Designing Professional Book Covers

You are looking to self-publish a book. Naturally a professionally designed book cover is an important step for your book. The book cover is a gateway to the contents of your book. That is one of the first item a reader will see before he decides to pick the book for further scrutiny.  The book cover design should be in keeping with the current design trends, the colour combinations should be right, the images attractive, also the font sizes and styles to be used.  The images used on the cover should be copyright free. A professional who has been dabbling in book cover designing and has up to date knowledge and skill should be preferred.

With Zorba Books you have varying choices in getting a book cover made.

Attractive book cover design

Our designers at Zorba Books will design a eye-catching book cover designs from millions of stock photos in our database, for you. Two book cover designs will be drafted for you. You can suggest  changes to the cover, e.g., change of font, colour, background, if possible, we will do so. For skill in designing book cover, please check our book store.

Rs. 6,500/book cover

Custom book cover design

If you have a clear idea for a book cover design or you have a specific design in mind, then custom cover design is a good option for you. Our designers will create a custom cover for you. Getting an exact book cover design with stock photos available with us, can be limiting and hence in custom cover we will buy stock photos or create an artistic book cover with illustrations. One or two options will be offered to you to choose from.

Rs. 12,000/- onwards

Designing of the front inner and rear inner of the book cover

Rs 5000/- onwards

Illustration for book interior (simple)

Rs. 600/illustration, to be added to a book to make it attractive, such as introduction of a compass/star/arrow, to the title page etc.

Illustration (Complex)

Rs.1500/illustration black and white. To support the story or the matter contained in the book, e.g.: tree laden with fruits or the working of a heart.


Drawing maps or scenery Rs 3,000

To be able to get the maximum and best for your book cover do read the following article on book cover design.

What is an attractive book cover design?