Never Hurt Others - ZorbaBooks

Never Hurt Others

Anger, resentment and jealousy does not change the heart of others — it only changes yours. If you kick a lion when it is down, God help you when it gets up. Learn the truth. Never assume.

“Don’t hurt anyone. It only takes few seconds to hurt people you love, and it can take years to heal.” — Awesome Quotes

“Before hurting others, feel the pain you will inflict on others. — Debasish Mridha

“Everybody is aware of physical and emotional pain, but that does not stop some people from inflicting it on others.” — Shon Mehta

Help ever hurt never is the best policy. Hurting others will send a bad message. It is not a good sign to maintain long term relationships and interrupts us to grow further in our relationship. It curbs us to think broadly for open discussion and gives freedom to speak with others is minimized which leads to become the narrow path makes the channel closed gradually over a period of time. As a result, negative message will go in the minds of others. No one will tolerate nor encourage to hurt others. It will be considered an insult and feel shame in public. We should be careful while dealing with others. Win-win strategy helps to negotiate and solve the problems can bring it into normal situations. Co-operation and co-ordination will help a great deal and yield the fruitful results in reality. Application of brain is must in day-to-day issues. We do a number of things on a daily basis. Each conversation and activity play very differently. We meet different types of people on different occasions and a purpose should be served in this process. Our behavior will play an active role in this respect. Conduct and character occupy first place in our way of life. Peace and prosperity are the rule of law. Listen carefully. A good listener can understand better to solve the problems most effectively. Communication plays a vital role in this connection. An effective communication gives effective results. As long as our intentions are good people will like us. It gives confidence and courage to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm to reach our destination safely and securely well in time is the best way of approaching. Never look for shortcut methods. There is no shortcut method for success. Success is a journey not the destination. Set a goal and accomplish it. Goal setting is a must. SWOT and SMART analysis help to grow better and the best. Know your strength. Know your values. Know your limits. Every one of us has certain limitations. Let us know if you want to cross the limitations you should be able to receive the repercussions and face the consequences is worthful to mention on this occasion. Be in your limits. Be valuable. Behave as a human being. Human values are utmost important and following the rules indicates you are a disciplined soldier and value-oriented person in real life. Be as trendsetter. Be as role model. You are the performer. You create values. You set an example to others. You are gigantic personality. Be helpful to others. Sharing is caring. Share your success with others. Togetherness gives more strength. Grow horizontally.

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Bijibilla Rama Rao