Love Loop - ZorbaBooks

Love Loop

Let’s draw our love loop—

this circle is me,

that circle is you,

orbiting in our own skies,

meeting at a place where

our hearts overlap,

creating something dynamic.

Your love flows into mine,

a quiet stream that softens edges,

while my love pours into yours,

a spark that lights your calm.

We collide, not to break,

but to merge—

thick outside and thin inside,

to stay true with each other,

and stronger together.

similar to an infinity.

Two circles, bound not by ends,

but by the space in between,

we begin and end together,

never lost, only found.

In the endless loop we share,

a love that flows and evolves,

but never stops.

By- Yashmita Kochar

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Yashmita Kochar