Empowering Authors: The Rise of Self-publishing in India

There is an increasing swing towards self-publishing in India and around the world. Self-publishing is here to stay. Consider the following findings:

  • Over the past five years, the number of self-published books has surged by an impressive 264%.
  • The self-publishing market is projected to grow annually at a robust rate of 17%, outpacing traditional publishing.
  • Self-published authors typically earn higher revenue than their traditionally published counterparts on each book sold.

It may come as a surprise to many that famous authors as Amish Tripathi, Ashwin Sanghi began their publishing journey as self-published authors in India. Here we answer some of your most pressing questions on self-publishing in India.

Is self-publishing in India profitable?

Yes, it can be. A self-published author earns more royalty on each book sold, and if he markets the books well, he is likely to make a bigger profit, too. Royalty on each self-published print book is 10-40% of the book’s MRP.

How to self-publish a book?

There are two most popular ways to self-publish a book in India.

  • Take the help of a self-publishing company. Once you have written your manuscript, select a reputed self-publishing company (best testimonials) that suits your budget. Select a book publishing package that suits your requirements, and they will take care of the rest.
  • The other is to use the free DIY (do-it-yourself) publishing option offered by some book publishers. DIY book publishing offers writers free tools to format their manuscripts and create a cover. Once the PDF files are ready, the publishing company can be requested to distribute the print book or eBook.

Is self-publishing on Amazon profitable?

Self-publishing on any platform, including Amazon, can be profitable. How much profit you can make will largely depend on three factors:

  1. How good is your content, in terms of fulfilling the reader’s requirements:
  • Is it giving the information or entertainment for which the author has purchased your book
  • Is it well-written in terms of flow and, clarity of thought
  • Is it well edited so the reader can enjoy an uninterrupted reading experience
  1. How well-published is your book
  2. How effective and persistent is your marketing? Because only when you sell books will you make any profit.

To dive deeper into each of these points

Self-publishing vs traditional publishing pros and cons?



  • Guaranteed Publication: You have control over getting your book published.
  • Creative Autonomy: You decide the cover design, release date, and book format.
  • Higher Royalties: Up to 70% for eBooks and 50% for print books.


  • Expenses: Authors cover all costs.
  • Decide what publishing services to take

Traditional Publishing:


  • Professional Support: Industry expertise and assistance.
  • Validation: Prestige associated with established publishers.
  • Wider Distribution: Broader reach for your book.


  • Loss of Control: Less autonomy over decisions.
  • Longer Timelines: Traditional publishing can take up to 2 years or more.
  • Lower Royalties: Typically, lower royalty rates
  • To explore this topic in detail

Is self-publishing better than traditional publishing?

Yes and No. It depends on your requirements for your book and on the book you have written. Both systems of publishing have their pluses and minuses. A lot depends on your requirements.

If you have penned a poetry book or a book with an off-beat topic that you would like to get published – self-publishing will be your best option.

For further clarity, read here

Self-publishing vs traditional?

Whether you should go with self-publishing or tradition will depend on what you are trying to publish and your needs or requirements. For example, if you want to publish your book immediately, self-publishing is your go-to method.

Higher royalties, off-beat topics of the books, and time are all reasons to head to self-publishing.

Traditional publishing is your go-to place if you are a celebrity or a well-known person. If you would only like to publish a well-edited book for free.

To explore this topic in detail

Self-publishing profit margin?

The profit margin for a self-published book can be heartwarming. Self-publishing profit margin ranges from a minimum of 10% of MRP to 40% of MRP of the book.

Check out the royalty calculator to calculate royalty


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