The Almighty’s Grace
Faith Over Fear……
Pinning more Faith in the Lord Jesus over all the darkness,
Imagining to be enveloped by a powerful light seeing which all dark intentions, emotions and evils run away and get dispelled,
The God of Hope, the God of Miracles,
The forgiving father always encouraging to start anew,
Not to fit in but to stand out,
The waymaker creating a way when there is no way,
The God bringing in miracles-small and big,
The God amplifying the strength of resilience and renew faith in the beauty of life generated from ashes.
The God giving the strength to withstand and sustain,
The Healer, the Reviver, the Restorer
Encouraging when weary and lost,
The God helping to overturn the plot of the enemies,
The God helping to bounce back and regain the ground under the feet,
The God generating joy even on the darkest days………….
Envisioning HIm and not an ugly situation often brings divine favour and miracles
Calming the mind…………
The God creating streams in the desert, a way in the wilderness…..
People of all religions across the world seek refuge in Christ…..
Beloved ever present Father, heartfelt gratitude for showering light……………….
Different beliefs may work in different phases of life There are different depictions of Christ. Rituals actually do not matter, what matters is the personal relationship with Him.
She loved a picture where she saw Christ very lovingly with a lot of care and strength carrying a sweet young lady out of the fires surrounding her. She loved to watch the cinema Ben Hur , one of the greatest cinemas in history with what a script , cinematography and brilliant acting! The last part of the film showing healing of mother and sister of Judas Ben Hur and family reunion after so many trials is so heart-touching, so memorable with such a healing effect!