Felicitation of Mr. Ramnik Patel - ZorbaBooks

Felicitation of Mr. Ramnik Patel

Felicitation of Mr. Ramnik Patel

I woke up to a faint sound as if someone was calling me. I was wondering who called? I did not see anyone around. It was then I realized “Where am I? What am I doing here? Why was I sleeping on this bench?” I couldn’t recollect.

I stood up hesitantly saw the long JUTE shoulder bag next to me. There was a diary and a small handbook lying beside on “How to write, to be a great writer” written by Larry Jones. I kneeled down to check if I could find something else and saw a pen, nothing else. The shoulder bag was empty apart from these few things, a typical high shoulder bag normally owned by activist and artist of yester years.

Again I heard the announcement. Then it struck me, “Ohkay! I remember now”. My habit of forgetting is getting worse. Yes, I am a writer Mr. Ramnik Patel.

For a second I thought is this possibly be the life of every writer? Is this still there lifestyle? Then I reminded myself about a friend of mine an author, a writer and now a celebrity living a wonderful life with his family. Things have changed and writers are paid well now, as they have better exposure to many opportunities than what was few years back. Innumerable number of writers available, and yet I wonder why Bollywood does not find any good story writers or authors similar to Kollywood, Tollywood and Mollywood.

Again I heard my name being called out. I stood up corrected my pose, tried straightening the wrinkles on my shirt sleeves unsuccessfully, instead I folded the sleeves till my elbow, combed my hair with my fingers never do I remember of using a comb I always liked using my fingers to shape my hairstyle and my stretched hairs understood them well. My denim jeans was perfect and the light brown and cream checks shirt too was fine. It was getting darker. I was finding difficulty in identifying the place, huge pillars, columns, beams above me and I was standing underneath a huge beam. I managed to move towards the fence and looked around it was much brighter here with street lights.

It looked like a stadium, “Of! Course, it’s the stadium, now I remember why I was here? I was here on an invitation by the writers association, I along with few other writers were to be felicitated for best writers in varied categories. I was selected for the “Creative Story Writing” category.

On a little distance I saw glare of lights, vehicles moving. I abandoned the bag and belongings and walked close to the fencing, through the gate, past the security scanner & metal detector gates and the manned security channel for a second the red light blinked I rushed ahead without turning back, fortunately all the security guys were busy checking the vehicles and were directing them to the parking area. I had a feeling as if someone was observing me, I turned around and saw one of the security was staring and started walking towards me. It was fight or flight. I chose the second one because I did not have the entry pass neither the invitation letter with me I took longer strides. There were many entrances to the stadium A, B, C. D. VIP. The immediate thought was to give a slip to the security guy following me. I increased the speed and took longer strides, I am a master in walking, long strides, short strides, quick strides, quick short strides, and quick long strides. If at all I participate in a competition I am sure to win “Legs Down” in every walking race, no I am not talking about walkathon.

I managed to give the security a slip by getting in to Gate A, being little crowded it will be difficult for the security guy to find me… I thought, but he was literally behind following me from a distance. I couldn’t miss him as he stood tall above all. I found an empty seat at the corner and tried to concentrate on the event. There was a huge banner which mentioned “Felicitating the writers of India” organized by the HR Ministry, The writers association and the Rotary Association. Few of the top most writers were seated on the stage along with the HR Minister and Mr. Gregory the owner of “Genuine Publishing’s” the top most publisher. Things becoming more clearer now, I was to be felicitated along with few other writers. I remember receiving a letter from the writers association inviting me to receive the award from HR Ministry.

I was selected as one of the top writer in “Creative Story Writing” genre. I was happy and glad that I could make it. Few of my printed paperback books were already available in book stores but every time I write I felt this was the best I could ever write and it goes with every next piece I write. On my wife’s and children’s insistence I had submitted the manuscript to participate though I wasn’t keen because I knew what could be the end result, by the end of the day you will find loads of manuscripts in the dustbin, because the results might have already been finalized even before the competition takes off. It’s a matter of formality inviting writers to make look genuine.

I had forgotten about the incident but a month later I received a letter stating my writing was selected. The felicitation ceremony was to be held on 1st October. So probably I came early lied down on the bench and fell asleep. My memory has become too weak… true, age catches up fast.

The guest and the host were presenting their opinion, views, encouraging the youth to write. On every sentence the HR Ministry spoke audience were applauding. He thanked the audience for their patience and walked towards his seat. Now it was the turn of the writers to be felicitated hence the host was calling out the names of the award recipients and requesting to come closer to the stage.

My name was 11th in the list and he called out close to 40 names. As soon as the host stopped calling out the names I moved towards A gate exit door to get closer to the stage. Out of nowhere the security guy appeared again staring at me I smiled and walked towards him to explain why I am here, but there was no change in his attitude instead he looked to his left and gestured. Two more stout looking security guys joined him and was walking towards me. As I did not wanted to create a situation that I would miss collecting my award, I stopped, turned back immediately, and walked towards the seat, thinking of another way to move closer to the stage. In any case I decided I was going to receive my award and no one is going to stop me from that, I was determined now.

I was thinking of a way to somehow get down from the gallery and walk to the stage without confronting the security but could not. I tried to explain the security that I was one of the recipient the host had called out and one of the recipients who is being felicitated. But in no way was he allowing me to go out of door and gestured me with his head to go back. I was impatient the 9th name was called out, I confronted the security again and this time I was determined that whatever may happen I will exit from here. But was again stopped by the security personnel they blocked the exit and neither was giving me an opportunity to explain. Out of frustration I said, “True I do not carry my ID card or the pass or an invitation letter to prove that I was the recipient of the award and invited for felicitation, I cannot recollect were I misplaced it. It’s true that I breached the security and entered but there was a valid reason to it”. Just then my head turned towards the announcement my name was being called and the host was explaining “I call upon Mr. Ramnik Patel to come on the stage to receive the award” I saw my wife Meena walking towards the stage and a smile slipped on to my lips and then turned out to a hearty laugh, I could not hold on to myself, my eyes twinkled I gestured the security guys to the stage still laughing, telling them “You see, finally I collected my award you could stop me but not my wife, “Finally I received my award”. Now you can stand there as long as you want, I am going back to my seat.

The felicitation ceremony over, I turned to see at the exit gate, the security guys were not to be seen I immediately came downstairs to meet my wife, who I presumed might be at the gate waiting for me. Walking passed the security moving with the crowd I was out of the gate. I stood right in front of the gate so as to not miss my wife and children. They might have come together as per our schedule.

On the day I received the invitation letter, my wife and daughters started taking potshots at me for being so pessimist “Darpok Kahin Ka” and still days after that we could not hold on to our laughter. We had decided then we will meet at the gate of the stadium as per schedule mentioned in the invitation letter. I waited and waited but they did not come out or maybe perhaps as soon as they received the award they might have left not knowing that I was already here, and true we were supposed to meet at the entrance gate of the stadium. The security guys were closing the gate I approached them to check if all have left or there are still people inside, maybe my wife and kids waiting for me inside, or maybe all the recipients are given a treat by the host? While I was walking towards the gate I saw the tall security guy standing and staring at me along with his two other assistance. I stopped, walked back thinking it was better I go home instead of waiting here. I started walking towards the main street from where I could get a cab, the main street was close to the national highway. Like always whenever I see a tea-stall I get tempted and it had been long since I had a tea from the street tea-stall vendor, I saw a tea-stall close by “The Cutting Chai” it was one of the best and all the states have a different taste and the preparation varied. The stall was crowded hence I waited, moved towards the bench kept aside and signalled the tea stall guy for a cup of tea, when I noticed a familiar face smiling and walking towards me. I smiled back but could not recollect where I have seen him, a young stout looking guy in jeans and T-Shirt, he came and stood beside me. He looked at me questioningly perhaps he wanted to know why I was here. Beaming with pride I explained it to him why I had come here and now was going back home when I thought to have a cup of tea. This young guy kept smiling at me and I felt at ease with him chatting I asked him if he would like to have a cup of tea, he nodded his head in affirmative, I called the tea stall owner he wasn’t listening, finally I waved my hand and told him to get two cups of tea, hope he understood. Then we chatted about my life experiences and my family.

I spoke to him for long about my childhood days, they were one of the pleasant times in life, my college life too was colourful, friends, sports, competitions, then came to my family, my wife “My wife an enterprising woman, you know she has a huge circle of friends and well-wishers, by profession she is a teacher but she also sells household utility products, she is not that online savvy but her phone and WhatsApp is her greatest tool for her business, she teaches children by giving tuitions, she was also a teacher in a nearby school on a temporary basis. She is an adorable mother she guards her children like a feisty eagle and also gives them the required freedom, a great role model. She encourages them to participate in competitive events and the most interesting part about her is unlike me who try to shy away from the camera, she attracts the camera to her, she is absolutely crazy about taking photographs, be it any function at home or otherwise or even visiting or travelling she is fond of clicking photograph of herself.

My daughters both study well and are also equally efficient in extra-curricular activities, they both have participated and collected loads of certificates and appreciation from their schools and colleges. One of them is good in artwork, designing and the other one good in writing both have made good progress in their style of work and are appreciated for it. They both together have even sold their artwork online within their group. All this is possible because of their mother’s encouragement and attention.

The kids have an age difference of close to 2 years. I still remember when they were small kids 4-5 years old and on, Meena (My Wife) had a difficult time managing them all alone yet she accomplished it sacrificing her time for them forgetting her individuality and dedicating herself as a loving mother. Both my daughters have different taste and preferences, their food, clothing, studies but Meena would manage them at ease sometimes waking up as early as 5.00 in the morning and going to sleep at 12.midnight after helping them in their studies, homework assignments. Now they helps her in her work as well in kitchen. They are also her teacher guiding her to cope up with Internet and all its advantages training her for zoom calls, uploading data, publishing and distributing them.

Meena is very attached to her parents and her siblings, calling them encouraging, suggesting to take good care of them and their children’s health. She is fond of and very close to her father. I haven’t seen a day they might have missed a call talking to each other, they’ll talk on issues from home to politics, he would crack up few jokes and they would often laugh together. I have noticed, that was her strength, she would derive energy from this routine. Sometime I could hear her scold her father for not taking proper care of mother. She is very religious and will not miss her prayers even a single day, morning after she gets up and before going to bed, as well encouraging family prayers.

I could not come along with my family here, as I had been out of station for some work, I had told them that we would meet here at the felicitation stadium as per schedule. I have a faint memory now, sometimes I forget a lot. I should have carried a copy of the felicitation ceremony letter with me or even the gate pass (we had received 4 gates pass through courier along with the letter). I forgot and had to pay a heavy penalty those security guys did not allow me to receive my award, fortunately my wife Meena was there and she received it, You should have seen the faces of those security guys who weren’t allowing me to move away from my seat to receive the award. But my wife fooled them, she received it from the host presented by HR Ministry, it was a great moment for me and my family too, but I could not help laughing out at the security guys. I am wondering why were they so rude.

I am working for a firm in Ahmedabad and do come home once in a month. A big chemical company with 5000+ workers. I have great responsibility, I and my team manage the content creation in coordination with our marketing team, and… I know …I know, what will be your next question?

The young man beside me was smiling and shaking his head in affirmative.

“What I do there?” isn’t it? I write, yes that’s what I do and sometimes help my team in designing too.

The person beside me just went on nodding his head in affirmative and smiling, but I still was not able to recollect where I have seen him, the face was pretty familiar as if we know each other since long, maybe one of my childhood friend Hitesh, but he wasn’t disclosing it.

While speaking to him he smiled a notorious smile and glanced with his head towards the street. I turned my head towards that direction, on the street, we were close to the highway and a traffic signal, a junction. The tea stall where we were stood was close to the street near the signal. I saw an oil tanker coming from the northern side taking the service road on the left of the ROB, a flyover, and turning from the passage below the ROB and a right from the signal. The tanker did not stop at the signal he was speeding across abusing the red signal. A car coming from the southern side was waiting for the signal to go green. The moment the signal turned green the car started moving and was crossing the signal. Before the car could move across the signals, the speeding oil tanker rammed on to the car. The impact was so intense the car somersaulted once or twice before it skidded and came to a halt. Blood splashing everywhere in the car and spilling on to the streets. I was sure no person in the car could have been spared. Meanwhile the oil tanker lost control and charged straight towards us, we were few of them now at the tea stall, me & my friend beside me another person having his cup of tea and the tea maker inside the stall. I could see the driver unsuccessfully attempting to stop the tanker, he jammed on the hydraulic breaks perhaps as well the emergency breaks so as to not hit us. The oil tanker swirled and the huge rear of the tanker hit us with such a force, I tried to hold my friend’s hand beside me to jump and run but I missed his hand. I jumped before the rear of the tanker hit the tea stall, I noticed the young guy was still standing there and smiling. The burning stove in the tea stall exploded and caught fire so did the rear of the tank caught fire perhaps due to oil spillage. The tea maker, the guy who was having tea and the tea stall was hit mercilessly by the rear of the oil tanker, I was scared to death thinking will they survive? The oil splashed all over the fire was turning into an inferno. The oil splashed on me too but somehow I manage to escape. I saw this young man who was beside me standing and still smiling at me. Was he insane, his peculiar smile was getting more familiar?

Now I recognized who the man was it was the same guy from the security at the stadium he was the same person and so were the other 2 guys standing beside him now. I was screaming at them to move out from there, but they were unperturbed and stood there looking at me doing nothing beside the huge flames. A crowd had gathered and tried to diffuse the flames, the fire brigade came in the police came in. It was chaos, but these three guys still looked at me with stern eyes, and I could not make out why he was so pissed off at me. I stood there paralyzed by the impact of the accident. The doctors, fire brigade were doing their job, two of them who were at the tea stall had died on the spot with serious burns and the impact of crash. I heard the paramedics talking about the guy inside the car who was an RTO inspector, who died on the spot. The bodies were placed in the ambulance, and those who had survived or had the chances of survival were being given basic first-aid and rushed off to nearby hospitals in various ambulance services which had gathered there

This incident reminded me of another incident which had taken place couple of months ago at our company premises. Yes I remember now, I was standing at our company security gate the same incident had happened a tanker full laden with chemicals had gone out of control, instead of trying to stop the tanker the driver and cleaner had jumped off the truck, the truck came and rammed on to us and exploded, the security man and his assistants died on the spot and… Oh My God, I recognize now the guys standing in front of me are the same security guys who were working with me at the Ahmedabad chemical company. The other two guys at the tea stall I recall their face now one was the driver and the other the cleaner who had been working with our company for long, who had driven the chemical tanker and fled of from the truck on that tragic day.

The security guy and his two accomplishes held another four to five figures with them as if they were criminals and started walking.

Finally the security guy turned back again and glanced at me to follow him. The stern glance sent a chill down my spine. I sat down terrified, though understanding somewhat but not ready to accept. I tried to touch the disfigured plants on the side of the road, but I could not feel it. What was happening? I tried to touch and pick up the stone below, but I could not, now I was getting terrified, this wasn’t happening to me. I was in a shock, unbelieving at what was happening, a sort of shock that I…I… it was unbelievable for me, and I was unable to accept of what’s going on, No this wasn’t happening to me. It’s not acceptable… I will not accept it.

It cannot be true I am here to receive my award. I still have lots more stories to write. I have my family to look after and my wife she will be left alone, what will she do without me … and my kids, they still have to grow up, finish their higher studies and settle down in their life. I still have responsibilities. It’s not accomplished yet. I… I… still have unfinished stories to write. It could be a terrible mistake.

Just then I felt the presence of the security man beside me.

I asked hoping it may not be true, hands joined requesting, with trembling words, unbelieving and bewildered eyes, an expression of fear, helplessness, folded hands I requested him crying…

“Don’t you think, there could have been a mistake sir”, it maybe possible. “Because I still have lot to do, my unfinished stories, my wife, my children, i could not spend enough time with them, I was presuming I would earn first and spend lot of time with them, I still have my responsibilities”.

Hoping whatever was happening are just another dream for a while, a little smile, a glimmer of light reflected in my eyes, I felt a ray of hope, a little confidence coming back, I asked him with shaking voice, confident that what is happening is untrue. “It isn’t true, isn’t it?” “But, why am I able to see you then?”

“Only a soul can, see a soul” and he walked ahead, with me towing behind him like a criminal who had fled away from prison and was caught finally.

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Garry James