our decisions wisely to avoid checkmate.


Life is a river,

Constantly flowing and changing,

And every decision we make is like a pebble in its path,

Some create ripples, while others go unnoticed,

But each one shapes the course of the river’s journey.


Life’s like a garden, where each decision is a seed,

Some will blossom into beautiful flowers,

others will wither away,

We must nurture our choices,

tend to them with care,

And watch as they grow and flourish over time.


Life is a symphony,

a beautiful melody in motion,

And each decision we make is like a note in the score,

Some are soft and gentle, others are bold and brash,

But each one adds to the harmony of the music we create.


Life’s like a dance,

where each decision is a step,

Some are graceful and fluid,

others are clumsy and awkward,

We must move with intention, stay in rhythm with the beat,

And let the music guide us towards the path we seek.


The choices we make impact our lives,

Each one adds to the masterpiece we create,

It’s up to us to choose our brushstrokes,

Make our moves,

Plant our seeds,

Change our course, and

Dance to the beat of our tune.



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