My Late Night Overthinking
As the days pass, the people in my life decrease,
Cut off like leaves in autumn’s wind.
My thoughts chase each other at leopard’s speed,
Trying to understand my life, my mind.
In truth, I haven’t slept in so long,
I want to cry out loud, no muffling pillow, no silent tears.
At twenty, I’ve never found a shoulder to cry on,
No one to hug me tight and say, “You’re free, just run.”
I feel like I can’t breathe in this house,
Home should be peace, a safe space,
But I can’t find it without loud music in my ears,
Between four walls, asking, “What’s next?”
Manifesting each day like a madman.
I feel homeless and orphaned with my parents,
I’ve never seen what love or marriage truly is.
No one appreciates my adjustments, my sacrifices,
Or the dreams I gave up for them—like my passion for travel and tourism.
I’ve never had anyone tell me they’re proud of me,
I feel like I’ve been disliked since birth.
As a daughter, I might be a failure for everyone,
But as a son, I’d do anything possible for my mom and sisters. #Rubi.RSilwal