The purpose of life - ZorbaBooks

The purpose of life

Love and live, Kindness, Good intensions, Good behavior.

  • “The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” –

The main purpose of life is to lead a very happy and peaceful life most of us will expect and try to do it accordingly. In majority of the cases it will not happen because of our own attitude, behavior, habits, planning, application, execution, performance, efforts, implementation, skill development, faith, qualification, seriousness, discipline, dedication, enthusiasm, confidence, courage, commitment, determination, dedication, sacrifice, willpower, desires, level of understanding and so on will stop us to grow with our own traits, fears, doubts, lack of knowledge, disappointments, overthinking keeps us to be behind to stay back and will not allow to move forward in our journey. To conquer this the simplest and easiest formula is be simple, humble, honest, integrity, discipline, communication, love and kindness, mingling with people in flexible manner makes an impact on us and others as well. It creates a path to prefer and allow us to grow together with like minded people to share our views with good intention gives scope to lead our life with pleasure and satisfaction. Satisfaction plays key role in this respect. To say in one word you are the key for everything. It is in your hands to create the way how you like. Your decision is final. Try to lead a meaningful life which gives means of energy and freedom to reach peak in reality.

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Bijibilla Rama Rao