Gratitude changes everything - ZorbaBooks

Gratitude changes everything

It is always better to sit simply in spare time and get relax then start counting the blessings given by God through various means makes an impact on us when compared. It gives an immense pleasure and more satisfaction. To say in one word it is amazing! Satisfy yourself with the available resources in given time and circumstances make us to lead a happy and peaceful life. Always think you are lucky! You are far better than others! All the glitters are not gold! A coin has two sides! You only have seen one side think in your own way! There is dark side also there in everyone’s life. No one is perfect in this world! Each one has their own feelings, problems, lapses, deficiencies, weakness, unfulfilled desires, failures, sad and worries. If possible try to help them. Otherwise just pray God to give some relief to them through your prayer. That itself gives great relief to you and your blessings to others in the form of prayer done by you. Win-win strategy is always better. Help ever hurt never is the best policy. Be happy with what you have. Struggle alone gives results. Never look for help or expect something from others. Instead, do your best, give your best, hope for the best is the best policy. You are the best in this world!

Change is must and inevitable for good cause! It transforms everything and inspires us in multiple ways to think wisely and perform to plan well and prove in a dynamic manner in order to fetch the fruitful results in real life. It gives us scope and expand the relations with each other to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm to express our views and invite others to travel together in our journey. It gives strength and stable our contacts with love and affection in long term to go ahead with bright and powerful concept. An idea can change this world! Thought process is ultimate! It makes us to reach peak without boundaries. No one can stop us as long as our intentions are good in this universe. Will gives skill! Skill gives thrill! Thrill makes us to perform! Performance alone can yield the best results! Results are ultimate! Be task oriented! Be result oriented! Be as performer! Winning mindset gives positive results. Positive attitude makes an individual to reach more number of people. Together we can do anything and everything. Nothing is impossible! Belief gives everything! Realization helps in many ways. Be peaceful! Be helpful! Be happy! Help ever hurt never is the best way of approach. It gives full of joy & pleasure.

Rules are must to follow is the well known fact! If we want to play a game we have to follow the rules! If we think it carefully life itself is a game! Then it is better to follow the rules which gives us a good path if we follow the rules. Let us reset and rededicate to move in disciplined manner to fetch the fruitful results in real life. Preparation helps a lot which makes us to be a dynamic personality with innovative approach and great zeal of enthusiasm helps us to get more courage to determine and dedicate to sacrifice and fetch the best results in reality. Application of brain is the key for success coupled with good behavior makes us to reach more people to express our views with an effective communication gives clarity to get the positive results with positive attitude is the right way of approach. Dream big achieve big! A dreamer only can create the desire to win with winning mindset and never quit at any cost irrespective of the obstacles and hurdles that occurs in the middle will focus more on the goal to accomplish and make it happen. Willpower is ultimate! Will gives everything! Where there is a will there is a way! Willful exercise gives willful results. Never under estimate or degrade yourself and others as well.

True! When we decide something it may be either with fear or love in reality! Self-doubt or fear indicates at the beginning when we deal with something new or lack of understanding creates a doubt or fear most commonly. When the time passes it gives confidence, courage, strength, clarity on a particular event or a person for that matter. Then we can plan well and proceed further towards our journey to reach our destination safely and securely well in time is the right way of living. Belief gives everything! Once we believe we can reach anywhere in this world! It is not an easy task. It takes time! Lot of effort is required! Creating trust is not an easy task. It needs patience and time. It is an art! One has to learn and cultivate to love and live together is a great concept! Love alone makes us to reach at one place to create wonders in reality. As long as our love is stronger than our fear we accomplish everything.

Fly high as much as possible! As soon as possible! As well as possible! It is not an easy task! It needs commitment, determination, dedication, desire, sacrifice, concentration, will, thrill, effort, vision, patience, confidence, faith and courage are some qualities one should posses to play an active role only can fly with their wings. We are not birds to have wings. At the same time, God has given us thought process, brain expansion, to visualize with our vision and given strength to perform better with proper planning and effective implementation to produce the best in this world. Our intention should be good and learning attitude will help to reach like minded people to express our views with others to share our views gives scope to fetch the fruitful results in reality. Let us be like a bird! Never compromise and stop in middle till your reach your goal and behave like an eagle which gives victory with winning mindset. Winners will never quit and quitters will never win! Win-win strategy is the best policy! Help ever hurt never is the right way of approach. Rome was not built in a day. Have patience! Wait for the results. Nothing happens instantly. Consistent effort gives us consistent results. Effort will never go waste!

Help yourself help others is a great concept! Hand to hand touch gives vibration, belongness, togetherness, love and kindness, consciousness, belief, confidence, awareness, awakening, positive mindset, mental health, spiritual growth and experience, As we advanced and our age is forwarding we need to help ourselves and try to help others is the only way to give us an immense pleasure and satisfaction in this world. Touching hand to hand gives grip to believe and proceed further towards our journey to reach our destination safely and securely well in time is the best way of living. That is why God has given us two hands. One is to help ourselves and the other is to help others. Win-win strategy is always better and the best way of thinking. Thought process is ultimate! It can even change the world at large. Be a change maker! Be an example to others! Be a trendsetter! Be a role model! Be honest! Honesty and integrity are twins! Cleanliness is close to Godliness! A clean mind is like a clean world! It gives peace and prosperity! It helps us to help others. It is a God given gift! Believe! Belief gives everything! Love and kindness wins everyone! It makes us to travel long! It boosts and create zeal and enthusiasm to proceed further.

Imagination is a great concept! It gives us knowledge, wisdom, attitude, guidance, support, inspiration, positive energy, zeal and enthusiasm. It allow us to reach the thought leaders and heart centered connections to learn and improve understand better to know the ground realities and makes to perform better and plan well more effectively and efficiently to fetch the fruitful results in real life. It makes our journey to reach our destination smoothly and safely well in time is the art of imagination. Thought process is ultimate! An idea can change this world! Technology helps us to reach fast with accurate results and makes our job easy. Let us apply our brain with positive attitude and good intentions allow us to reach the like minded people in time. Imagine the world is changing day by day. We are also changing, updating, upgrading, learning, thinking, to manage and organize based on the situation prevailed with the time and resources available is the prime objective. Let us help each other and co-operate with the help of #superfreques to nourish and make ourselves as the best people in our own fields by sharing and caring with love and kindness to make the world is the best place for today, tomorrow and in future as well.

Amazing! failure question does not arise as long as we perform! Performance alone can yield the best results in reality! Enjoy your life! Enjoy your work! Enjoy your results! You are ultimate! You are unique! You only can do it! Inspire and motivate yourself! Self motivation is the best way of approach! Improve yourself through learning and practice on regular basis! Practice makes us perfect! Willpower gives wisdom and courage! Courage gives confidence to proceed further towards our journey to reach our destination safely and securely well in time. Never fear! Never feel loneliness! Never discourage! Burning desire helps us to play with fire. Let the fire comes within! It sparks and gives power to play an active role in reality. Challenging the event makes it happen in reality. You are grateful! You are wonderful! You are the winner! Winning mindset gives winning strategy. Winners will never quit! Quitters will never win! Win-win strategy is always better. It helps us and others as well. Great concept! Leaders will follow this strategy! Be action oriented! Be result oriented! Action alone gives results! Believe! Belief gives everything! Inspire and aspire! Awake! Arise! Come out of comfort zone to learning and performance zone!

Event and response together gives outcome! In most of the cases how the event occurs depending on various factors like external forces, human behavior, climatic conditions, economic conditions, social obligations, time and situation where, when, what, why, how the way we reacted is the prime factor to fetch the desired results gives the confidence, courage, belief, faith, positive thinking, experience, will allow us to move forward in most of the cases. Past is the base to measure and it helps to come to a conclusion to plan well and perform better in a systematic and dynamic manner gives clarity to proceed further towards our journey. Outcome is must and your results will speak better than you in reality. We have to respond in such a way that we can plan well based on the sources available in a given time with the situation prevailed is kept in mind. We can avoid unwanted things by taking precautionary measures to some extent and frequent checks will help us to minimize the damage in a reasonable manner gives scope to believe and proceed further to move forward towards our journey to reach our destination safely and securely well in time is the right way of approach. Do your best! Give your best! Hope for the best is right way!

Love yourself and love your work in real life. It gives us an immense pleasure and satisfaction. A satisfied person is better than a successful individual. Life is like a journey. We have to move on throughout our life. Arise! Awake! Respect your profession. It gives you good life, value, respect, satisfaction, peace of mind, good health, joy, what not? You will get everything. Believe! Belief gives more courage and confidence to proceed further with great determination and dedication to sacrifice and focus more on your desired goals is the best way of approach. Thirty years (THREE DECADES) is not a small period to serve as driver/pilot to safe guard him and others as well. Every moment is a challenge on the road while driving and concentrate more to take care of self, public, vehicle, passengers, and corporation which gives him life to move forward to run with great zeal of enthusiasm in order to fetch the fruitful results towards his journey and made it happen to complete the task assigned with peace of mind is really worthful to mention coupled with his effort and God’s grace taken care to say in one word. He is the live example to everyone to create our own path where we work. Work is Worship! Duty is Divine! Do your duty!

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Bijibilla Rama Rao