Accept what it is - ZorbaBooks

Accept what it is

Live in present, Be realistic, Be practical, Be genuine.

  • “Acceptance is the key to everything.” – Michael J. Fox

Live in your present and forget the past. Past is past. It will not come back again. Yesterday’s newspaper is today’s wastepaper. Stop thinking about your past and start working in your present. Your present is reality. It only gives some results if you start working on it. Mere planning will not fetch much. Implementation alone yields the best results. Be action oriented. Be result oriented. Be realistic. Be reliable. Be practical. Be genuine. Then only things will happen in real life. Mere dreams are like water bubbles. Burning desire with determination and dedication makes an individual to move forward to reach our destination safely and securely in our journey. Always use your experience gained in your past makes it happen in your present to stabilize the future gives hope with aspiration helps to grow better and the best in your future. Faith alone leads us to put a step forward to reach miles and miles with little hope makes an impact on us and others as well. Believe! Belief makes everything. It is like tonic to give more strength and stability to stand alone with confidence and courage to improve our skillset. Learning is a life long process. Technology helps to large extent in this respect. Now it is playing great role.

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Bijibilla Rama Rao