Never judge others
Never judge someone by the opinion of others. There is a story behind every person. There is a reason why they are the way they are. Think about that before you judge someone.
- “Never judge people based on their nationality, religion, race, gender, skin color, or look. Humans are all the same. They’re God’s loving children.” — Lily Amis
Realization helps to analyze, evaluate, understand, accept, adjust, rectify, correct, confirm, consider, cooperate, coordinate, extend your help to think broadly and accept the real facts in reality before finding mistakes in others and judge them is not good sign to grow in positive direction in this world. If you show one finger to opposite person the other four fingers will show you is bear fact. It is always better to think twice or thrice when we point our others and make sure that our voice should have some value out of the conversation and makes an impact on others to happen good then only it is better to spell out otherwise silence is gold and better to keep quiet. Talk less observe more which gives more respect in the minds of others. As long as our intentions are good we need not worry much and feel comfortable in convenient manner in our daily life. It is good to be in our limits and create a boundary not to cross under any circumstances at any cost irrespective of the location where we stay and the people we deal with whether they may be friends, relatives, neighbors, elders, superiors, peers, colleagues and strangers, our own children or life partner for that matter gives scope to lead happy and peaceful life. Never hurt others. Never judge.