
Create & Publish an Out-of-the-Box Coffee Table Book

How to Create and Publish a Coffee Table Book?

What is a Coffee Table Book?

When one thinks of a coffee table book, images of an elegant book full of sharp, attractive images and text aesthetically laid out, comes to mind. We think of creating a coffee table book when we have something we would like to showcase. Then come the scary questions, how to design a coffee table book online? Coffee table book size? How to self publish a coffee table book and more? Here we simplify the process and provide you with all the information needed to help you design an attractive coffee table book.

What is a Coffee Table Book? / The connection between book and coffee?

Simply put a coffee table books meaning – a large-sized, hard-covered book for display on a coffee table. It is intended to entertain guests and can serve to inspire conversation or pass the time. Pages consist mainly of photographs/illustrations accompanied by captions and some text, as opposed to long prose.

An appealing and colourful coffee table book(CTB) never fails to attract people sitting around the coffee table. If you are bored and want to pick up a casual read, these are the books to flip through. Since there is a strong connection that coffee table books evoke between book and coffee as explained above hence CTB

What are the different types of coffee table books?

These books express the creator’s interest in art, photography, painting, etc. If you wish to tell your story through pictures, or showcase your photography talent, then creating a coffee table book is the best way to go about it.

How to Create Coffee Table Books?

The aim is to create coffee table books that can be displayed to entertain visitors/guests and help brew exciting conversations. Hence, the USP of designing a coffee table book lies in how attractive and well-made the book is. Unlike a novel or non-fiction, a coffee table book must have the potential to catch the eye in one go. A reluctant reader should automatically feel drawn towards it, and it must keep him/her glued till the last page.

What points should I consider before starting to design a coffee table book?

If you agree with one or more points above, then designing a coffee table book, is the solution for you.

Points to study if you want to create and publish a coffee-table book that shines bright

The theme of your book must hit the right mood. They are meant to suit a light atmosphere and inspire conversation or debate. From photography to a collection of quotes, from witty comic strips to fashion, architecture and culture, a CTB can house nearly everything. The aim lies in presenting it uniquely. You can choose to have an intriguing theme for your book. It could be anything ranging from paintings, wildlife photography, sketches, etc. Pick your favourites from the collection and arrange them in chronological order. After curating the best and the most vibrant pictures, show them to people close to you for a second opinion before finalising them and sending them to a publisher.

Its future lies mainly in the designer’s hands. It needs to be brilliantly laid out with eye-catching features. The focus is also on the cover and the information that briefs you about the book, at one glance. Even the most engaging content fails to be picked up due to clichéd cover designs and not-so-compelling titles. Choose high-resolution digitised graphics for better effect and quality. If you want to publish your paintings, convert them into superior-quality photographs to make them look appealing. Use text that appeals to the readers.

No matter the topic, unique illustrations or awe-inspiring photography are a must. While sitting at a  table with friends or family, it is nearly impossible to dig into serious reading. However, that uniquely laid out picture or one rightly-placed word can shift the entire group’s attention to your book.

The most significant mistake in making a book lies in compromising on the text while only paying attention to the design and illustrations. Yes, a premium design will catch the eye, but maintaining unwavering attention until the last page requires a perfect blend of text and images. There must always be a takeaway for the reader.

Once you have laid out a structure, dive into the little details. A CTB generally aspires to be hardbound and oversized to adequately accommodate the pictures and text. These books do not conform to any fixed size. Decide whether you would like your book to be:

  1. Square
  2. Portrait
  3. Landscape

Then comes deciding the coffee table book size, 10″ x 12″ and 10″ x 14″ are the two most sought-after sizes in this genre.

When we say colour, we mean every inch of the book, from the pages’ base colour to font colour and everything in between. Every little detail must be considered to deliver that one perfect book. The paper quality should be excellent, so the photographs display as close to the original colours as possible.

What are the other points to be kept in mind while writing and publishing a coffee table book?

How much does it cost to publish a coffee table book?

Publishing a well-designed CTB can be expensive. If designing and publishing a coffee table book is on your mind, anything upward of one lakh should be put aside towards the cost to publish a coffee table book. Different publishers or designers will suggest different costs. How much does it cost to publish a book, depends on many factors.

Examples of some of the best coffee table books online are:

A creative graphic designer is a crucial requirement followed by a brutally honest editor for your book. You must seek professional help, no matter how innovative your concept and skills are. A professional eye combs through your draft and provides the finishing touches to make it stand out.

When it comes to making coffee table books, the real deal lies in thinking out of the box! Once you have done that, all you need to do is submit your brainchild to professionals who will shape it, trim it and ensure that the answers to what, where and how are perfectly aligned in your book.

An ideal book that is eye-catching in every aspect and once picked up, is unputdownable until one reaches the last page. It must urge the reader to look at it time and again.

For coffee table book publishers in India, contact Zorba Books.

To know more about other genres, children’s books, biography, memoir, poems, short stories

Zorba Books attempts to get you one step closer to your dream. Our experts know how to hit the right chord at the right time. Let’s learn from their expertise.

Arm yourself with knowledge about copyright for books in India

How to generate book titles for your precious coffee table book to create the right impact



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