Do you ever find yourself saying to people who live with you (mostly family) that they don’t appreciate you enough?That they take you for granted?That others outside appreciate you so much more?That they always admire and praise you?


Consider this.

Perhaps, just perhaps you are nicer to these people outside, who you don’t meet often.

Perhaps you are kinder.

Perhaps you weigh your words before saying them.

Perhaps you go the extra mile for them.

Perhaps you don’t complain about life to your friends but your family are the people where you dump all your trash?

Perhaps you project more happiness and joy when you are with outsiders?

And perhaps, you don’t apply all of these with the people at home, with family, with your spouse and children?

It could very well be that people are only a reflection of how you behave with them.

When you are extra nice to people they will naturally be very nice to you.

Now when you are unkind, rude and unpleasant to people, you are probably going to receive the same.

Take a step back, and ponder. Watch yourself, hear yourself.

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Bhavani sundaram