A dream in black - ZorbaBooks

A dream in black

A Dream In Black

A gleam in his eye, a hope in his heart, A child’s simple dream, a work of art. A black luxury car, sleek, dark, and bold, A vision of future, a story untold.

With books as his weapons, mind as his shield, He battles the exams, a fierce field. Each victory won, a step toward his goal, A determined spirit, strong and whole.

Like Batman, he faces the night’s cold embrace, Overcoming challenges, leaving no trace. Through sleepless nights and endless toil, He shapes his destiny, a cherished goal

And then the day dawns, a moment of grace, The black luxury car, a sight to amaze. A testament to hard work, a dream come true, A symbol of success, shining a new car.

By, Naithik R Poojari Udupi GHS volakadu

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Naithik R Poojari