![Your Voice #3](https://i0.wp.com/www.zorbabooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Your-Voice-4.png?fit=1024%2C576&ssl=1)
Result declared
We thank you all for your enthusiastic participation in the #Yourvoice 3 contest. For the past few days, we have been flooded with queries regarding the final result. Appreciate your immense patience. Here is the result.
Our heartiest congratulations to all participants and a special congratulations to the 12 finalists! All finalists will be informed through email.
Here we go…
6 Prose Finalist
- Vishaal Pathak
- Priyanka Basu
- Meeta Khanna
- Dr. Amulya
- Vipra Gupta
- Bhavana Sharma
6 Poetry Finalist
- Shahenshah a Faqeer
- Rajni Sardana
- Fakeera the Fakir Badshah Saab
- Archana Singh
- Gita Bharath
- Gargi Mukherjee
Our aim is give writers a chance to reveal your thoughts, offer exposure for your creativity and provide you the buzz of being a part of an anthology.
Hi, This space is for your voice on topics that matter to you. Your chance to take part opens now. The creative writing topic for August is ” I accept your offer…..”
All entries will be visible to the hordes of visitors that will come to #Yourvoice. In addition, all of your write-ups will get read and your voice heard by our esteemed judges.
The 12 chosen voices get a chance to get their stories/write up published in a book (anthology).
What can I write?
- A short story
- Poem
- A general write up/article
- The topic is I accept your offer…..
- Maximum words, 300 minimum words 200.
- Type or paste the creative writing in the comments box below and press Post Comment.
- The last date for submission is 15th September ’20.
- Our expert panel will review your post and will select the best 12 creative writings.
- The selected 12 write-ups will be published as a book (anthology).
- Twelve best entries will be informed through email.
- We aim to have the book ready to be bought before Diwali!
This book will be widely available at all major online stores. You will also have the right to order additional copies for your self at print cost!
What are the criteria for selection?
- Creative writing should not be less than 200 words or more than 300 words
- The creative writing piece should be related to the topic
- The idea/story should be clearly expressed and interesting to read.
- Hindi or English both languages are accepted.
- Unique storylines which also cover points 1-4 will be given preference.
I have been meditating on your words “We have paid for…”.
Indians are rather self-serving in Character. we need to thing of togetherness. Let wealth and inspiration flow to those who need it more. Appreciate that we ARE because of them.
It is not we who decide if the karmic debt is paid or not. Our view unfortunately is not large and wide enough. The chances are that humanity pays back one dime and then in-debts itself by another 10.
Life on earth is for now self perpetuating. The same elements are repeating themselves in myriad combinations and permutations. The ogres then are the ogres now. The human perception about these behind the scenes has not changed so neither are the actions changing.
The layout of the scene changes a little but it is the same “play.”
Like Think about the Merchant of Venice in setting 400 years ago and the same play set in New York in year 2020.
ठोकर मारकर चल देते है
हम तब हर रिश्ते को
उसके आंसुओ को देखते भी नहीं
जब मन मे गुरुर भरा होता है
जर्रे जर्रे में वो मुझको दिखता है
इंसान का ईमान आज बिकता है
गलत सही कोई नहीं होता
वक्त उसे बना देता है
The Man in Camouflage
I do not know his name but I know who he is.
I do not know his job but I know what he does.
I have never met him but I know he is a friend.
Each time I see him, I salute him for his spirit, that’s the least I can do. He is “The Man in Camouflage.”
Love is like a gold .
In word it can’t be told.
Love means to care and hold .
Love always need to be bold.
Love doesn’t means to fear and scold.
दुश्मनी जम कर करो लेकिन ये गुंजाइश रहे
जब कभी हम दोस्त हो जाएँ तो शर्मिंदा न हों
Their last good byes
Their last smiling faces
They have bid adieu forever
Their bodies are charred
And laden with bullets
The heroes are silent
Now they lay in the coffins
Wrapped in the Tricolour 🇮🇳
This too shall pass
Because of us nature has suffered amass,
But after this when you will go out
Remember this suffering in your mind throughout,
Don’t try to destroy property of nature
Because now you know consiquences will be major,
Humans have done enough nature exploitation
It’s turn for nature’s devastation.,
Sit at home because nature is healing
Who’s the boss of world , everyone is feeling .
मै ख़ुद को इतना तुम ना बना लूं,
पूछे कोई मुझसे वजूद मेरा मै नाम तुम्हारा ना बता दूं ,
कोई तो आइना छोड़ घर में दिल के मेरे
कहीं ऐसा ना हो तेरी तस्वीर को ही में अपनी पहचान बना लूं ।
Whenever there is any issues on national front everyone become patriotic .Everyone, everywhere seems to be so much concerned about the nation but its all fake ,only show off, we all should learn patriotism from our soldiers and from their families who made so much sacrifices for our nation.Patriotism runs into their blood. If we really feel patriotic towards our nation we have to be like a soldier,
he safeguard it at borders we can safeguard it from inside,patriotism should run into our blood whatsoever is a circumstances of our nation.
Be Really Patriotic
Far away from trends and fashion,
They dressup themselves for the sake of nation.
Field cap on their head holds more charm than a king’s crown,
Their each drop of blood is devoted to mother land’s earthy brown.
‘Real heroes’ born with feeling of sacrifice,
No treasure of world could compensate a soldier’s lost life.🇮🇳
Due to some technical difficulties with my e mail address am reposting the same content. Apologiesing for the inconvenience you faced.
अपने माथे पर विजय तिलक लगा कर गया था,
अपने पिता का शीश गर्व से उठा कर गया था,
अपने देश की मिट्टी का कर्ज चुकाने गया था,
अपनी मातृभूमि के दुश्मन को मार गिराने गया था,
वह देश का बेटा……
अपने सैनिक होने का फ़र्ज़ निभाने गया था ।❤️
Patriotism shines in my heart,
My country’s respect,I zealously guard.
A great day is near,
A salute to all those who died for India without fear.
Hats of to each soldier,
Who stands ready to die, shoulder to shoulder.
A country known by a respectful name,
I do my best to preserve its fame.
So, today I solemnly swear,
To respect my country without fear.
Umra Atir Khan
Age-10 years class 5
Loreto Convent ,lucknow
Amidst the large looming discontents and discomforts of life today I turn to Simple Pleasures, however minuscule, to bring joy abounding in everyday experiences as I have found along life’s journey . Lessons in each I have gained immensely from and which drive me forward in choices I make. To appreciate them I have learned and would so like to share – now, more than ever.
General public bragger devotion,
Soldiers, fleets and their kinfolk, are the existent conqueror souls……
Ask a mother, whose son is at the border,
A child whose father, struggling in a war harder,
A widow of a martyr, who survives alone!
A lifelong…..
They salute the flag, I salute them…….
Hope is an aspiration that keeps all living beings alive;
Hope smells like hot chocolate in cold weather, sounds like recess bell in boring class;
Hope tastes like candy in war-town country, looks like cottony clouds after scorching day;
Hope feels like mother’s tender touch on head even after failure!
Wandering high and low, all over my qwerty keyboard,
My fingers finally come to rest, at the haven of the home row!
Whichsoever country I visit, along the length and breadth of the globe,
What renders my mind restless, forever yearning to be in my own?
I accept your offer
I will come tonight
Not because I want to
But because I have no other option
The pandemic has cost me my job
I have five mouths to feed
All dependant on me
I know your eyes followed me
I have seen the lust in your eyes
You have wanted me long ago
I never succumbed to your desires
My pride, self dignity prevented me
Now everything is over
It’s me or my elder daughter
I accept your offer.
Title-You the world
You told me to run a while
Under the twilight
Stay aside from every day hustle
And enjoy the starry night
To hold your palm
And walk along
A wrong route
To feel self strong
And drench in a drizzle
And solve the puzzle
That frighten me to fight
And hold me tight
In the darkness of failure
You advised me to raise my voice
Against all nuisance that happen
And use my own voice as a weapon
To fight against all misdeeds
That misleads us
To a pathetic path
And called me low
To play with snow
That was a dream to me
From childhood
I fell in love with thee
And accept your offer
As a wiser one
The whole world ,to me, is you
Who pioneer
To see the life in a brighter view.
लड़की हूं, खता है।
तो यह बात हर बार उठी है
शायद यह एक प्रथा है
लड़कियों के मन में है सवाल
लड़कि होना क्या खता है?
तुम बचपन से लॉर्ड बड़े लड़ाते हो
थोड़े बड़े होते ही दूसरे घर जाना है
यह हर पल याद दिलाते हो।
बात हंसी मजाक से शुरू कर कब पक्की बन जाती है
मेरी हां हो या ना हो तुम्हारी बात स्वीकार करना मेरी मर्जी बन जाती है।
धीरे बोल,उल्टा जवाब मत दे।
काम में हाथ बटा, हर बात पर ज्ञान मत दे।
ठीक से बैठ, सीधा चल, वजन घटा
मन को कह इतना मत मचल।
किसी से दिल मत लगा लेना,
खानदान का नाम मत डुबो देना
इतने नखरे मत कर जो बना है वह खा
क्यों पढ़ाई लिखना है
कौन सी नौकरी करना है?
तू लड़की है,तुझे दूसरे के हिसाब से चलना है।
मां बाप ने तो सुन लिया, ससुराल वाले नहीं सुनेंगे।
यह थोड़ी सी बंदिश जाल लगती है ना?
देखना ससुराल में कैसा जाल बुनेंगे
देखना कैसे सताएंगे,कितना काम करवाएंगे
तुम्हें हकीकत से वह वाकिफ करवाएंगे।
पति जो बोलेगा तुम्हें सभ मानना होगा
खुद को तुझे उसके रंग में डालना होगा।
तेरी क्या मर्जी?
तेरी मर्जी हो ना खता है।
क्या करें तू लड़की है ना
शायद यह तेरी खता है।
किसी ने पूछा नहीं बस बचपन से बता दिया,
जाना है दूसरे के घर यह सोच हक अपने घर से उठवा दिया।
पता है संसार ने रीत बनाई है, मुझे उसे निभाना है।
कौन सा ज्यादा मांग रही हूं जीने दो ना अभी पता है कुछ साल में चले जाना है।
तुम हर पल रुलाते हो
नया घर मेरे कमरे के बिना लोगे यह कह
मुझे मेहमानों सा महसूस कराते हो
कहते हो क्या तकलीफ है तुम्हें?सब तो दिया है!
बाबुल जरा ठहरो और देखो
जो दर्द का घूंट यह सुन हर लड़की ने पिया है।
माना तुम यह सभ संसार से सुनते आए हो
तो मुझे भी यह दर्द दोगे?
क्या यह कोई प्रथा है?
लड़की हूं सब सहना होगा
क्या मुझे हक नहीं चुनने का
क्या लड़की होना इतनी बड़ी खता है।
By Mousumi Biswas ( Delhi)
Looking like Old Mother Hubbard,
I stared at the pile of clothes in my grey steel cupboard..
The cupboard wasn’t bare
The clothes had many woes to share
Stacked precariously doing the balancing act,
Pulling out one , leaving the other, would need a lot of tact.
The green silk dress followed the white net , like an inseperable twin
Falling on the ground with a thud, making my head spin
“You’ve forgotten me ,” lamented the purple tanchoi gown
“Oh yes,” I apologised with a frown
“Its suffocating here,” the blue khadi shirt protested
” We need to breath fresh air , ” the maroon stole assented .
The sarees in the hanger wished to see the sun
The jewellery box on the top shelf seemed to be enjoying all the fun .
The blouses and jeans at my ever increasing girth bantered ,
” Are they right? , ” I always wondered
My clothes are waiting for a long drive with me
A trip to the mountains , river or sea
How I wish I could accept your offer
But this virus seems to be in a mood to play spoil sport
And now in lockdown and retired
In tracks and pyjamas I am attired
Copyright Mousumi Biswas
शीर्षक- भगवान है तूं कहां।
हर रोज सुबह जब उठता,
मंदिर की घंटीयों से रूबरू होता,
ऐसा मधूर संगीत,
शायद जन्नत में ही होता नसीब,
तभी शायद भगवान हर वक़्त,
खूशी में झुमता लगता,
जब भी उसका कोई चित्र देखो,
तो ऐसा कोई पृथ्वी पे प्रतीत नहीं होता,
ऐसा मालूम होता जैसे,
जन्नत में कभी कुछ ग़लत नहीं होता।
इंसान तो इसकी कल्पना भी नहीं कर सकता,
शास्त्रों के अनुसार,
मृत्यु के बाद,
इंसान इस दुनिया में जाता,
उसका लेखा जोखा पढ़ा जाता,
जिसने अच्छे काम किए,
वो कम कष्ट पाता,
और जो बूरे काम करता,
वो घनघोर कष्ट वहां पे पाता,
ऐसा विधान हमें छूटपन से पढ़ाया जाता।
लेकिन ये इंसानों के साथ,
ऐसा अन्याय क्यों किया जाता,
हमारे लिए भी अपने जैसा दुनिया क्यों नहीं बनाता,
पृथ्वी पे भी तो बहुत से इंसान,
मेरे अनुसार हैं भगवान,
बहुत समझदार दयावान,
करते जी भर के पुरूषार्थ,
सबकुछ अपना लगा देते दांव,
फिर भी भगवान जैसा सुख से बंचित रहते।
भगवान! कई बार तेरा शासन,
समझ नहीं आता,
तुम भी कहते कुछ,
और करते उससे उल्ट,
यहां तो यही फंडा चलता,
जितना करोगे हेराफेरी,
उतनी तरक्की होगी,
शायद तूं भी इंसान के आगे असफल हो रहा,
तेरा भी कानून कोई नहीं मान रहा।
भगवान! अब तूं भी संभल जा,
अगर ऐसा ही चलता रहा,
तो पृथ्वी नहीं रहेगी,
रहने लायक,
इंसान इंसान को खत्म कर देगा,
सबकुछ नष्ट हो जाएगा,
तो फिर तुझे कौन पूछेगा,
बलां तूं किस पे शासन करेगा।
Raju was in Shimla.He was a healthy boy.He was new to the place.School was closed and was to reopen next month.His parents had been transferred to Shimla.They were bankers.
Raju had lots of time to enjoy and explore the area around his home.Mountains were standing tall to the North and a forest was staying still in the south.The atmosphere was calm.The Pine tree loomed large.Raji had found a look in a small clearing near the beginning of the forest.It was exquisite.
There were many pools in the forest but not quite good as this one which held Crystal clear water.Not a leaf shifted without taking permission from nature.It was a Pool.Raju was the master of this pool.Shadows lengthened across the lake.The air was refreshing.The water fell from a cluster of rocks jagged and with sharp edges forming a simple waterfall.
One day Raju met a boy there.The boy was almost fourteen.He invited Raju inside the pool.His legs were short.
“I accept your offer….”
The boy tried to jump in the pool as Raju approached.He was limp unlike Raju.The boy was fair and handsome.
They finished bathing.
You must come here often”.
They soon became good friends.
During the monsoon however the lake gushed in torrents of water.The water was deep enough even for a man.
You must be clever enough to get to the bank”.
“Otherwise you are Dead Meat.” *
The boy was Raju’s brother kartha.
The story dates back to the happy winter holidays when Raj u had first come to Shimla.
kartha was dead.
Title of the poem is:
Time as this
The window with a shield
A deserted voiceless field
Captive sound of hollow
Breathing in a hush
Gloom harks in the shallow
Eyes passing by…scared, in a rush
But we may pop up a smile
Which may help us fight
Put a pause, for once don’t thrive
Discover what left us
In the labyrinth of life.
Extol the heroes fighting hard
Sleepless nights and brakeless hours
Its foolish to bother
As we are alone together.
Aap words ki limitetion dete ho jaise 200 se
300 ki di hai
Last time( tum kaha ja rahe ho )ko 50 words
Ki di thi aur select above 50 words wallo ko
Kiya tha aisa kyun JUDGE LOGO KO RULE
Sir, this time around we will be much more careful about the word limit
में एक स्त्री
देखा है मेने बचपन से असमानता को
जब मे पैदा हुई , तो कहा ये पुरुष नहीं
और जब में बड़ी हुई तो कहा ये किसी काम की नहीं
में एक स्त्री दोष क्या मेरा पता नहीं
या स्त्री होना हे दोष मेरा
मेरे माता पिता करते है मुझे प्यार
मगर डरते है वो भी मेरे स्त्री होने से
क्या यही है स्त्री होने का स्वाभिमान ?
क्या स्त्री का सम्मान नहीं ?
में एक स्त्री
मेरी कोख से जन्म लेता एक मर्द
सिखाया उसको सम्मान करना स्त्री का
क्यों वो भूल जाता है सम्मान को
जब देखता वो किसी और स्त्री को
क्या नहीं याद रहती उसे वो स्त्री
जिसकी कोख से उसका जन्म हुआ
क्या मां उसकी एक स्त्री नहीं?
में एक स्त्री
यहां इस समाज में सांस लेना दूभर है
कदम कदम पर स्त्रियों पर अत्याचार है
कभी बलात्कार तो कभी घरेलू हिंसा
कभी शोषण तो कभी असमानता
क्या इसलिए स्त्री का जन्म हुआ?
क्या आपकी मां स्त्री नहीं?
क्या आपकी बहन स्त्री नहीं?
क्या आपकी बेटी स्त्री नहीं?
ज़रा सोचे केसा है स्त्री होना
इस समाज में केसा है स्त्री होना
में एक स्त्री
नहीं चाहिए मुझे कुछ
मगर सम्मान
मेरे स्त्री होने का अधिकार
में एक स्त्री
यही है एक स्त्री की गुहार
I heard a little sniffle coming from the living room, almost like there was small kitten squealing for its mother. To my surprise, I find my wife on the sofa, with tears flowing down her rosy cheeks. Perturbed, I slumped next to her, and turned her face toward me. I lay my hand on her lovely pregnant belly, and leant over for a kiss. Pregnancy adds a glow on every woman’s face, and this just made my wife look more beautiful than ever. “Why are you crying baby?” I enquired as I held her tightly in embrace. She controlled her tears, which took a while, and she garnered the courage to speak up. “I can’t see my feet!” she said innocently. I let out a hearty laugh, and this made my wife more angry and upset than she already was. “You also think I’m fat!” she bellowed! I later realised she struggled to wear her favourite pair of slippers, and that upset her terribly. I sat in front of her, and put her feet on my lap. “How about I massage your beautiful feet while you pick a new pair of slippers online?” I announced. Suddenly, this sobbing face was replaced with a childlike amusement. “I accept your offer!” she says. Suddenly, she forgot what bothered her, and ran through hundred of slippers. We sat together and bought the pair she selected, and she hugged me intensely. Suddenly at that point, I felt our baby kick, a joyous moment indeed!
Somewhere in the mid 1960s, in the beautiful city of Bonshire, It was a beautiful windy day, soft breeze flowing all around.
Everyone was busy doing their daily chores when a young pretty lady, with shiny golden-brown hair stopped by at a weavers shop.
She belonged to a foreign land and had come to Bonshire to buy the best gown for her grand ceremony. The weaver of Bonshire was the best in the city and people from world wide would come to him for special handmade gowns, whuch were weaved with extra care and love.
DAVE, the weaver, was a tall and handsome guy and fell in love with VIENNA, the pretty lady from the foreign land.
Dave was extremely shattered when he resided he would never be able to express his soul to Vienna. She was now ready to leave for her homeland in MONTANA. She had selected her gown and was offered to come back a month later to collect her piece.
Dave was heart broken, but decided to pour his heart out to Vienna. So, he wrote her a letter, which he would give her the next time she will visit Bonshire.
*A month passed, and Vienna came back*
Dave gave her the elegant wedding gown she had asked for along with the letter that he had written and kept safely with him, for her. He asked Vienna, if he could offer her his friendship and allow him to be at her wedding. Vienna was exceptionally touched and overwhelmed by his feelings and said- “I ACCEPT YOUR OFFER…”
Ridhima Jindal
This Christmas the land of warriors will be conquered by the loyal devils and waiting for their legendaries to win the war of divine for the peaceful state. The faith has taken them from the school toy train to the land of chronicles. This will be more fascinating when before Christmas Eve the uncle Santa arrives with his red flying wheel ship and discover them standing in the front. Ho ho ho! Welcome to the new chronicles of Snow lands. I have something to offer you the blessing of the upcoming new beginning of the year. Presented all the magical weapons to save the land of wilds. See the conical iceberg and the house of the white witch. She cursed this land of being the ice land from the world of a green planet. It’s been a decade since these wild creatures are not able to see the planet with the sky of the rainbow. This land called you to whistle the horn of the war of ice with the white witch. The lion king will end the snow lands war by bending the witch with the pride of honor. The prince and princess are the reason to shower the droplets of water in the cursed plant of Snow lands. Giving green life to the planet of the divine can be the beginning of the new year 2021. Wonder with the upcoming beautiful life on the Earth, Prince, and Princess celebrating this festive season as the warriors of an offer accepted towards the faith to diverse beautiful colors on the land. This journey of warriors shows the uncle Santa how legends can be the reason for the new beginning of the land of snow. They are honored to receive the crown of being the winners of the kingdom when they fight for the land to be showered by the droplets of happiness.
Everybody has the right to live.And it is no it right in our part to spoil a life.Our own and others.LivIng life to the fullest must be the motto of our lives.Everything else is in the hands of God.Life revolves around karmic knots.Nobody is deemed unworthy of living.
One needs to add the element of humour to their lives.Laughter is the best medicine.We need to be strong.Don’t fear to criticize others.Criticism is a part and parcel of our lives.It is not ugly or evil to gain such inspiration natural to the world.
Life is made of elements and minerals.Three of the most prominent are chance,choice and character.It is the power of modern life to live through this.
There is no solution to all of this in a way.To live deep into the past.We learn to succumb to memories.There is a shared laziness in optimism and pessimism.Here faith and motivation works things out.We need to stretch ourselves and enjoy.To feel pride in our being.And Our Willpower comes out clean.The struggle between the heart and the brain makes life complicated.The air of democracy requires scrutiny.To live an independent life full of freedom.To feel responsible and good.Try once until blessed with divinity.And the rest is hearsay.Success and failures are the two faces of the same coin.This means that life must go on.
We live in the world of technology.And it is possible to plan our progress where every impulse of action is generated by knowledge.We have to strive for humanity.To live with integrity and courage is human.And all of this is valid.
There are a small number of people doing their thing.Taking action gives meaning to life.Make your dreams a reality for all have the power of dreams.Following a time table makes life easier.Fly after gaining new wings.Run,Walk or crawl.Just be there.,First or last.People have a moral obligation to the universe.Our whole act of living is about responding to the future.To give meaning to life we must give meaning to the moment.Without death there is no universe.Death and life together are a game of passion.And hence love is natural.
Our time is restricted and possibilities are endless.We need to be responsible to our existence.
Only poetries /stories/articles to be sent shall be excepted or skits are also to be meant for anthology?I want to know the details of that.
Whether there’s need of any fees that is also to know . Best regards
No fees for winners. Skits can also be submitted
He is happy. He knows that no one will disturb him tonight during this hour, the hour just before the midnight of his birthday. He looked at hiswatch and decided to sleep. And guess what? His cell phone rang, it was an unexpected call. It was from someone whom he could never forget even after years. Another unexpected thing happened that moment when she asked him to look down from his balcony as she was standing right there with cake made by her. Chills ran down his spine . He din’t knew how to react. In midst of greenery lush garden she plucked a rose, knelt down and proposes him. He was on seventh heaven. And this way a simple guy got the best birthday surprise. He started celebrating his birthday again, broke his vows which he took when she left him long back on his birthday…
Oh, Corona you come to our lives to see the new world.
You want to fight with us to live the world, what we are living now.
You bring the thoughts to build a wall between us.
Where we are enemy, thy light can burn us by standing apart from.
Love the way you enter our lives.
Giving the strength to stand against thy rays and be a stronger one than before.
In our world, we distanced from our loved ones.
Trying to pass on the coming days with the feeling of live more hours of life.
You let us wear a colorful mask and gloves.
You let us lock the keys and stay inside.
Waking up every morning and thinking when the moon comes near to our window.
From morning breakfast to the night dinner schedule are the foundation to survive more.
Recitation, painting, tech theories, reading articles gives the reason to breathe.
You’re the nature of pandemic, let us work together and live the life of heaven in the coming days.
Accepted your offer to live in this divine Earth and want to see the changes appear in the Geography lost in the scientific world.
Traveling across the different states and showing the counts affected in all.
Your face can be a relief as an attendee with the upcoming testing sessions of the vaccine as a protective shield.
Title of the poem is:
Night’s poet
I can live the long dark night forever
I want it to be longer and denser
when the grandeur of silence,
calm and sweet,
makes me inhale a free zeal in the breeze…
May the days are fond of my callous treads
around the corners of the house
Staging an exuberant dance
on the tunes of the terms of life
But I…, I have tunes lingered inside
my tunes, my terms, those are wild and lively
Laddened with the essence
of rain and damp soil, autumn leaves
and winter snow…all ready to set free
when the darkness sweeps over the eyelids of the perching midnight Sun.
(I accept your offer…..)
I squatted as I reach my field, my head leaning on my palms. Like the other villagers, it was a poor harvest for me as well. All the hard work of toiling tirelessly in the sun and rain was in vain. Now how will I suffice my family’s needs, the education for my children and what not to think about.
The village irrigation system was damaged and it has not been repaired. Now the consequence has to be suffered by the entire village as there was no hope for an alternate income apart from agricultural produce.
As I sat still pondering what to do, I was cursing the legislator from our constituency, as it was him, who have ignored and failed to reach out our villager’s plea to repair the damaged irrigation channel to the concern department.
It was a sleepless night and I believe it would have been the same for most of the villagers. I was pondering, Why it has to be this way? Why the concern department didn’t take timely action? What happened to all those funds?
Then a realization came down upon me. A realization that it was I the whole time. It all started when I accepted the offer of selling my right to vote!!!
To experience life in this birth to the fullest.
From being an infant till the day I die,
I will abide by the rule of Nature.
To bow down to the Universe,
from whom we all got this chance of life.
Form being someone stubborn to someone who understands.
From being someone in receiving end to someone who gives.
From being shy to express feelings to someone who shares.
From being jealous to being joyful in happiness of fellow humans.
I will abide by the rule of Nature.
To simply sit and enjoy when the bamboo leaf dances.
To listen to sparrows hoping in the yard.
To care for the homeless cat who comes everyday for a meal.
To take out time to count the number of nests amongst the branches.
I will abide by the rule of Nature.
Encourage fellow humans to follows their dreams.
Inspire young people in having faith.
Initiate plans like planting seeds for a better tomorrow.
Participate in sharing the service of mankind.
I will abide by the rule of Nature.
I will not hesitate to ask for help when I need one.
I will donate for society whenever and wherever I can.
I will care for myself along with my people and strangers.
I will brave my fears.
I will work hard.
I will abide by the rule of Nature.
And, silently when my time comes.
To bow down to the Universe,
from whom we all got this chance of life.
— Soraisam Anuka
I accept your offer…
I accept your offer…
Not because you started hating me
But because I started loving you more
Even if accepting it will lead to my destruction.
One last time!
And you will say adieu to your lost love
And I will water it once again
In hope of redeeming it to life.
But in vain, but to avail no fruition.
Feckless thoughts, incarcerated dreams and
Vanishing hopes of tomorrows.
Past was it.
Why didn’t it witness our present?
Only I was there, in search of you
Amidst drops of crimson anguish
Falling on the sand castle of ours.
I accepted your offer once.
And dedicated my life for it.
I don’t know when the red rose
Gave way to sweet briar
And to bitter one.
Curly hair aroused your amusement no more.
Caressing touch of mine was turned down to rest.
Discussions tasted demise.
Only shouting prevailed.
Yet, why my tears reflect the sweet old him still?
Why I yearn for his presence to continue for ever?
Why I struggle to regain my consciousness only to see him?
Why I want a rebirth from the sustained death only to love him?
Alas! My soul lurks in the darkness of valley of my dreams.
Yes, I accept your offer…
Title of the Poem : I accept Your offer
The offer that I accept is all that I have
The life that I have is all that You offer.
Your offer is all and all is Your offer
And simply I accept Your offer.
Oh the Omnipotent! I don’t have a soul
because I am the soul in a body
Which is all Your offer
And simply I accept Your offer.
I have a satisfied day, I may have
a marvelous morrow and ofcourse
I had a good yesterday, all is Your offer
And simply I accept Your offer.
Happiness I may have, celebrations I may have
Worries I may have, pain also I may have
All are Your discounts to the offer
And simply I accept Your offer.
Oh Almighty! I shall have many journeys
I shall have different paths and difficult roads
I reach the correct destination, which is Your offer
And simply I accept Your offer.
Oh God! You offer me a life
You offer me love
You offer me everything to live
And simply I accept the offer.
Though I have nothing to offer you
I am ready to surrender my soul
Leaving the house where the soul rents
On the wake of Your call.
Title: You offered and I accept your offer…
You offered me this beautiful orb,
And shrewdly I accept your offer;
You thought I would be loyal to you,
But I’m no more the one you knew.
How ignorant I am to ignore beauty;
I ignore the orb of mystical elements,
I ignore reluctantly what matters and,
It stays stronger even after my batters.
You said, all happens for a reason
And I kept finding for the reasons.
Though you were so nigh to law,
But I was known for how to coax.
Unsatisfied with what I have;
I crave to reign my closest planetoids,
I crave to destroy my own land,
Oh! I crave to cease all my offers.
I know very well you and your wisdom,
You won’t take back what you gave.
But look what you have done to me
That now I doubt on your presence.
You wanted only unity of humanity
But I was the one to transmogrify;
From humanity to human vanity.
Slight change and no one doubted.
You just offered and I accepted your offer;
For whatever happens I’m responsible
But I blame you_ for I chose you
As my blindfolded victim…
(The poem is written with a deep irony and sarcasm. It depicts the way we humans are taking our planet for granted knowing and unknowingly. “l” depicts humans; “you” depicts the common creator; “orb” and “it” depicts earth, the offer; “closest planetoids” is a metaphor for every planets of all size.)
Title: I accept your offer…
You offered me this beautiful orb,
And shrewdly I accept your offer;
You thought I would be loyal to you,
But I’m no more the one you knew.
How ignorant I am to ignore beauty;
I ignore the orb of mystical elements,
I ignore reluctantly what matters and,
It stays stronger even after my batters.
You said, all happens for a reason
And I kept finding for the reasons.
Though you were so nigh to law,
But I was known for how to coax.
Unsatisfied with what I have;
I crave to reign my closest planetoids,
I crave to destroy my own land,
Oh! I crave to cease all my offers.
I know very well you and your wisdom,
You won’t take back what you gave.
But look what you have done to me
That now I doubt on your presence.
You just offered and I accepted
For whatever happens I’m responsible
But I blame you_ for I chose you
As my blindfolded victim…
In look
You got on my nerve,
I know that you don’t deserve…
The way I tend to mend,
I just wanted to get rid of them.
Some say they can feel it,
But those words reach nowhere.
So always try to heal over feel…
Now, I can see the light approaching me,
That I was searching for so long,
I found myself on this trodden path full of negative and positive vibes…
But you only tend me to see the negative side,
I worked a lot, to change my mind,
And suddenly this wind is so kind,
Which offers to take me closer to the ultimate bind!!!
So, I have accepted this ride as I wanted to see the best insight…
I know this journey is inevitable and I am the only warrior,
I tried to gear up my courage with those Powerful words ” go with the flow ”!!!
Now you ponder me on why I don’t try to ” glow with the flaw???
And finally, I reach there,
A new place of love and desire,
I wonder how we can fight with anything…
Even with our negative mind all alone…
In the end, it’s our own default mind,
That makes us feel like we are not alive…
So it’s time to strive for the beautiful vibes,
That can again make you feel eternally alive…
Thank you
The imp’s offer
Upon the high mountain
Sat the devil with the imp.
They mused over the mortal souls
Caught up in their dreams.
“Shall we have a little fun?”
The devil asked the imp.
He remained unusually quiet,
Silent as a graveyard.
The mischief lost in his eyes,
Strange grief in its place.
“I have no form, no body,
No life of my own.” He sighed.
“I am but your slave,
And you, my great master.
You conjure up schemes
That I dutifully execute.
I watch the jealous brother
Strike hard another.
The deceitful mistress,
With lust, embrace another.
Oh! I’m tired of watching
shenanigans of those unruly children.
I want to have agendas
Of my own crooked mind.
One little mischief
That I can truly call mine.
What do you say my lord?
What if I make an offer?”
The devil smiled, wicked and vile.
“Go on, you pathetic prankster.
What is on your evil mind?”
“ I shall turn them all.
All men and women,
Into one another.
Let them wake up in new bodies
With minds still bound to their former gender.
Wouldn’t it be fun master?
To watch them run helter skelter?
Would the jealous sister,
Still strike another?
Would the bust-less mister
Be deceitful as ever?
Oh! What would those unruly children do?
Stuck in unlike bodies now.
This is my offer, master.
I offer pain and pleasure.”
“Oh! Aren’t you a wild little demon?
I accept your offer.”
Title of the Poem: Offer
I accept your offer to be alive.
But will the inhuman instinct everywhere allow me?
The gaze full of contempt threatens my existance.
The abandonment twists and turns my body.
The inhuman treatment rifts my soul apart.
I wonder!
Will I be able to survive these dreadful reactions?
I accept your offer to be alive.
But this name tag”COVID PATIENT” looms over me like deadly Death.
It’s cunning smile pierce through my entity.
It’s greedy eyes chock me.
It’s breathe leaves me breathless.
I wonder!
Will this tiny soul in me bears the burden of life?
I accept your accept to be alive or…
Title of the Poem: Offer
I accept your offer to be alive.
But will the inhumane instinct everywhere allow me?
The gaze full of contempt threatens my existance.
The abandonment twists and turns my body.
The inhumane treatment rifts my soul apart.
I wonder!
Will I be able to survive these dreadful reactions?
I accept your offer to be alive.
But this name tag”COVID PATIENT” looms over me like deadly Death.
It’s cunning smile pierces through my entity.
It’s greedy sockets chock me.
It’s filthy breathe leaves me breathless.
I wonder!
Will this tiny soul in me bears the burden of LIFE?
I accept your offer to be alive or…
Title: you offered and I accepted your offer…
You offered me this beautiful orb,
And shrewdly I accept your offer;
You thought I would be loyal to you,
But I’m no more the one you knew.
How ignorant I am to ignore beauty;
I ignore the orb of mystical elements,
I ignore reluctantly what matters and,
It stays stronger even after my batters.
You said, all happens for a reason
And I kept finding for the reasons.
Though you were so nigh to law,
But I was known for how to coax.
Unsatisfied with what I have;
I crave to reign my closest planetoids,
I crave to destroy my own land,
Oh! I crave to cease all my offers.
I know very well you and your wisdom,
You won’t take back what you gave.
But look what you have done to me
That now I doubt on your presence.
You just offered and I accepted
For whatever happens I’m responsible
But I blame you_ for I chose you
As my blindfolded victim…
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FLAW vs flaw
Once flaws were playing truth and dare and as per rules one whose turn comes need to choose either truth or dare..so here now turn comes to little flaw, out of blue, he chooses dare and for the same he was offered to ask any question to his father flaw . This was the big task for him, still he accepted to go ahead with courage… Then to complete his dare, he went straight to his father room and asked father flaw, “Dad! Can i ask u something?”
Father flaw replied, “Yes dear, go ahead.” Nervous little flaw with fear in his confused eyes asked, “Why do people find me so easily? I’m so small and I can hide anywhere but at the same time that’s not the case with you. You are so big that you’re visible with naked eyes still they hardly talks about you. They ponder about me and try to kill me but you’re always safe.” After hearing this his dad gave him a sarcastic smile and said, “Small flaws are so common that people can openly mock or talk about them as they relate with every single person next to them but for a big one like me they need much courage to express me in them to compare. They need my level of personality to invade my existence. You can find me everywhere, i am the one who is behind their real identity and comes out when they see someone with flaws within my domain”.
We all have flaws within our self some small and some big.. And we realized them when ever we met people with flaws that matches with us. So we must accept each others flaws and try to rectify them to bring out the best in our life..
I have a suggestion if you please.
Can you have two sections? One section shall have all the writings of various subjects and the other section to have the writingS related to the monthly topic given by you.
This will ease the job of the judges.
I go out for half an hour and return disappointed, depressed and quite devastated.
My mind goes back to the story Pygmalion by Bernard Shaw and the movie My Fair Lady.
At one extreme was the professor Higgins and the other end was Elisa’s father Doolittle.
Today everyone seem to be somewhere in the middle of the two, tilting more so towards the “take me to the church on time” kind.
Rules & regulations, ordered living, carefulness, consideration, need to better oneself, outclass others, improve one’s persona…….. all seem to be drowned by the equalisation that goods have brought.
You wear the same Ts, Shoes, Jeans and drive the same vehicle. How are we different or any less he asks?
NON conforming is the IN thing. So I shock them with my total disregard to be IN.
That takes them by surprise and frightens them. This is something they dont understand and do not know how to confront as when I speak my language, it is obviously not theirs and they see no fear in my eyes – elements that they have usually seen in people with authority and power to harm them.
What our Egos want is “Prestige”. The Empires gave TITLES which people adored.
Money was not so much the thing and in agricultural economies there was a limit to how much money could be made.
But Henry Ford gave the idea of mass production automated lines. A car for everyone. A TV , refrigerator and washing machine, a house, clean piped water that even the kings of yore had not known. And the race started. Money in figures became the prestige point.
All connection with Mother Earth was lost. All values were dumped by the roadside in quest for more.
If the world has to survive, we humans will have to curtail our selfishness and not corner all the resources.
Prestige should be measured by the goodness and what we can do for this Creation. Things can change only when the able ones take the lesser able ones “WITH” them. When merit counts and rewards are based on merits.
Your famine notion
Yes, I am a woman, people have notioned that I am a marketer, I believe I am me, but I am the instrument of people’s lust…but if you want me to take it as a challenge… i accpet you offer😡👍…
Damned every time, I am a woman, I am a woman, my body looks beautiful, I like it, I am for me, your thinking about me is famine.
The world is composed up of women, then why is it a poor woman, are we just a means of lust, use, giving birth, your thinking about me is famine? If you want me to protest.. i accept your offer…👍..
Woman is a goddess, this world is composed by a woman, woman goes to admonition, she is weak by physic, bounded to obey male’s rules…but if you want me to break this phenomena i accept your offer…
Where we were born, we find our home, it is revealed that we have someone else’s, it is a strange irony, the marriage, now it is your house, now we find our house here, find our own…..
To the end, we just struggle, we women seek to find our loved ones, we women, why do women go to the curse, your thinking is famine towards me….and i accept your offer to change this world…
Man is born to a woman, he who created the world, curses the person? Teaches her? When a woman can settle in this world, then the woman herself thinks that she is right and wrong… but if you want me to be adventurous… i accpet your offer.
By sonal mishra.
कविता- मुझे तुम्हारा प्रस्ताव स्वीकार है
मुझे तुम्हारा प्रस्ताव स्वीकार है,
फिर भी तुम्हें न जाने क्यूं
अपनी मोहब्बत से इंकार है।
न चाहते हुए भी स्वदेश से हुई दूर ।
जिंदगी दी थी जिन्होंने,
उन्हें ही छोड़ने को हुई मजबूर।
मुझे तुम्हारा हर प्रस्ताव स्वीकार है।
जिस आत्मनिर्भरता को देख हुए थे अभिभूत
नृत्य कला को छोड़ने को हो गई तैयार।
दफ़न कर दिया अपनी आकांक्षाओं को,
चल दी साथ तुम्हारे, अपने दिल को थाम।
तुम्हारे स्वप्नों में भरने लगी रंग,
खुद के परों को समेटे हुए, हुई तुम्हारे संग।
अब बहुत निभा ली कसमें वादे,
बेटी को जन्म देकर उसकी बनूंगी आभारी।
माना चाहत तुम्हें थी बेटे की,
पर मां बनने की वर्षों से थी चाहत हमारी।
जन्म से पूर्व ही नहीं कर सकती हत्या,
तुम क्या जानो इक औरत की व्यथा।
इक दिवानगी वो थी कभी तुम्हारी,
हाथों में लिए फूल बारिश में भी आते थे।
और इक दिवानगी ये कैसी कि
कांटे चुभा हमें बेबस- बेघर किए।
आज तुम्हारे इस प्रस्ताव से मुझे इंकार है,
मेरी मोहब्बत नहीं है कमज़ोरी।
बस किस्मत से लड़ कर जीतने की,
कुछ आदत सदा रही है पुरानी।
अब मैं नहीं दोहरा पाऊंगी कि
‘मुझे तुम्हारा हर प्रस्ताव स्वीकार है।’
—-अर्चना सिंह जया
Thanks rupal for your suggestion
I accept your offer…
Sneha fumbled around in the tin, her fingers scraping the bottom; her bangles clinking against the steel. Her hand emerged slowly clutching a few grains of rice. Even those slipped from her dejected fingers and scampered away to settle in crevices on the tattered floor.
Sneha put the tin back with a slight clang, and placed her palms on the slab. Her body sagged, much like her spirit. ‘What would she do now?’
After Jiten’s death, things had plunged downhill at an alarming pace and thrown her life into a tailspin, that still had her head spinning, 11 months after the tragedy. The house had been taken away. She had been a housewife and, no matter what work from home she tried, orders never piled up enough to keep food on the table for a steady amount of time.
And now…
She closed her eyes, thinking it would take some of the pain and desolation away. She clamped the lids tighter. But it only made tears slip out of the crevices of her eyes. The thought broke her resolve and she let the dam shatter, just like her life had.
After a long while, she wiped her eyes with her faded dupatta and took in her surroundings with clear eyes.
The decision now seemed crystal clear.
Her heart did not quail anymore.
The sun shone through the small window, illuminating the peeling paint.
Sneha went to the phone booth nearby and dialled.
“I accept your offer.”
“Wow! Samosas! Pizza! Pastry!”
Harsh’s hungry gaze further cemented her resolve.
She would be able to give Harsh the life he deserved.
By being an escort to her former classmate, who’d had a secret crush on her, all these years.
Clasping Hands
I accept your offer, Dear lord!
Giving my life in Thy hands,
Giving up pleasures of the lands.
I accept your offer, Dear lord!
You know what’s the best for me,
Oh, Mighty One, with you I can’t disagree.
I accept your offer, Dear lord!
Giving up my fears,
For only You can wipe my tears.
I accept your offer, Dear lord!
Surrendering my life to Thee,
Looking up to you and serving humanity.
I accept your offer, Dear lord!
My happiness has increased,
Every day seems to be a feast.
I accept your offer, Dear lord!
A better person you have made me,
With You by me, I feel free.
I accept your offer, Dear lord!
Bowing down to you, has helped me rise,
With humanity I’ve learned to empathize.
I accept your offer, Dear lord!
Calling out to You, and hearing you,
Under Your wings I’ll be safe, I knew.
I accept your offer, Dear lord!
Knowing You watch over me,
Like a Mother protecting her baby.
I accept your offer, Dear lord!
You teaching me to believe,
Allowing me to fly, yet never leave.
I accept your offer, Dear lord!
Hereon, Clasping Your hand to cross the ocean of life.
‘I accept your offer…’
Yesterday our family was returning in our ‘small family car’ meandering through the allies of valet parking of a mall in Noida.
We wanted to go back home when we found our car caught in the middle of a Toyota and a Mercedes. Toyota wanted to park and he did it in our vacant place but Mercedes, which was right in front of us face to face, was perhaps searching for a place to park.
The valet asked us to give side to the Mercedes but we did not want to move. We said he was the one coming from the wrong side, per se, from exit, he should give us side. The valet conveyed the message but the ‘gentleman’ didn’t move his ‘big luxurious Mercedes SUV’. So, the valet came back to us and requested and promised that he will ensure that we exit further wthout even showing our ticket at the gate, if only once we reversed for the Mercedes.
It was a deadlock between his ‘big luxurious car’ and our ‘small family car’ or should I say between a car coming from ‘wrong direction’ and a car exiting from ‘right direction’ respectively. However, calming my family down, I told the valet, “I accept your offer. I know we compromise to afford a luxury.”
Finally we gave way to the ‘Mercedes’ but I am really feeling sorry for the ‘gentleman’ who paid hefty sum for his car but hasn’t got a ‘reverse gear’.
Clock is ticking…..
With every second passes by;
My eyes are dithering to get back….
To the old days…
where our friendship began,
Where the path seemed long ………but not hard
Where we laughed together for ths last time
Where we shared our last goodbyes!
That time that laughter have gone too far…….
That symphonies fade away but the memories dont!
Time passes by like the moon is juggling in the clouds
It flies…it goes
Like an arrow shot from its bow!
It is short when the music of life is Melodious…….
Time it flows like river ;
Cool,Tacit and composed…..
When life doesn’t seem humble!
Here’s the beauty of time
It is never steady…..never still
Changes with every tick!
I accept your offer
It seems like a package deal
Of feel -good parts that outweigh
A few with a not-so-good feel.
You say I’ll be trained on the job
And ask me to erase what I’ve known
To make a completely fresh new start
And forget whatever’s gone
New vistas and adventures
No stodgy reruns of the past
I’m slightly apprehensive
Though I’m no iconoclast.
I look forward to seeing new people
To growing into my role
I hope I’ll meet expectations
And achieve your stated goal.
I’m thrilled with the complete autonomy
That you promise everyone
You set parameters, but are hands- off
Until the job is done.
You promise to help from behind the scenes
The moment we call on you
I hope in the midst of toil and strife
That’s what I’ll remember to do.
A chance to wear many costumes
A chance to live, to act.
To balance between love and angst
And dreams and material fact.
This human form in all its stages
Is an offer I gladly choose
For it gives me the chance to truly
Appreciate nature in all her hues.
Her rolling turquoise seas
Golden sands and greenery
The silver of her ice caps
Are the perks you promise me.
So, thank you Universal Spirit
As I take birth once again
I’ll try to realise my potential
Through years of joy and pain.
The rain has stopped a while ago. Rain drops on the window – pane in Maya’s room is glittering with the sunlight , just as her eyes , which are sparkling as she sees her daughter playing in the cradle.
Staring out the window Maya remembers the day when an American couple came to her for the renting of her womb. She was then living alone expelled from her husband’s house. Maya went to many doctors but all have declared that ‘ You could not have a child’. But that was not her fault , her husband had no potentiality to become a father. But she is a woman , after all, she had to sacrifice her rights of a wife , as her husband said , ‘ I’ll marry another woman, she will bear me a child , shame on you!’
After that she never tried to return to her husband. She could not return to her brothers to become a burden on them. A single woman she had no idea how to survive . Suddenly one day the American couple arrived in her one-room house of a overcrowded basti where she was living in rent and working as a cleaner in a hospital. The couple wanted to rent her womb with huge amount of money. Maya said’ I accept your offer’. She carried the baby of the American couple for nine months in her womb and delivered the child in a hospital with the amount paid by the foreigners. But they have left her with the baby as the baby was a girl, not a boy. Every person of this world has left Maya alone but the child stayed with her. As the baby is playing , Maya smiles and says to God ‘ I accept your offer’.
For this short story contest, plz provide the email id where the entry can be emailed. For copyright issues and due to plagiarism possibilities, not comfortable sharing the entry publically here.
For Your Voice #3
I Accept Your Offer
“ I accept your offer…” says the woman, who just came to know,
That the child she borne, will mean death for her own,
Yet she caresses the baby and let it grow.
“ I accept your offer…” says the man, who got a driver’s job,
In spite of the degree so valuable he holds,
Because he can’t let his family anymore to sob.
“ I accept your offer…” says the sister who willingly gives,
For the treatment of her brother’s illness,
The house in which she lives.
“ I accept your offer…” says the friend who without a thought borrows,
For the friend who lost everything to his business,
To revive him and end his sorrows.
“ I accept your offer…” says the girl who loves the man,
To give him one of her kidneys,
And spend together rest of their life span.
“ I accept your offer…” says the teacher of the poor blind child,
To teach without a penny,
And let his imagination run free wild.
They all accepts the offer, however foolish may it seem,
Without any gain and may be out of gleam.
But all that’s true in those offers are the lives and not the deaths,
Well as we believe you see, we live by our actions and not just by fates.
I accept your offer. I accept your offer to see me fly. I accept your offer to punish me for my sins, for a careless action, a slip of a tongue. I accept your offer to let me drown, to let me swim. They say, you are no God but you are my God, my only. And therefore, I accept your offer to lift me up, to let me grow. I accept your offer to love me like no one or anything ever has. I surrender to you. I am your slave. I give you my life and all that I call mine. For only I know the truth. For only I know the reason for your living, your breathing. For only we know why. Call me stupid, call me blind, call me a hopeless romantic……the truth is I am all of these, yet none of them. I am his and he is mine. Our bond is one of a kind, nameless, unheard of, strange in many ways. And so my love, I accept your offer to give you my all for you have done the same and more for me. I accept your offer.
Please email to info@zorbabooks.com
Theme- I accept your offer
True love never ends
She was shy, he was nice;
He was first for her, but she was twice;
He was a boy in million, the most different one,
The girl, the prettiest one;
They talk for hours, but never show their feelings were higher!!!
One day, the girl asked indirectly,
But he refused his feelings for her;
Still, she continues her friendship with the same swing;
One reason stops, everything;
But feelings were on the same essence!!!
Days passed, kept feelings on hold,
But the boy counts for each day;
Waiting for her birthday!!!!!
He realized everything
so wanted his feelings to be at ease,
And the birthday came;
he called her for the same;
The early morning was the day,
she was sleeping on her bed ;
He wishes, she thanked
and that’s where the birthday call ends ;
A few days later, he proposed her;
She refused at once;
Utter a single word NO……
He replied he will wait;
She was thinking practically but the boy was emotional;
She continues with those words!!!
Now, she started fell for him,
She tries to hide but was in vain to stop the inside tide;
One day, the boy told her that one girl proposed him;
The girl was speechless because she was not the same;
She asked for her name, he said he will message her soon;
Don’t know what to do, she disconnects the call out of blue!!!
She cried the whole day, that day was the end of the year;
Her heart feels the pain but her mind knows the game;
She decided very soon to remove pain;
She called him at midnight to accept him to be as her soul mate;
This was the story in the year-end,
As true love never ends!!!!
I accept your offer.
I accept your offer to be myself.
Everytime I see in the mirror, I see someone embroidered with thoughts “log kya kahenge”.
And it has been so long since I have seen the tired soul hiding behind those thoughts.
Everytime I speak, I hear the voice that’s not coming within me.
And it has been ages since I have a conversation with myself.
Everytime I seek peace, I have realized that I have not build it within myself.
And that’s why I accept your offer to be myself.
Can frictional story be given a slot in your book or Is it important it to be a real one ?
P.S. Would be very pleased if you reply to my query 🙂
A fictional story can be submitted
How do I post my article here. Kindly Assist
Pl scroll down to the bottom of the page and in the comments box post your article.
फर्क – यश मजेजी
चाँद एक ही खिला था आसमान में,
फर्क देखने वालों की नज़र में नज़र आया।
किसी फकीर को रोटी सा दिखा वो,
किसी शायर को वो महबूब नज़र आया।।
रात एक ही घिरी थी जहाँ में,
फर्क जागने वालों की तन्हाई में नज़र आया।
किसी विरहिणी को नागिन सी डसी वो,
किसी रमणी को उसमें काजल नज़र आया।।
लौ एक ही जली थी चिराग में,
फर्क मौत की तमन्ना में नज़र आया।
किसी शलभ को महफूज़ दिखी वो,
किसी ज्ञानी को आग का दरिया नज़र आया।
बारिश एक सी हुई थी उस गाँव में,
फर्क भीगने वालों की नीयत में नज़र आया।
किसी किसान को वरदान दिखा उसमें।
किसी कुम्हार को अभिशाप नज़र आया।
पत्थर एक ही रखा था नदी किनारे पर,
फर्क लोगों की आस्था में नज़र आया।
किसी नास्तिक को कंकड़ दिखा वो,
किसी भक्त को वो शंकर सा नज़र आया।।
“Are you sure?” A thunderous voice asked the peasant, reverberating through the wide expanse, even as rains continued to pound the earth.
The peasant, with his palms joined and head bowed down, thought about his three-year old. The child’s skin had paled, blisters bared his flesh, and his body raged like a furnace. His little fingers, that had just learnt to grip his father’s hand, ached because of all the itching. His shrill voice, that had just begun to call for his father, had turned frail and hoarse from incessant shrieking. The little angel was too young to understand that a remote village with no medical infrastructure and apathetic overlords couldn’t afford his precious soul. The peasant knelt further as he shivered in his teary downpour.
“He shall take birth in a wealthy family, grow into a fine young man, and years from now return to save lives in this village. However, he shall have no recollection of you.” The thunderous voice recounted the terms.
The peasant stayed still for what seemed like an eternity. He then closed his eyes, wiped his tears and lay down to kiss the ground. A flash of lighting jolted the skies above, the roar deafened the earth and the ground beneath him shook.
“I accept your offer.”
Moments later, everything fell silent. Rains had stopped, the ground was still and the sky was gloomy.
The peasant woke up from his stupor, got up from his bed and walked to the crib. The child’s wails had disappeared long into the night. But a father’s wait had just begun.
Sameer dreamt of becoming a doctor from his early childhood. There was no doctor in the family although the family was highly educated. he wished to become someone different from the others rather than becoming a dentist, a businessman,or taking up some office job.He worked very hard and joined classes to clear the entrance exam but unfortunately during that period his father expired due to cancer and therefore could not pass out with a good score.
His dreams were shattered as a lot of money was spent on the operation and within three months he saw the death of his father.Having three younger sisters and a mother in the house made him sad as he joining a private medical college with high donation and fees was next to impossible.Educational loan also would not help as many years of struggle in becoming a full fledged doctor would be required. adults in the family and outside advised him to do some short term computer course and to take up a job .But he was interested in only medicine. One of his teachers suggested him to take up some para medical course as that would serve the purpose of his interest.Seats in Pharmacy college were available. Sadly, he said to himself ,” I ACCEPT THE OFFER”.
He worked hard but was unhappy throughout.after completing the degree, he joined a pharmaceutical company as an assistant manager. He cleared the UPSC exam and was offered a promotion as a drug inspector at the airport. His career was rising along with his income.Promoted to yet another post in the central government department, he was given perks as well as a luxurious quarter making him feel very happy and excited.
It was after ten years that he realised that the design of life is framed by the Almighty beforehand and it is impossible to go against it . He remembered how unhappy he was and how dreadful it was to make up his mind to go against his wish.He thanked his stars and also the people who had given him various suggestions earlier.It was the turning point of his life and his own balance of mind that helped him to steer towards the right direction.On every occasion from then onwards, he heartily says to himself,”I ACCEPT THE OFFER”
पर्यावरण में प्रदूषण का समावेश
मुझे तुम्हारा प्रस्ताव स्वीकार है कि वर्तमान परिवेश में, पर्यावरण में फैले प्रदूषण क्या क्या परिणाम प्रदर्शित कर रहा है, यह सब जगजाहिर है|
अचानक कोरोना आया, विश्व को अपने आगोश में लिया| कोरोना से जन-जन भयभीत हो उठा, मौत का तांडव होने लगा| आवागमन रुक गया, सड़के सूनी हो गई, कल- कारखाने, दुकानें, होटल, मंदिर, मस्जिदें आदि सब बंद हो गए| जीवन थम सा गया | जो प्रदूषण जाने अनजाने में फैलता जा रहा था उस पर विराम लग गया | फलस्वरूप, भारत में –
“शुद्ध हुआ गंगा यमुना का पानी,
स्वच्छ बहने लगी हवा मतवाली,
पावन हुआ हिमालय का आंगन,
जन जन बने ज्ञानी ध्यानी,”
इस पर्यावरण के प्रदूषण में जो कमी आई है अल्पकालीन है| मनुष्य की सोच गहरी हो चली है इस धरा पर जो कुछ भी उपलब्ध है वह उसकी संपदा है | जितना लूटना है लूट लो| कल किसने देखा है | इस संपदा पर उसका एकाधिकार है| बस यही विचारधारा इस पृथ्वी का दोहन कर रही है | इस अंधाधुंध दोहन के कारण पर्यावरण में प्रदूषण की समस्या आई है|
सर्वप्रथम यह जानना जरूरी है कि पर्यावरण-प्रदूषण क्या है? इस प्रकृति ने सभी सुविधाएं जीव धारियों को प्रदान की है परंतु मनुष्य अपनी लोभी प्रवृत्ति के कारण प्रकृति की मूल संरचना में हस्तक्षेप करने लगा है, उसे छेड़ने लगा तो प्रकृति का स्वरूप बदलने लगा तथा पर्यावरण में प्रदूषण बढ़ने लगा|
इस जैव-मंडल पर, मनुष्य का, लगातार एक तरफा सीमा रहित प्रभाव पड़ता रहा है | फल स्वरूप कई जातियों का विलुप्तीकरण तीव्र गति से होने लगा है | पक्षियों तथा जानवरों की 1000 प्रजातियों के लुप्त होने की संभावना बढ़ गई है | आज मनुष्य अपने निजी स्वार्थ के कारण प्रकृति को मनमाने ढंग से छेड़ रहा है | प्रकृति-प्रदित भंडार सीमित है, संभवतः आगामी कुछ वर्षों में समाप्त भी हो सकते हैं | अब ऊर्जा की कमी के साथ वातावरण में कार्बन-डाइ-ऑक्साइड की वृद्धि हो रही है | इस पर्यावरण के प्रदूषण का साया पूरे विश्व पर छा गया है |
प्रदूषण के कारण मानव, पशु पक्षियों तथा जीव जंतुओं का जीवन संकट में आ गया है | हवा दूषित हो गई है, पानी जहरीला बन गया है | पानी तथा मिट्टी की गुणवत्ता घट गई है | प्रतिदिन पृथ्वी गर्म होती जा रही है | ग्लेशियरों का पिघलना जारी है | जल प्रदूषण तथा ध्वनि प्रदूषण चरम सीमा तक पहुंच गए हैं | ध्वनि प्रदूषण से 10% आबादी की सुनने वाली क्षमता घट गई है |
वास्तव में आज हम प्रदूषण के युग में जीवन यापन कर रहे हैं | कोरोना के बाद यह प्रदूषण क्या क्या रंग दिखलाएगा, जरा कल्पना कीजिए | कभी-कभी मन में विचार उठते हैं कि कहीं अत्यधिक प्रकृति के साथ छेड़छाड़ करने के कारण यह प्रकृति हमसे प्रतिशोध लेने तो नहीं जा रही | कोरोना जैसी महामारी, भयंकर लगातार बरसात, चट्टानों का गिरना, टिड्डियों का आक्रमण, भूकंप आदि द्वारा प्रकृति आगाह कर रही है की है मानव अब भी संभल जा |
आज हर मानव, हर देश का यह कर्तव्य है कि प्रकृति के मूल रूप के साथ छेड़छाड़ बंद कर दे तथा पर्यावरण में फैले प्रदूषण पर रोकथाम करें | प्रकृति का यह प्रस्ताव मुझे स्वीकार है |
– स्नेहा शर्मा
Dil e be sabar ,tujhe kya khabar
K kitna mushkil hai yeh safar
Teri aarzoo teri khwahishein
Jo bojh hain mere jism par
Tujhe ek thikane ki talash hai
Aur wo thikana hai thodi dur par
Tu kho na jaye is bheed me
Hai musalsal ka yeh safar
Hai karwaan lamba bht
Aur kanton se bhari hai yeh dagar
Tu hi khud ka sathi ban k chal
K yahan naqab posh hain hamsafar
Saamne baitha hai jo muskura k dekhta
Tu jaanta hi nahi hai k usk dil me hai zahar
Dil e besabar tujhe kya khabar
K kitna mushkil hai yeh safar
Will you please accept my offer?
The Earth is clean and green
But humans are selfish and mean
The flora, fauna, water and tree
Are all provided to us for free.
Even though we have all live on Earth
Only a few know it’s worth
The human mind is always filled with greed and lust
Smoke from the factory fills the air with smoke and dust
The oceans are filled no more with the turtle and the fish
It seems to have only plastic which comes free with every dish
Every part of the Earth is filled with pollution
But nobody has the time to find any solution
The Earth cries as it gets looted for its coal and oil
But the greed of man never lets him recoil
Animals cry as they are killed for their fur and hair
But humans are interested in only becoming a millionaire
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction
Spoiling nature will damage the life of our future generation
Recycle, reduce, reuse and share
Start showing the Earth that we care
The Earth seemed to acknowledge with grimness
Mother Earth is disgusted with human selfishness
We all pledged to reduce our Carbon Emission
Finally, humans decided to go on a positive mission.
As we all removed plastics from the seas,
And we all planted more trees,
The Earth forgave our sins,
Said, I accept your offer and keep you alive till you again sin.
” I accept your offer”
Sarah was too preoccupied to notice the basin overflowing and her phone ringing off the hook. She had just made a deal with… with a cat. You heard that right! A cat; a feline; a purring furry being. “I accept your offer” she’d said almost a half hour back, but she was still in shock.
Had she just been in a life-altering conversation with a cat? Had said cat talked back to her? Was she crazy? “Am I crazy?” she asked herself unaware that she was talking her thoughts out loud, when the cat, her cat, Mr. Pringles, replied “you are definitely crazy. Why else would you name me after a pack of potato chips!”
“Okay, so, um.. what now? You help me get out of this dark place in my head, and in return, I give you canned food twice everyday for the rest of your life?” Sarah asked. “mmhmm.. yes. And may I point out that I prefer the chicken flavoured one” Pringles intervened.
She looked at the fluffy creature with awe as she got up, turned the tap off and fetched him the asked treat putting it before him. He gleefully gobbled up the food, licked the gravy off his face, thoroughly groomed himself and cuddled up on the ottoman in front of her. “So, my hooman, take a seat, and we shall start our session for today!”
Still in a state of disbelief, Sarah sat down cross-legged on her bed facing him, waiting for him to say something else. As she looked at him, her friend, she felt comfort for the first time In a long time. She knew in a corner of her soul that she’d be alright as the cat purred “Tell me Sarah, Tell me about everything that’s been bothering you,”…
हां मै स्वीकार करता हूं
आप का प्रस्ताव
तो क्या हुआ जो तुमने दिए
उम्र भर हमें घाव पर घाव
हे ईश्वर या अल्लाह ओ गॉड
आप लोगो के भक्तों के बीच में
खूब है अलगाव
और खूब हो रहा है तनाव
लो मै फिर भी मानता हूं आपका
झूठ में लिपटा हुआ मोहोब्बत
का संदेश प्रेम का प्रस्ताव
आप की किताबे संदेश देती है
मानवता एकता शांति सदभावना
अमन भाईचारे का
मगर हकीकत में दिखाई देता हैं
उसका उल्टा ही प्रभाव
मुमकिन नहीं है कबूल करना
आपकी बात आपका छल छलावा
कैसे करे आपका चुनाव
मगर फिर भी मैं स्वीकार करता हूं
आपका प्रस्ताव
तो क्या हुआ गर आपने दिए हमें
आस्था और विश्वास के नाम पर
घाव पर घाव
मै भली भाती जानता हूं आप लोगो
का विकृत और कुरुप स्वभाव
अभी आहिस्ता आहिस्ता
उतरता जा रहा है इंसान के मन
से आप लोगो का प्रभाव
जब खत्म हो रहा है समभाव
तो कैसे रहे प्रेम की चाव
आप लोगों का तो हमेशा
से ही रहा है अमीर और
धनवानों के प्रति ही झुकाव
यूं अंधकार में अपना चहेरा
ना छिपाव
जो वादा करते हो वो वादा निभाव
जो उलझने है संसार में वो उलझने
आखिर कब तक चलता रहेगा
इंसानों के बीच ये धर्म मजहब
ऊंच नीच जात पात के
नाम पर टकराव
कभी तो इस छल कपट के पर्दे से
बहार आव
क्या राज़ छुपा है इस संसार के
पीछे ये तो बाताव
नफ़रत की आग बूझाव
मोहोब्बत का करो छिड़काव
सब के सार पर रखो प्रेम की छांव
जैसे आसमान को चांद सूरज
सितारों से सजाया है वैसे ही
ज़मीन को भी सजाव
हमारा मानो एक सुझाव
जो वादा करते हो अपनी किताबों में
वो वादा निभाव
झूठा ही सही
मै स्वीकार करता हूं आपका प्रस्ताव
फ़कीर बादशाह साब( FAKEERA)
I accept your offer
Once nature said
God just winked and vanished
And then nature got 2020
He allowed people to enjoy till March
After that he will enjoy,as decided
But before 31st December of 2019
There is something which has been already spread
And then it travelled to all over world
Not just one thing but from all sides, possibilities tried
And finally nature is taking breath, animals are happy and human being is learning how one should not forget it’s true nature…..
रीमा को काफी समय से एक नौकरी की तलाश थी। काफी मशक्कत के बाद उसे एक कोपरेट कम्पनी में नौकरी मिल गई। उसकी नौकरी का पहला दिन था वह बहुत खुश थी,पूरे आत्मविश्वास के साथ वह आफिस पहुंची । सबकुछ एक सपना सा लग रहा था। रीमा को जब उसका काम समझाया गया तो वह अपनी उत्सुकता रोक नही पा रही थी,बीच में वह कभी कुछ पूछती तो कभी उन्हें गलतियां बताती । उसको कहीं न कहीं लगने लगा कि उसे सबकुछ आता है वह जल्द यह काम पूरा कर सकती है ,इसी अत्यधिक आत्मविश्वास के कारण उसने सीखने के समय को कहीं न कहीं व्यर्थ कर दिया। अब इन्हीं चीजों को लेकर उसकी अपने साथियों के साथ भी अनबन रहने लगी ,उसके सहयोगी उसकी शिक़ायत बड़े अधिकारी से करनें लगे एक दिन अधिकारी ने एक बैठक बुलाई,जब सब बैठक में एकत्रित हो गए तब अधिकारी ने बोलना शुरू किया,” देखिए यह काम का समय है अगर आप इसी तरह से लड़ने लगे तो इसका सीधा असर हमारे काम की गुणवत्ता पर पड़ेगा , जो हम बिल्कुल भी नहीं चाहते”। अब रीमा यहां मन ही मन पछता रही थी कि उसने ऐसा क्यों किया। उसने ठान लिया कि अब वह कुछ भी नहीं बोलेगी वह किसी की गलतियां भी नहीं निकालेगी।दिन बीतते गए रीना नौकरी में अपना मन नहीं लगा पा रही थी क्योंकि गलतियां उससे बर्दाश्त नहीं हो पा रही थी,और कहीं न कहीं यह उसके स्वाभिमान को ठेस पहुंचाने वाला काम था ।अंत में उसने नौकरी छोड़ने का फैसला कर ही लिया । नौकरी छोड़ने के बाद वह एक दिन भी चैन की सांस न ले पायी ।कुछ करने की कसक अभी भी उसके दिलो-दिमाग पर छायी हुई थी। अब उसका घर के कामों में भी मन नहीं लगता बेमन से वह सारे काम निपटाती और किताब लेकर पढ़ने बैठ जाती।एक दिन वह किताब लेकर पढ़ने बैठी तब उसे आफिस की सारी बातें याद आने लगी थी, कि उम्र में बड़ी होने की वजह से ही उसे लगता था कि उसे तजुर्बा अपने साथियों से ज्यादा है । उसका जूनून था जो उसे लगता था कि वह सारे काम एक साथ पूरा कर सकती है। परन्तु वह गलत थी आफिस में कार्य एक टीम की तरह से होता है जिसमें सभी सदस्य सहभागी बनते हैं। वह मन ही मन परेशान हो उठी सहसा ही फोन की घंटी बजती है तो रीमा फोन उठाती है फोन उसके आफिस से था” रीमा मैडम आपने आफिस क्यो छोड़ा सर पूछ रहे हैं”। इस पर रीमा अपनी प्रतिक्रिया व्यक्त करते हुए कहती हैं ” कुछ प्रश्न थे मन में जो साफ हो गये”। दूसरी तरफ से आवाज आती है लिजिए मैडम सर से बात कीजिए” हैलो रीमा हम आपको दुबारा से आफिस में कार्य करते हुए देखना चाहते हैं क्या आपको हमारा प्रस्ताव स्वीकार है”। अब रीमा की तो जैसे मन मांगी मुराद मिल गई हो, उसने फौरन से कहा “हां मुझे आपका ये प्रस्ताव स्वीकार है”।
I accept your offer
Okay God I accept your offer. Finally you have heard my prayer of “I wish I were a boy” and you have granted it. But now I am boy I realized it’s not an easy job too. Yes I can walk alone at night but at what cost? I have to sacrifice so many things. No one cares if I am tired from working all day long; I have to give up my seat to a lady in bus. I am not a man if I don’t lift luggage of my sister even though I am having back pain. I am not gentleman if I cannot pay for dinner with my girlfriend because I spent all money to buy medicine for my grandmother. I have to be strong all time. I cannot share my feelings and cannot cry because people think I am weak by doing so. I have to get out of the lift if it is overloaded-does anyone care if I have sprained knee? I have to have earn more money than my fiancé. Why is that girls cannot earn more than a boy? I have to be so cautious in public that I don’t touch any girl mistakenly. I always need to hold my umbrella to protect my girlfriend from rain, society completely agrees if I get wet and sick but it should not be other way around. Society judges man too; I must have height more than my girlfriend. I cannot be unemployed and sit at home for too long. Yes I accept your offer God to be a boy/man, but I want it too last for a day only. I want to be a girl again.
Written by Shubhangi Likhite
फर्क – यश मजेजी
(मुझे तुम्हारा प्रस्ताव स्वीकार है…)
मुझे तुम्हारा प्रस्ताव स्वीकार है,
कि देखूं सारी दुनिया को समान दृष्टि से।।
पर नज़र भरकर देखा जो संसार को,
फर्क हर कोने में नज़र आया।।
चाँद एक ही खिला था आसमान में,
फर्क देखने वालों की नज़र में नज़र आया।
किसी फकीर को रोटी सा दिखा वो,
किसी शायर को वो महबूब नज़र आया।।
रात एक ही घिरी थी जहाँ में,
फर्क जागने वालों की तन्हाई में नज़र आया।
किसी विरहिणी को नागिन सी डसी वो,
किसी रमणी को उसमें काजल नज़र आया।।
लौ एक ही जली थी चिराग में,
फर्क मौत की तमन्ना में नज़र आया।
किसी शलभ को महफूज़ दिखी वो,
किसी ज्ञानी को आग का दरिया नज़र आया।
बारिश एक सी हुई थी उस गाँव में,
फर्क भीगने वालों की नीयत में नज़र आया।
किसी किसान को वरदान दिखा उसमें।
किसी कुम्हार को अभिशाप नज़र आया।
पत्थर एक ही रखा था नदी किनारे पर,
फर्क लोगों की आस्था में नज़र आया।
किसी नास्तिक को कंकड़ दिखा वो,
किसी भक्त को वो शंकर सा नज़र आया।।
“I accept you offer”
“So you are like God… god! I mean THE GOD himself!” I scuffed. He really just got my last nerve.
“Yeah, Sort off!” he says with a shrug, as if it’s an everyday thing.
“Yeah, you know what; I really don’t have time for this. If you are God then why do you need my help?” I have had it. I heard him. Today was ridiculous and to be frank my quota for bullshit of the day was up. So yes, enough of this! I don’t have time for this crap.
“Just get your magic and be done with it. After all, ain’t I pawn in your grand scheme of the big bang theory. What I, a small pick you your vast creation, will be able to do that THE GOD himself won’t be able to do?” I let out my frustration with that and Oh my! It felt good.
“Ah!! Sarcasm! You know, I didn’t really think that sarcasm would cost me so dearly but eventually it had to be included so yes here I am facing my own consequences. And, as a matter of fact, it is natural for a human to not understand the backgrounds of the Grand scheme, as you put it! But, at this particular advent of time, I had to improvise for some events to happen for the greater good. And from some events, I am referring to the circumstances that you have gone through week. So, now have we accomplished a basis for further conversation or do you still need convincing.” his demeanor was calm and quit. As if the whole thing he said hold some kind of truth in it. Nutcase! I believe. Somehow, his words were having a motive hidden in them. Whatever, this man was up to I need to check upon him. For what it’s worth, maybe I will be able to find the origination of his foolishness and probably report him back there.
“Okay, okay! I am convinced! How can I deny an eminent threat as you say? Since as a concerned citizen you took your responsibilities seriously and I appreciate that you are here to alert the law enforcement about the unimagined turn of events. So, thank you Sir for laying out your concerns.” I tried not to retort, failing horribly.
“So, do you agree with me?” he asks, a hint of mischief in his glaze.
“Yes, I do! I accept your offer!” after all what can he really do? I have a horrible feeling about this.
And your quivering fingers held my hand and
The glint in your burning eyes
pleaded me to remember
Not that you are gone,
But that you were ever here.
That we shared the same earth,
That you and I have been sent
From a place we will not remember
Until we find ourselves back in it,
That our paths crossed and
Twined and ran into each other.
That we come into life
to act out the stories of our destiny
inscribed and coded in the loaded
lines on the inside of our palms,
in a language that makes sense
only on our deathbed,
to us alone,
and cannot be translated.
That our palms go with us
to the grave but
Our stories outlive time, and
That it is nothing
Short of a
How often do we say ‘I accept your offer’ to life?
Mostly, we don’t! We rather say ‘What have you gotten me into?!’ or ‘Could this be any worse ?!’
What would happen if we could say ‘I accept your offer’ every time life offered us with something?
I tell you, we would be more at peace.
We would be more accepting and open. We would not question why that person is the way they are.
We would not judge the person who loves pineapple on their pizza !
Yes ! We would be very understanding and compassionate.
We would neither ask introverts why don’t they talk nor we would ask extroverts to be quiet !
Oh ! What a lovely world it would be !
I can really draw a mental picture of how the world would look like!
Nobody would ask why do you eat so much or why don’t you eat !
Nobody would ever bomb you with mean questions.
They would simply embrace you just the way you are !
Can we say the same to situations?
Yeah. We can. Maybe, initially, we would try saying ‘I accept your offer’ with a real weird expression ! (You can try that while you’re reading this😉)
But, with time, we’re going to get better at this !
So next time… if it’s a situation or a real annoying person you got to say I accept your offer… life !
(with open arms, may be !)
“I Accept Your offer”
Mere abtak ki kahani mere jubani….
M ek middle class ki ladki Hu ,
Toh utar chadwa toh banta hai ,par itna yeh Kabhi nhi sochaa thaa.
Bachpan Ka itna Yaad nhi hai par ma bhut naughty thi mummy bolta hai 🤔
M yada intelligent b nhi thi..
Class7th ki baat jab humna home change aur hum govt. Quarters ma a gaya, M bhut cute thi..
Mare apna quarters m hi ek ladka(Vivek) tha woh mujha bhut like krta tha, Itna like krta tha ki usna mere tution,school,ghar Ka bahar, street m rasta block kr dana..
Cute woh b bhut tha but, wahi ki m middle class sa hu and second thing ki,, Woh Rajput and M sharma.
Asa krta krta 1.5 year ho gya aur ek din mana ussa yes bol diya,Mujha aj b Yaad hai mare birthday tha uss din, Woh Dil Ka bhut saaf tha mare dream ko khud Ka dreams bolta thaa..
And just within 8 days(28 November,2011)after uski death ho gyii..😥😥😥
In road accident ,, mujha Vivek na Bola b tha ki mujha 11 Bajha call Karna par mana nahi kiyaa..
M uss pal ki change Kar Sakti thi,, ek ma sa uska bacha chinana sa bachaa Sakti thi par..
Uska baad m apna ap ko manoos samjna lghi..
Mana I think kise baat nhi ki apna parents brother friends kaam sa kaam 6 months ..After mujha uski sister na samjyaa ki please life enjoy karo please🙏, Mare brother ko b problem hogi apko asa dekh kaa ..Uska baad mana b move on kiya..
But mujha yeh joothi duniya, har jagha fraud Dekh Kar problem Hoti hai,.
In 2016, mare cousins (Subash) hum shakal Pura (Vivek) Ka Pura attitude same,bike racers, uska baad mana Subash ko propose Kiya pata kiya…
Woh khud confuse ho gya because woh mare cousins..
Mana ussa WhatsApp pa propose kiya(7 January,2016),, Humna milna Ka plan banaya but Kuch din m unka family member ki death ho gyi ….
Hum first time 19 February ko milaa (Natraj hotel) m..
Then uska baad kuchh hasana wala pal Kuch rulana wala pal…. Kabhi surprises..
Ab humna marriage Karni thi par shayad upar wala Kuch aur daar humaa alag rakhna Chahta haii..
Unki badhi Babhi ji death ho gayi(27 May,2020)😥😥😥..
Woh bhut Khush tha hamara relation sa….
Par mujhaa unkii death sa Puri Umar pachtawa rahaga because last time mujha bola tha ki mara pass rahoo Poonam but ma nhi rahii😥😥..
Actually Corona ki condition hai,,Aur mara father ko(Asthma) hai isliya mare mother nhi manaa aur hamara sirf 1 room hai..
Jab unki death hui ussa pahla b unhona mujha bulaya tha par ma nhi gayi,, Mujha upar wala hell ☠️ m b jagha nhi daga..
Aur next day unki death ho gyi..
Bas tab sa life rukh si hi gayi haii hum sabkii …🙏🙏
“I Accept Your Offer”
As Raman walked over the streets of Ganj, hands in pockets,being denied a job sixteenth time that year. As he turned to a lane leading to his home,his wife Shanti was waiting at the gate.She said hurriedly,”Ashwin’s Birthday is arriving,what if he asks for a gift?”
” Hmm,we will see.”Said Raman entering the house.His family lived very hand to mouth and nowadays in extreme poverty.Raman had worked as a peon,cleaner,assistant,grocer and much more but all jobs had failed. He ate some food and went to sleep on the mat on the floor . Feeling worried he rolled over and went to sleep. On the day of Ashwin’s birthday, the boy said ,” Can I go to school, Dad ? I want to learn.” Raman froze,” O- Of course W – we’ll see.” Just then Shanti called from the kitchen, ” Raman! Come here quickly , we need to talk.”
Raman gloomily walked towards Shanti and asked, “What is it? ” Shanti said, “Ashwin dear,go out and play. ” Then she turned towards her husband and said, “Ashwin has asked for something much beyond our budget what will we do ? ” I don’t know Raman replied. For the next two weeks Raman applied for many jobs but no avail until a phone call changed his life. A man called him and said,” Hello, is it Raman Sharma on the line? “Raman said, ” Yes, speaking. ”
The caller said ” I am Florence David owner of Florence Industries. I want to recommend a job offer of a manager to you since your previous employer have very good comments about you. In my company you get free child education and bonus in addition to salary every year .” Raman was shocked, tears rolled down his eyes and only one sound escaped his lips ,”Yes sir, I Accept Your Offer.” ……
Umra Atir Khan
Age 10 years
Student of class 5 Loreto convent lucknow
*The way to your soul my late love*
First love, the souls purest kiss,all kisses are now just a memories,just a memories.
Those moments are faded .
“God let me reach to my lovers soul soon ,soon”.
“I am on the way to your soul my love,love”.
Soul is the part of you gone to heaven and be immortal.
Those last few minutes of us shrinks me my love.
“God let me reach to my lovers soul soon,soon” .
“I am on the way to your soul my love,love”.
The soul made love to your soul long before our bodies met .
We don’t know who will die first,who will later.
“God let me reach to my lovers soul soon,soon” .
“I am on the way to your soul my love,love”.
Everyone has to go to God.
Life is a journey of suffering,laughing,loving,caring I am happy it was with you.
My life spend with you ,my soul wants to be with you my love.
“God let me reach to my lovers soul soon,soon” .
“I am on the way to your soul my love,love”.
Once there was a wicked, old witch, Who lived in a dirty, marshy ditch. She screeched & cursed in a shrill pitch, And flew on her broom without a hitch.
One day she went into the dark, dense wood,
To find frogs and toads that she could cook as her food.
Instead she found a tattered spell book, A long lost mirror at the future to look!
So excited was she to find these precious, little things,
She threw away her broom with a quick strong fling, She looked at the mirror every now and then, Hoping to reverse her age and become young again.
To her dismay, the mirror didn’t work, All she could see were cobwebs and murk. She cursed all beings in the woods, To die of hunger and swinging moods.
What she forgot was ,she too was there!
She fell to the curse as her broom was nowhere She tried to run from the forest away, Instead she stumbled and fell into a pit of hay.
She groaned and suffered and bore much pain,
She wished for death but it was in vain,
She finally realised her glaring mistake, And vowed never to curse anyone again.
The Gods told her to become much better
And to write to everybody an apology letter.
“I accept your offer” , was all she said.
Swiftly to all the fine she paid.
She promised to be helpful and good, To always be nice and never again rude.
Now she helps the rich and the poor alike,
As her broom is gone , she rides a bike.
— The poem is by my daughter, Vania Jain, 12 years
मुझे स्वीकार है प्रस्ताव तुम्हारा – यश मजेजी
मुझे स्वीकार है प्रस्ताव तुम्हारा,
अपनी कृतियों में बहा दूँ प्रेम को।
हर हृदय में जगे अपनत्व जिससे,
और कोई वंचित न हो स्नेह को।।
इक दूजे के प्रति हों रिश्ते समर्पित,
चाहता हूँ ऐसी सुंदर हो धरा।
ऐसा न हो कोई भी प्राणी जगत में,
जो बिना स्नेह देखे हो मरा।।
मेरी कृतियों को पढ़े जो भी जगत में,
उसका हृदय सीखे प्रेम बाँटना।
छोड़ दे निज हित अपने हृदय से,
जान ले है व्यर्थ द्वेष पालना।।
ज्ञात हो खुद के लिए जीना भी क्या,
औरों को कुछ दे गए तो बात है।
जैसे दिनकर बाँटते किरणें जो अपनी,
संजीवनी बन आती, वो ही प्रात: है।।
यूँ किसी अपने के लगकर गले,
गर्व होता है स्वयं इस कार्य पर।
जैसे अपने आगोश में लेकर सितारे,
दमक उठता है गगन भी रात भर।।
कोई मेरी कृतियों का स्मरण करे तो,
जान जाए मोह में है आनंद इतना।
जितना कोई जलधर जल बहा दे,
या जलधि की गोद में उल्लास जितना।।
जब मेरी कृति के पन्ने आंधी टटोले,
जान ले है व्यर्थ ही विध्वंस करना।
है अमर वो ही धरा पर सदा,
जिसने सीखा जग में बस प्रेम करना।।
अपनों के दिल में वो हर पल जियेगा,
उनके नयनों में उमड़ते अश्रू बनकर।
उसकी याद इस जगत में आए फिर-फिर,
शुष्क अधरों पर कभी मुस्कान बनकर।।
I accept the offer
Is love at first sight possible if one is blind? But it did blossom when Parth saw Romi
for the first time. Undeterred by her blindness, her calm aura took his breath away.
He won her heart by gifting her a book on poetry in braille.
He told her, love is blind. She joked that, if love is blind then why is lingerie so
As a salesgirl at a lingerie shop, she’d seen business being more brisk there than at a
medicine shop!
A car mechanic, he didn’t have the money that was needed to restore her eyes but to
love her, he just needed a heart, not a kidney. Surreptitiously he sold his kidney. But
he’d trusted those who lied to him. His kidney was peddled off in an organ
trafficking racket and he was paid nothing. Approaching the police only made the
news travel to her but the perpetrators deftly slipped out of the clutches of police.
She clung to him and wept at the futility of his sacrifice.
Few months later, the silver lining in the dark clouds was the court settlement
amount that came her way. Her younger brother was among the 25 other children
who’d perished in a fire-cracker factory during an accidental fire outburst.
The factory owner had to pay a huge compensation to the families for employing
underage children.
Romi was racked with guilt and refused to touch, what she called blood money.
Parth begged, ‘Please, accept the offer’, she refused.
Ultimately, she got her eyes restored and he got a kidney transplanted and they
lived happily ever after. So somebody had accepted the offer. Not her. He. Romi
underwent her eye surgery after he spoke the magic words, ‘I accept the offer’,
wherein he accepted the kidney she donated to him.
Hii kaise hai aap sab
Kya hame bhi bhag lene
Ki ijaazat hai
Title-I accept your offer Dr. Sudip Verma was a prominent neurosurgeon. Many psychiatrists and psychologists were part of his team. Dr.Sudip offered Jyoti to join his team.
‘I acccept your offer’……
Jyoti couldn’t believe her ears. She had a big dream. She realized that her dream is coming true . Jyoti met Dr sudip in a hospital when she was hurt herself badly in an accident..Dr.sudip verma operated her brain .
After operation ,dr.Sudip conducted several test .He told that Jyoti is a god gifted skilled genius who reached the developmental level of Extra sensory perception{ESP}.ESP denote psychic abilities such as intuition ,telepathy , psychometry, clairvoyance . When Jyoti was a child, she was suffering from sensory hearing loss disease . .Jyoti had hard of hearing. She had a learning disability.
Jyoti had huge interest in brain science. She used to read various books related to brain science .she wanted to make her parents proud. But her parents were worried about her problem and wanted to get her married .She got married. Jyoti continued to read books related to brain science. She concluded that she is different from others. She is a creative genius. She can do whatever she want.
Jyoti decided to work with medical professionals.She went to meet psychiatrists. But everyone insulted her. No one want to work with her. Many of them made laugh of her. But Jyoti did not give up. One day,Jyoti was going to meet a psychologist .She met an accident. She got unconscious.She brought to a hospital where she met dr. Sudip Verma and got a chance to work with him. We should believe in ourselves and should try to fulfill our dreams despite all odds as Jyoti did. Jyoti persevered and achieved her dreams.
The Crystal Heart
Sisir Kumar Chatterjee
“I accept your offer”, the man told the Fakir, and left swaggeringly.
He searched for it whenever he’d time. There was not a single space, no furniture, no book, no
drawer, no nook or corner, left in his living room and his study that he didn’t rummage through.
And every night until falling asleep, he’d repeat to himself the Fakir’s words: “If you can find it
out, you become the master of yourself and master of the world. You can use it to kill or to heal,
to ruin or to save. You get anything just for asking. But, if you fail, you vegetate in the bed for
the rest of your life.”
It was a tiny, heart-shaped crystal thing radiating a multi-angled sparking light.
Nine years of tenacious, single-minded but futile search elapsed. He couldn’t go back to the
Fakir before ten years.
One evening, he switched on the recorder in his memory to hear the last words of the Fakir with
unusual attention: “I give you ten years. And remember, I can hide it anywhere of your living
room or your study, and even inside your…”
Suddenly, he shouted, “Eureka!!”
He rushed to an Ex-ray clinic.
Soon after the X-ray film was developed, he asked the technician, “Don’t you find the shadow of
a tiny, foreign object in my chest?” The technician nodded a confident no.
He took the film to a dozen of cardiologists, and asked each of them the same question. Every
cardiologist referred him to a psychiatrist.
Ten years passed. The man came back to the Fakir, and told him, “You are a liar! A fraudster! A
The Fakir smiled calmly, and muttered, “All I can tell you is that you are one of the very few
persons who came closest to finding it.”
I accept the offer
“We have no other choice; we can’t stay hidden inside the basement forever. We need to get out and see if anyone is still alive. Soon we will run out of food and water” said a fourteen-year-old boy.
The school basement served a comfortable accommodation for the dozens who had survived after the catastrophic fires which came shooting through the sky. No one understood what it was as everything was so sudden.
For the past one week, the basement had been home to these twelve people. No one knew what was happening outside. Was anyone still alive? What about their families, their homes?
Another girl got up from her seat and said “We definitely need to go out, but before that we need a leader who can lead the group or else each and everyone will start imposing their decisions and it can create chaos”.
The fourteen-year-old boy said again “I think Alicia should lead us. It is because of her we are alive and, she is the oldest among us. What others feel?”
Everyone nodded in unison.
I said nothing, I just kept staring at everyone. I saw no option ahead of me, I kept asking myself what am I suppose to do, how will I take care of everyone, being the eldest among the group doesn’t mean I am competent enough to lead the bunch. I didn’t know what to do, where to go. I didn’t even know if anyone out there is still alive.
“So, what have you decided?” the boy asked again.
With a mere age of fifteen I responded, “I accept the offer. Everyone get ready we are heading outside”.
Nikita Jagtap
I accept your offer
“Don’t bother, Ajay. I will pay,”Veeru said, after we had tea at a nearby stall.
“Thanks yaar. You know, I have decided to save this 2000 rupee note till I get a job.”
“Don’t worry, I am sure you would get it,” Veeru tried to console me, “Let’s go now. We ned to be on time for the interview.”
“Good Morning,” a young and vivacious girl welcomed us at the reception.
“Are you here for the interviews?” she asked.
“Yes,” I replied to initiate conversation with the pretty lass.
“Oh! I see. Ma’am is busy with another interview. I will let you know once she calls you.”
“Thank you so much,” I replied with a big smile.
“Ajay, stop smiling, we are here for an interview,” Veeru informed, and we were interrupted by the sweet voice again.
“Ma’am has called both of you.”
“Thank you, madam,” Veeru replied formally.
Our interview lasted for about half an hour. The COO— Veena Madam grilled us to find if we would be interested in working for her small company. There was another man named George sitting with her. He was more interested in getting answers to his mathematical questions from Veeru.
“How was your interview?” The girl at the reception asked.
“Good,” Veeru answered.
“Who is the guy sitting inside? I mean, what is his designation?” I asked hesitantly.
“He is the manager for this centre,” she replied and suddenly George called us inside.
“Ok. So, based on the interview, we would like to offer you a position here,” George said.
“But you will get a consolidated salary,” Veena madam informed.
“We are fine, madam,” Veeru jumped to reply without giving me any chance to think.
But the fact was that I also had no choice. So, I said, “I accept your offer.”
I took my hot cup of midnight coffee and sat down on the sofa, only to be startled by a middle – aged pastor sitting next to me, his eyes fixated on mine, his movements limited to his slow breathing. I wanted to run away and yell, but something held me back. I was anxious, but for the first time in my life, I was curious.
He took out a photograph from his pocket and placed it in front of me: it was a group of people: I wasn’t in the photo, but I saw the teenage version of this stranger seated before me. It struck me that I had seen this exact moment in a dream of mine a few days ago. He looked uncannily familiar, but I just couldn’t place him.
The stranger began to talk: “Man is like that hot coffee. We think our good separates us from our evil, but once our souls are given flesh and bone, our good and evil mix with it, inseparable and part of the whole.” He then began to speak with a sense of valor and responsibility, “Our work keeps the world intact. It keeps the coffee mug from cracking….. You’re different and you know it”.
“And what is the coffee mug?”, I asked impulsively.
I simply began to stare outside my window, gazing at the life blossoming at twilight, hiding in the shadows, yet glowing with life. I was trying to fight my gut, which was telling me to take my rightful place in the world and keep my mug – our mug – from cracking.
“So…”, he said my name and took out a knife. Its smooth, cold silver was glistening in the moonlight.
I said with a smile, “I accept your offer”.
Amaira, a girl who is bright inside-out, outlooks world differently and the dim view of life never haunted as she has her most powerful weapon by her side. Everything was ecstatic but one day, the world around her spined and blame was weighed upon her nonetheless weapon. That powerful writing which caressed her now became turmoil for her. For the first time in her life she experienced such dilemma as she was asked to leave her dream of being writer by her parents. She wanted to refuse but shaken by things around she didn’t. Gradually, she started losing part of herself as died from inside. Her appetite seemed to be lost after trampling of her dreams.
But one day, a message popped up it was by publishing press offering her ‘to write HER OWN STORY’. Epiphany stuck; thoughts flickered; heart raced but now she realized that its only chance to pursue something belonging to her. “I ACCEPT YOUR OFFER” she responded.
Seemed like everything came to rest as today is an auspicious day which will decide her fate. Her story finally published and copies flooded the town but her mind was stuck with the thought of her parent’s reaction ‘What will they say’?
The door knocked, her attention shifted she opened the door and found her parents standing there. Their eyes were watery. Her mother grabbed her in a warm hug and in numb voice her father said “I’m proud of you Amaira. I am sorry I ever doubted your resolve to achieve your dreams.” Amaira’s eyes glowed with pride as she recalled her father’s word spoken exact 3 months ago “Stop being kiddish for such silly dream Amaira, people like us never get to see such dreams fulfilling “
The best birthday gift
Priti picked up her phone to check out on her mails and messages . She deleted the unnecessary ones . A notification showed a friend request from one Sambhavi Shibu of ‘ Friends NGO ‘ . Priti ignored it . But the name had struck a chord. It was too familiar. Out of curiosity Priti opened the profile page . Yes , it was Sambhavi memsaab , her employer , her friend and guide . Priti accepted her friend request and soon they were chatting away . She had almost lost track of time . The door bell rang .
“Ok mam , bye . I’ll call you later . Please come over to my place . Hope to see you soon .” Next week they met up at the coffee shop .
Tears welled up Priti’s eyes . She was meeting her savior after a long time .
The dark clouds of her past collected in Priti’s mind .
Priti was always a bright and bubbly young girl in school . She was also a good singer . She had participated in many school competitions and won prizes .
She had just appeared for her higher secondary exams and was awaiting her results . She and her best friend, Neha were planning to enroll for graduation now . She was always very excited about going to college. Like all teenagers, she had big dreams.
” Priti , he is a nice boy and is a ward boy in a private hospital . He lives with his parents . They will look after you well . Your uncle has got this alliance . He knows the boy and his family well . ”
“But papa , I don’t want to get married now . I want to go to college and do my graduation. Moreover I am still a minor. It’s against the law .”
” Don’t try to preach me and tell me about laws . What will you do with all your studies ? Always remember , you are a girl . Sooner or later you will have to marry and bear children . How long will you be a burden on me ? ”
Tears rolled down her cheeks . Her own father felt that she was a liability on him . Even her mother didn’t protest . She knew how stubborn her husband was and wouldn’t budge from his decision . She was totally helpless .
” Priti , your father is right . ”
” But amma , you know my wish . ”
” You can study after marriage if your husband and in-laws allow.”
Priti’s dreams of going to college came crashing down.
From the very beginning Priti had entered her marital home with a man almost double her age , it was a relationship filled with abuse and violence . She was beaten , battered and tortured by her husband and in-laws for getting insufficient dowry . Mohan’s persistent alcoholism and then the birth of her daughter made matters worse for her.
Mohan had lost his job . He would vent his frustration on Priti . He even snatched away the little money she was earning as a house maid or stitching clothes for her neighbours to supplement the family income .
She was the sole bread earner of the family . But her woes didn’t end .
” Leave that sewing machine and cook dinner for me. ” It was Mohan in inebriated condition . He flung a plate at her . She ran out of the one room shackle , holding her profousely bleeding head .
“”Priti, how did you hurt your head ?” , asked Sambhavi .
“And what are these bruises on your cheeks ? ”
Priti kept washing the dishes quietly.
” Priti , I am asking you something. Why don’t you answer ?”
Priti broke down , clinging to Sambhavi .
” You are burning with fever , Priti . Let’s go to the doctor . ”
” Tell me what happened . Don’t be scared .”
“That brute hit me again today because I told him not to waste money on drinking and gambling. ”
” Did I say anything wrong.” Priti was crying inconsolably now.
“Not at all” . Sambhavi gave her a warm hug and tried to consol her .
” I just can’t take it anymore. This has become a regular affair . He does not even show mercy on Munni . Today he slapped her just because she wanted to play with him . ” Her voice was choked .
Priti showed Sambhavi the bruises on her neck and shoulders . Sambhavi could feel her flesh cringe at the sight of the bruised skin . She was determined to bail Priti out of the hell .
” Radhika , please reach this address with your team. We need to rescue this girl and her daughter from her barbarian husband and in-laws. ”
” Sure mam . I accept your offer” . Priti felt her dreams coming true.
Sambhavi helped Priti to connect to an NGO which rescued physically, emotionally and mentally abused women . They helped her to legally leave her abusive and alcoholic husband .
The NGO fulfilled Priti’s dreams. She completed her graduation through distant education with flying colours . She began teaching the under privileged children and also worked as a councellor for abused women .
She completed her teachers training course from a reputed university .
She worked in a private school as a primary teacher . By her perseverance , discipline and hard work she rose to the position of a principal .
Her daughter , Sughandha , was as bright as her mother. She excelled not only in studies but also in Co curricular activities .
Priti felt a great sense of pride and achievement when the anchor announced , ” The Best Women Empowerment Award of the year goes to Ms Sugandha .”
” Congratulations Priti and Sugandha . And Happy Birthday Priti . This calls for a double party.” I am so proud to see that you have instilled all your values in your daughter . ”
” Thank you mam . I am really indebted to you . All this could happen just because of you .”
“Happy birthday Ma , I am proud of you . I dedicate this award to you . Inspite of your hardships you didn’t break . You have brought me up as a strong person just like you . I will never let you down” .
” Thank you dear . This is the best birthday gift any parent can ever get . I am proud of you “.
Mousumi Biswas
“Forever grateful to have teachers like you”..
The way you teach
The knowledge you share
The experience you give
Those moments have touched me most….
In this moment let me say
Forever grateful to have teachers like you….
You are As special as stars
The patience,hope ,discipline you have, make you the world’s best teachers.
Lucky to have you as a guide, mentor,guru
You teach me right from wrong
Inspire me to be strong.
In this moment let me say
Forever grateful to have teachers like you….
You are a brilliant light revealing to students a rainbow of possibilities
You helps them learn and grow
So that the best they can be
And when you consider how far you have come,Those all teachers are your keys.
In this moment let me say
Forever grateful to have teachers like you….
They are a kick to start your journey
Clearing your douts,to sometimes spending their break time for us
From online to offline classes what makes you number one.
Household chores to maintaining various register and diary.
In this moment let me say
Forever grateful to have teachers like you….
You are the hope of millions in hopeless career .
Inspire me to be strong
In this moment let me say
How I’m grateful
Teacher I, teacher I, teacher I, Teacher I need you
In this moment let me say
Forever grateful to have teachers like you….
Help me get straight come out and say You’ll always be a part of who I am
When ill remember I’m sitting in the classroom
When I’m old and wiser
I’ll remember you
I Promise I’ll grow stronger
At the thought of you.
In this moment let me say
Forever grateful to have teachers like you….
“Happy Teachers day to all”
The way to your soul my late love*
First love, the souls purest kiss,all kisses are now just a memories,just a memories.
Those moments are faded .
“God let me reach to my lovers soul soon ,soon”.
“I am on the way to your soul my love,love”.
Soul is the part of you gone to heaven and be immortal.
Those last few minutes of us shrinks me my love.
“God let me reach to my lovers soul soon,soon” .
“I am on the way to your soul my love,love”.
The soul made love to your soul long before our bodies met .
We don’t know who will die first,who will later.
“God let me reach to my lovers soul soon,soon” .
“I am on the way to your soul my love,love”.
Everyone has to go to God.
Life is a journey of suffering,laughing,loving,caring I am happy it was with you.
My life spend with you ,my soul wants to be with you my love.
“God let me reach to my lovers soul soon,soon” .
“I am on the way to your soul my love,love”.
The grave which receives no flowers.
The story starts in 1995…when a 19 years old girl cherry Bernard gets married with a boy jenn dcruz .
Both are living a beautiful and romantic life…as the other newly married couple lives….
As the day and month were passing jenn dcruz behaviour changes .He always behave in rudely manner …as of thinks a woman is just an object. And be out for months with no calls no messages.
We aren’t Having Sex Anymore…. we both are like Nothing to Say to Each Other. Just like a maid I was working in home from morning to night….
He always disrespect me .Domestic violence was increasing day by day, still I was quiet…but one day when my younger sister hermoni came to my house for her birthday celebration….Jenn behaviour was extremely changed he was having eye on hermoni, jenn refuses to not go …and be with us a week.
With them she will have a nice time .she came first time in their house. So stay for few days….After this hermoni was also happy and excited .
For some days Jenn was absolutely fine and caring ….and behaving as of deity….But no one can think in such a bad and disgusting.
Jenn …one night tries to get intimate with her sister hermoni…she refuse still he try to harm her..
And I tried to make jenn away from hermoni after a lot of skirmish…I tried to pacify hermoni…and killed jenn because of obligue. Because of such bad incident ….the moment was like a death of all dreams .All dreams of mine just vanished.
My married life is now just a white paper which I have never thought of….I made a grave inside the same house….with the name of cantankerous husband jenn…As in jenn family there was no one.
who will try to find jenn….??I escape from all those Nip that jenn was putting in to me…and from that day I was free to live my dream life ….but the grave of jenn is just a grave with no flowers and no one to show Moan to his grave…The story ends with such a disguise…..where a womens married life is not so good and ends with the grave of his husband or a husband of no more a human but an animal…..
“No you can’t be nervous anymore. It may spoil your Interview”, Ashish said to himself repeatedly. When his name being called up, he became numb and stood there in silence. Why life throws at you the most unexpected moments? Why it does not work the way like you planned? There was a lot of questions which was going on his mind and when he regained his senses, he just turned away from the boss, stepping forward to leave the cabin but the boss held his hand saying, “You haven’t changed yet. Why you always choose to run away from the situation instead of facing it?” Ashish broke his silence, “Sneha I am guily of what I did to you.” For a moment, none of them uttered a word. Sneha went down the memory lane when Ashish left her alone saying that he wants to focus only on his career and he can’t make the togetherness last forever. She remembered how broken she was, but she continued loving him inspite of all the scars and also she studied hard and become the boss of Yogeshwar Company, overcoming all the struggles. Coming back to the present moment, she said to Ashish, “But I still love you and I never forgot your love too”. Hearing this, Ashish’s eyes filled with tears of happiness and without giving a second thought, he said, “Sneha I love you too. And I am sorry for all the woes, I caused you. Will you be my life partner?” And with a smile, she replied back instanly, “I accept your offer.” Both hugged each other, forgeting all the bad memories of past. Then Sneha asked Ashish, “Will you be my business partner too?” Then both of them started laughing and shared a kiss of love.
Sitting amidst the autumn leaves,
The little bird sang a melodious song,
Oblivious of the worries of the world,
Opening it’s colourful plumes,
All set to take a flight of fancy weaves .
“Let’s fly together “, said she..
I accepted her offer , delirious with joy.
Holding her hands, I flew to freedom .
Transported into an unknown planet,
Where all looked so happy and contented.
The blue sky merged with the clear water,
The rainbow looked mesmerizing after the morning showers,
Peace, love and harmony prevailed,
Hunger and death were unheard of.
The song was sweet and low ,
The golden rays of the sun glowed ,
The little bird spread its wings and took a bow ,
The screeching was harsh and loud,
I was thrown back to the reality of the mad crowd.
“ I accept your offer…” The four faces staring down at Ria immediately looked at each other and was about to embrace the almost congratulatory mood when Ria finished her words biting into her sandwich casually. “Just sign a written guarantee and don’t forget to mention the Probationary period”.
The room fell silent except for the mewling cat snuggling near Ria’s father’s feet attempting to climb up his pants. The four shocked gaping faces stared at Ria without blinking, their smiles faded. Ria’s Father stood abruptly from his chair tripping Jerry, the cat off him. Jerry promptly hissed at him baring teeth and motioned to claw with her nails outstretched.
Ria pointed at her Cat and asked seriously, “look, what if that new Mother turns up to be like an evil cat…Arrogant, manipulative, selfish, troublemaker driving me crazy?”
Her Aunt took a deep breath in an attempt to calm herself and began, “We appreciate your dislike for Jerry but all cats are not the same, some are…”
Interrupting Ria’s aunt her father growled, “Oh stop with the cat we are talking about a human here,a new addition…”
Cutting him off Ria enquired, “Well then did you do a background check on them then?” Seeing that her father was about to say something she went on “you can never be sure what kind of demon will digest your beloved daughter posing as your new Son-in-law so I say set loose a personal detective on them…”
Ria’s mother sighed walking out of the room mumbling “lazing around all day…another new way she found to deflect the topic of marriage”.
“Marriage on Probation?” wondered Riya’s puzzled elder brother.
“A Trial period…certain benefits will be off-limits…we don’t know if either of us are qualified as husband and wife with the required skills?”
A Poem
Calm and serene,
How wonderful & amazing,
Trees all gold and green,
Truly a sight so mesmerizing,
Nature is every where,
Mountains so bold & beautiful,
Species of plants wear and tear,
Sparkling river white and silvery,
Birds chirping,bees humming,
Butterflies flying,wind
Not to forget the blue sky blazing,
Clouds floating white &intoxicating,
Does this mean anything?
A new World to me,
God ,when you chiesled this pure thing,
What an elegant sight to see,
Nature is everywhere
Can go gazing forever & ever,
So listen &kearn what to say,
Do your part to keep nature alive , forever &ever.
अय ज़िन्दगी अय ज़िन्दगी
मै तुझ से बहोत बहोत प्यार करता हूं
मै तेरा हर प्रस्ताव स्वीकार करता हूं
अय ज़िन्दगी अय ज़िन्दगी
तेरा मान करता हूं तेरा आदर
तेरा सम्मान करता हूं
तेरे दिए हुए हर सुख हर दुःख से
इकरार करता हूं
अय ज़िन्दगी अय ज़िन्दगी
मै तुझ से बहोत बहोत प्यार करता हूं
मै तेरा हर प्रस्ताव स्वीकार करता हूं
अय ज़िन्दगी अय ज़िन्दगी
तूही मेरी माशुका तूही मेरी महबूबा
तूही मेरी दिलरुबा
मै तुझ पर अपनी जां निसार करता हूं
अय ज़िन्दगी अय ज़िन्दगी
मै तुझ से बहोत बहोत प्यार करता हूं
मै तेरा हर प्रस्ताव स्वीकार करता हूं
अय ज़िन्दगी अय ज़िन्दगी
मुझे कबूल है तेरे हर नाज़ों अंदाज़
और तेरे हर नखरे
तेरी किसी भी अदा से मै कहां इंकार
करता हूं
अय ज़िन्दगी अय ज़िन्दगी
मै तुझ से बहोत बहोत प्यार करता हूं
मै तेरा हर प्रस्ताव स्वीकार करता हूं
अय ज़िन्दगी अय ज़िन्दगी
धुप हो या हो छाव दिन हो या रात हो
सुबह हो शाम हो चाहे आंधी तूफ़ान हो
बस तेरा ही ऐतबार करता हूं
अय ज़िन्दगी अय ज़िन्दगी
मै तुझ से बहोत बहोत प्यार करता हूं
मै तेरा हर प्रस्ताव स्वीकार करता हूं
अय ज़िन्दगी अय ज़िन्दगी
अय ज़िन्दगी तेरे चहरे पर एक
खुशी की खातिर
अपना खून पसीना एक करके तुझे
गुलो गुलज़ार करता हूं
अय ज़िन्दगी अय ज़िन्दगी
मै तुझ से बहोत बहोत प्यार करता हूं
मै तेरा हर प्रस्ताव स्वीकार करता हूं
अय ज़िन्दगी अय ज़िन्दगी
अय ज़िन्दगी अय ज़िन्दगी
चाहे गलत ही सही मगर
हम मानते है आपका प्रस्ताव
हमारे प्रति आप का जो है सालुख
जो है रवैया वो हम जानते है
मगर फिर भी आप का ये झूठे प्रेम
का प्रस्ताव हम मानते है
चाहे गलत ही सही मगर
हम मानते है आपका प्रस्ताव
हम जानते है आप हमारी भावना से
खेल रहे हो और ये आप भी भली
भांति जानते हो अपने झूठे प्रेम और
झूठी भावना को
चाहे गलत ही सही मगर
हम मानते है आपका प्रस्ताव
प्रेम तो बस साब एक दिखावा है
उसके पीछे एक घृणा और नफ़रत
का बड़ा ज़ख़ीरा छुपा है
मगर फिर भी हम आप के हर
प्रस्ताव को स्वीकार करते हैं
चाहे गलत ही सही मगर
हम मानते है आपका प्रस्ताव
हमारे प्रति जो है आप का सलुख़ जो
है रवैया वो हम जानते है
मगर फिर भी आप का ये झूठे प्रेम
का प्रस्ताव हम मानते है
हम मानते है आपका प्रस्ताव
हम आप की हर बात का आदर करते है
सम्मान करते है
क्यूं कि हम आप से जी जान से
प्रेम करते हैं
इसलिए हम स्वीकार करते आए है
आप का प्रस्ताव और आज भी मै
स्वीकार करता हूं आपका प्रस्ताव
वो बात और है के आप कौन है
मै नहीं जानता हूं लोग आंखे
बंद करके मानते है तो मै भी
आंखें बंद करके आप को मानने
के लिए मजबुर हूं
चाहे गलत ही सही मगर
हम मानते है आपका प्रस्ताव
This story is all about a teenage girl whose name is Naina. Naina is a shy and an introvert girl whose dreams are very big but she is always remaining confused about her life. Naina has a hobby of writing. She writes so many poems, stories, her daily routines in her diary. Even her parents not knew anything about it. Her parents want, her daughter became an engineer one day, but she is not interested anymore in it and stuck in her life. She becomes confused day by day.
One day, she is sitting in a restaurant with her diary where she writes everything, Coincidently, a woman is coming inside to a door, carry so many bags and fall accidently, Naina eagerly run towards her for helping. She helped that woman but by mistakenly her dairy will also gone with bags of that woman. She is upset for her lost. Next day a call comes to her and said your diary is here, please come and meet me on the same restaurant. The lady which was accidently met that day is a successful writer Ms. ANA and read her all literatures. When Naina goes to meet her, she gives an offer to public your write up in front of world and start writing a story with me. Naina request for some time. After two days Naina says” I accept your offer”. And start working with Ms. ANA. Her book went for sold and did a great business. That day Naina realize what she wants to became in her life. Naina makes her career in writing and became a successful writer and She feels thankful to Ms. ANA and the day when she said” I accept your offer”.
A person who looks happy always,
Or the saddest sometimes.
A person who looks like an open book,
Or their having some mysterious inside.
Sometimes who looks caring,
Or shows their cruelties with time.
Person who loves to help others,
Or looks most selfish with flow of time.
Can you tell me why??
Because I don’t know “WHO AM I?”.
A person who are good with everyone,
Or the hated someone from insides.
A person who trusted easily,
Or never trust on anyone even a single time.
Someone who loves to makes friends,
Or scared of friendship sometimes.
Can you tell me why??
Because I don’t know “WHO AM I?”.
Person who is easily agree with anyone,
Or the disagree with the whole world meanwhile.
A person having lots of solution,
Or having no solution of their own problems sometimes.
A person who are the brightest ones,
Or the faded some stage of their life.
Can you tell me why??
Because I don’t know “WHO AM I?”.
विषय -मुझे तुम्हारा प्रस्ताव मंजूर है
श्रेणी – कविता
मुझे तुम्हारा प्रस्ताव मंज़ूर है
क्युँकि … इसमें कुछ ख़ास बात जरूर है
इसमें ठहरे है वो ज़ज़्बात
जिसमें मेरे दिल के भी है ख़यालात
कुछ तुमने जो बातें बताई
जो मेरे हृदय को बहुत भायी
कुछ अपनेपन का अहसास हुआ
कुछ तो ख़ास बात हैं जिसका आगाज़ हुआ
जिनमे रिश्तों की भी है गहराई
जिनमें शामिल नहीं कोई तन्हाई
मुलाक़ात कुछ इस तरह से हुई
महसूस ही नहीं हुआ कि मैं… मैं नहीं हूँ कोई पराई
पैसा और इज़्ज़त तो बहुत कमाया
पहली बार प्यार की कोई पेशकश लाया
जिंदगी नई राह पर चल पड़ी हैं
कैसी खुशियों भरी सुहानी घड़ी हैं
तुम्हारी आँखों में खुद की तस्वीर नज़र आई है
बातों में समंदर सी गहराई है
ठहराव है साहिल के जैसा
फिर इंकार… कैसा
जिंदगी ने की है पेशकश
मंज़ूर है मुझे तुम्हारा ये प्रस्ताव… बेशक़
काश !तुम पहले मिल गए होते
तो हम कुछ और रंगीन होते
बारिश की बूंदों में सुनते सरगम
ना महसूस होता अकेलेपन का गम
चलो, अब भी ये मौका मिला है
जो तुमने तज़वीज़ किया है, संजो के रखेंगे इन्हे स्वर्णिम यादों की तरह
मिले तुम, हमें जिस तरह
दिल मिल गए..उस तरह
किस्मत मेरी एक नये मोड़ पर आई है
जिंदगी में इतनी दूर निकल आने के बाद
तुम्हारे रूप में इक नई जिंदगी पाई है
चलो हाथ थामों बन के साथी
जीवन के अंधेरो के बन जाये” दिया और बाती ”
रजनी सरदाना
अवलेखा की उड़ान🕊
Hi !
We have been together since many years but i never thought that how much you are important to me
I want to talk to you
Can i?
Thank you !
Thank you for what?
You do not know, sorry!
I said thanks to you
For cover my teary face
When I feel alone, you are with me always
I hug you tightly
Cry and weep but you don’t make my face uncovered in front of other.
What is going in my mind, you know everything
When I am in a quandary, you make me out from that
You put my head and makes me feel relax
You swallow my tears
You never make me think that i am alone
You take my all the problems far and make me sleep
You never make me feel desolated
You know my fear, my weaknesses and my strengths because when I look someone, you stand in front of me and I always talk to you
My dear pillow
This is for you
Dust unto dust.
What do I know! Right?
I am just thirteen, not even particularly bright at school work. That’s what my mother believes. I can’t go back home and listen to her unending tirade on why I can never clean my room. And then she would begin with what a loser dad was, and what a bitch life is. It’s regular. it is my life. All of it. I can’t take it any more of her screaming. I just can’t. Her screaming is worse than the pandemic. Though the pandemic is terrible as well. It has taken away my best friend. No Chuck is not dead. But life has many ways of taking the people you love from you. His father lost his job . It was because of the downsizing , and then their house was repossessed so they didn’t have a place to live in, they even lived in the car for a week , then they left.
I don’t even know where my best friend is now. In fact my only friend. I think I went to school.just to hang out with him , and maybe to look at Amy. She is kinda pretty. But now her parents are homeschooling her. I will never get to look at her. Ever.
“You need to open up,” says my counselor at school. Open up to whom? To you? You are just filling up the entries in your log and waiting for Friday. You don’t care and i know it. I think the truth is that no one cares and I know it.
I heard a big man say that if we had known the truth about the pandemic, we would have panicked. It is okay to panic. When you are in danger, you panic and you help each other.
Just look at the ducks. They are walking across the green with each other.
“Look at the ducks!” Was she speaking to me , the homeless old woman with her big bag .
I nodded at the bag lady.
” Why aren’t you at school?”
“I hate school.” That was true , though i had never said the words out aloud. It felt good. I repeated it again, and yet again.
“Why aren’t you at home then? Won’t your mum be looking for you?”
“She can’t stand the sight of me?”
“He left.”
“Friend . He left too.”
“What do you want?”
” I want it all to end.”
She looked me in my eyes, kinda spooky, held out a fistful of dust. Don’t get me wrong. Just ordinary regular dust.
“I can do it if you accept.”
“I accept your offer”
She threw that fistful of dust skywards, the sky was dust, so was the earth, so was the bench I was sitting on.
All was dust. Annihilation. Total . The finality of it.
The poor ducks. I thought . And then I was dust.
The wall clock rang, it was 7’0 clock. She rushed out of house carrying her overloaded bag.
A wide gate with gaurds whistling, it was seven past ten, time to close the gates soon.She took a deep breath with a smile finally she was in. It was her first day at school. A tall white and grey building stood in front of her with name of school ” ST. MARY’S SCHOOL”. She was captivated by the view of big playground, flowers, trees and greens all around.
The school bell rang loud, echoed in her ears breaking the silence and thoughts in her mind. It was time for morning assembly, a day to begin with exercises and morning prayers. It ended with a motivational quotes.
Not knowing which way to go, she walked in queue in search for her Class 5. She occupied a seat in first row as she did in previous school.
The first bell, a teacher came rushing in with a energetic voice, ” Good morning young people”. The class with cheerful hearts stood up to greet back. A special warm welcome was done as she was the only candidate joining 2 months earlier before the dates of new session.
It was now her to introduce self. Nervous but yet stood up boldly to say, ” Good morning! My name is Asha.I am 7 years old.I love talking, playing, making new friends and I am from….” Everyone’s eyes on her expecting more words, not because they found her interesting but with an intention time would fly without much study. Her ‘only talks’ ended with a smile as she couldn’t speak more, language being the barrier.
With each bell, new faces arrived and taught lessons. She kept quiet, felt pity, deep down in her heart saddened with the fact she couldn’t ask for help.
And no sooner a tap on the shoulder, she turned back. A girl with a bright smile, whispered in her ears, ” Hi, I’m Deepa.I can help you with English but in return share your books with me.” In no time, Asha whispered back, “I accept the offer…. but the books will have my name written on it.” Both exchanged smiles to confirm the deal was cracked.
It was not just an offer or a deal, it was beginning of a journey of Hope (Asha) and a ray of light (Deepa).
Topic : I accept Your offer
Simple yet complicated
are my thoughts so am I;
I am like any other ordinary girl
with an offer of extraordinary imagination.
Positivity or negativity;
What does you offer imagination?
I do admit sincerely and painfully
imagination offers the later one;
Refusing Your offer, let me reveal
this minute mystery of the matter
That is, it’s not my poem
it’s my death note before I end my life.
I never imagined of walking in clouds
swimming in sky, living in moon;
I imagined of possible things
in an impossible way.
I sucked my exams imagining of
getting good marks while reading;
I sucked my job imagining of
doing hard work while working.
Life sucked me when I imagined
of having a fairy tale marriage .
If imagination is what I am offered
Imagination sucked me and my life.
When I thought it was all over
You made it alive again with an old offer.
Imagination makes my heart beat poetry
In pain it will bleed poetry;
I am at the moment of consciousness
going through the path of awakening
Thoughts of suicide committed suicide
Hanging in an imaginary rope.
Let me reveal this moment of miracle
I decided to continue my life
with Your offer of imagination
The possibility of positivity in it.
Landed in the place of imagination
Let me build a castle of words
And I’m going to dwell in poetry.
As all Your offer is my imagination.
For what my hand is writing today
Will be read by thousands of lips later.
Dwelling after thousands of years
is possible through poetry.
I accept the new life and new me
I accept Your offer, a real offer
of imagination which lives in my poem
Through my poems I live a very long life.
Topic: I accept your offer
A girl pursue her studies,
With mixed feelings of happiness and worries.
She is heading towards the light,
Which will lead to success after all the fight.
She has to respond to the offers like a warrior,
Be it about her life or career.
Thought of being self independent acts like spur to proceed,
To move ahead, tell them “I accept the offer” gave her the the essence to lead.
There is one more tough row to hoe,
How to decide the man for your life in one go?
But she knows she will shine by the glint of triumph,
She will move a step ahead, tell them “I accept the offer” and be content.
A boy pursue his studies,
With a sack of thoughts about the responsibilities.
He is determined to move on the road ahead,
Overcome the challenges, move over the potholes and just thread.
He has to respond to the offers and take a wise decision,
He says “I accept the offer” after analyzing the repercussion.
He has listened that it is all about the priorities,
But in real world he also has to settle certain liabilities.
He has to take very important decisions in life,
Be it about his family or selecting his future wife.
He shares the responsibility of his family and is also ready to be a Family Man,
Moves ahead with positivity and says “I accept the offer” for his life partner and be content.
Thousands of people from all over the world visit the Karni Maths Temple in the town of Deshnok,near Bikaner in Rajasthan.
The temple is dedicated to the goddesses karni matha, an avatar of Durga,but the highlight of the shrine is not really the Goddesses but the multitude of rats scurrying about the place.
I am personally terrified of rats.What if a rat bites my toe?The priest of the temple assure that there is nothing to be afraid of.Visitors do not mind the rats even climbing their clothes.
The rats are known as Kabbas.The temple is full of activity.The rats are treated to sweets and a large bowl of milk is left near the corners to feed them.That is really a good life for the rats.The rats are free to scurry around each and everywhere including the main sanctum where the idol of karni mata is kept.It is a great place for a rodent with so much food to eat and nobody to chase them.
There is a legend connected to this temple.One of karni mata’s son was drinking water from a pond called Kapil Sarovar few blocks away from the temple.He leaned out too far and slipped and fell into the pond.There was no chance of survival.Karni mata prayed to Yama the God of death.She begged Yama to save her son in return for anything.Yama being an unpredictable god,agreed to bring the boy back to life of Karni Mata was ready to pay a price.From that moment onwards other children of Karni Mata would live as rats.
If you somehow managed to squish one you will have to replace it with a rat made of solid silver.Nobody knows how old the temple is.
Maharaja Ganga Singh of Bikaner constructed the current version of the temple with its stunning marble facade and carved doors made of solid silver.
You should consider yourself very lucky if you don’t a white rat.The priestess that there are only four white rats.Devotees wait for hours to spot the white rat and go home grinning widely even if they manage to get even a small glimpse.The Karni Mata fair is held in March and September month.This is when there are more people than rats found in the temple.The rats are happiest at these times because their food supplies are doubled.
The karni Mata temple is the most interesting to visit in Bikaner.There is just one thing hard to spot around the temple—A Cat.!
Thanking you,
By A White Rat.
Topic-“I Accept Your Offer’’
When Priyanka returned in the evening, she was not quite her usual self.
Ma: “ Anything wrong?’’
“ Well, today I went to the Magazine Office near the park for an extra copy of last month’s issue. I chanced to meet the newly appointed Editor.
He exclaimed, “Wow! You are so beautiful!’’
He went on, “ Intelligent young lady, no doubt…but you are very beautiful- that matters the most.’’
I blushed, but had an uneasy gut feeling. I could clearly sense the lust in his eyes.
“Are you employed?’’ he asked.
“No Sir. I have just given my Masters exam in English.’’
“Why don’t you work in my office? Come on, have tea with me.’’
I was in a fix. It was the first time someone was offering me a job.
He felt he was too clever and getting the upper hand on me. He was expecting me to say, “I accept your offer.’’
I thanked him politely and said,“ I have enrolled in a few courses to upgrade my skills. Right now I am not ready for a job. ’’
He was very disheartened. “ You don’t want to be unemployed for a long time, do you? Give me your mobile number and do not call me Sir……..’’
His phone rang. It was an important phone call. He signaled me to wait.
I pretended, “ I am late. Please excuse me.’’ I hurriedly left. Hope nobody had been following me.’’
Ma smiled- “ Don’t worry. Relax. You will get better offers. Today I have a job offer for you. Edit the few stories I have written lately. I intend to publish the collection and your name will feature as the Editor. ’’
Priyanka embraced her dear mother, “Ma, I accept your offer.’’
As Munnoo perambulated down the alley through the beautiful precipices, several untold stories of sacrifice, success and solidarity resonated in his ears.
Memories splurged across his mind. The efforts he sowed, nurtured him into the 17 year old today.
He walked on surreptitiously as he rolled his eyes over the creased price tags on the floor. He wondered if it were to
to destruct, restrict or to construct.
Several offers came his way, assuring to care, share and pair
What was that catastrophic vibe?
Did it call anyone to revive,
with an assurance to survive?
“Yes Nature has made an offer ” he recollected.
His labyrinths of thoughts began to unfurl as he reminisced on this offer.
It is a mega offer, a grand offer!
There on the walls the words dwindled in clear font:
‘To those in perils to buffer
the labyrinths of sin, to introspect
the harbingers of wrath, to retrospect..’
Neither a camera of high resolution
nor a network with many postulations
can sanctify or purify the misdeeds of man.
A fly buzzed in his ears, revoking him to face the present. Through a world so dampened it lay curled , burdened. The reciprocation of nature, compels to nurture.
Munnoo realized that it was an offer,
with love, hope and peace,
all uncertainities shall cease.
An offer we so easily fret with derision!
Munnoo knew that this ain’t any magic but an attempt to reciprocate on lives, gone tragic.
Someone whispered in his ears
“My dear sweet child,
why have you gone so wild”?
Munnoo awoke with a jolt, upright on his bed. He held tightly to the book, from it the pages spoke in a reverie.
It wrought a well knit thought:
“The world is my own image,
A mirror of being to not deflect
but in O-oneness, to reflect
by F-feeling and finding forth
F- friends and foes;
to E – embrace one and all in
R- reconciliation
At last the word, well coined,
with scintillating meaning, unfurling this fragmented peelings.
Munnoo, detests it no more!
“I ACCEPT YOUR O-F-F-E-R ” resonated the first beat of the new born heart.
Short Stories-Fortune of Kindness and Mindfulness
1.Thank God, I was the Chosen One.
While on a walk along the road,I saw a 2 wheeler turning down to hit the road grade adjacent to me.A person was riding with a lady behind.The scene occurred in slow motion.Saw driver losing his balance and the lady starts falling sidewards.
I intervened and supported the lady by her shoulders. The driver regained vehicular control,but they did seem shocked.Thought to myself as to what gave me the timely stimulus to do this act.
2.Mindfulness Lessons
A colleague always leaves the mosquito net zipper open after coming out of it on completing his sleep in morning.Little does the student realise that doing this daily affects his classmate’s health ,disturbs his sleep quality.The boy is told on and off but he continues with his this peculiar habit in unbroken manner. Another room –mate takes lead and zips the mosquito net back after this boy finishes his sleep daily.Reason seems that uncontrollable drive to leap into the mobile envelope than starting with breathing healthily.
Explained several times, same continues.
Better done by someone than harping on same daily.Some other person does this zipping off everyday.
Visible effect of IT device invasion on creativity quotient of pre-occupied young minds.
With Regards,
I accept the offer
तुम अद्रश्य हो
हम स्तब्ध हैं
यह सोच कर-
कहाँ से-
हम पर प्रहार कर दोगे
नहीं मालूम
तुम कितने-
शक्तिमान हो-
प्रबल हो
यह सारी दुनियाॅ के –
समझ मे आगया है
तुम्हारे प्रहार से-
बचने के लिए, हम
घरों में बंद हैं
लाॅकडाउन है ।
एक बात तो है
तुम्हारे प्रकोप से पहले
हर देश, एक दूसरे से
लडने के लिए-
तरह-तरह के हथियार/बम बनाके
अपनी प्रभुत्ता का
दम्भ दिखाते थे
आतंकवाद का बोलबाला था
तुम्हारे आतंक ने तो
सभी देशों को
मुर्छित कर दिया है
इतना भयभीत कर दिया है कि,
सब-एक हो गये
एक दूसरे से मदद-
की गुहार लगा रहे है
मातम मना रहे है ।
आज,तुम्हे मारने के लिए
उनके पास कोई वैक्सीन/दवा नहीं है
लाचार,परेशान और हैरान-
सब एक दूसरे को देख रहे है
भकुवा गए हैं
उनके सारे शस्त्र-
बेकार हो गए है
मुह ढक –
हाथ धो-
घर में बैठ गये हैं।
तुमने सारी दुनिया को-
एक धागे मे
पिरो दिया है
बेबस कर दिया है।
-ङाॅ विजय ‘शील’
I accept your offer to decode the Joyous Theory
It all starts with a Decision, a decision to be Happy, all you need to do is to take that first step “I don’t want this anymore,,I don’t want to feel like that AGAIN,,no matter what,,I deserve better”.
Yes!!! You deserve better, much better and all you need to do is to believe it. Let me tell you honey, it’s not easy either because it leads to a long process of Unlearning and Relearning. And the only constant problem you’ll face while applying this theory is that you will told to do a number of things that you haven’t learnt/taught yet. So, just be ready to unlearning most of them and relearning few of them.
For the joyous factor in your life you need certain quantities, the second one is “Change in perception” you have already taken the first,,,your Decision,,,once you decide you are already in that process.
Now by multiplying these two quantities, you will get your pioneer number and that is “Self-Love”. Once you reach that level, magic begins. You will start noticing that things are bad but you made them worst, this is the point where you realise your worth, you start accepting yourself with all your scars and realise that they meant more as lessons rather as punishments. Now you start appreciating your journey and by doing that you get a product which is multiple of these digits and that is Peace. This peace is the magnet of multiple paths, once you reach there, you attract joy, gratitude, fun, enjoyment and yes Happiness!
Pro-tip- Throughout your journey the only thing you need to keep is “be easy on yourself”, learn to avoid those constant voices in your head, keep distracting yourself till you find peace again.
It’s been generations and generations of confinement,
Struggled and captured in the shackles of society.
Maimed and tortured for the pleasures of the selected.
It is evident that I was not considered human,
Just a toy of satisfaction.
But today I stand here to break these rules.
I stand here to fire up the courage to speak
My heart, my soul and everything that I feel.
The days of my struggle must come to an end
The mere purpose of my life must reveal itself
And not just for what is defined as “RIGHT”.
I am no toy but was played for pleasure,
My soul crushed by amateurs,
My body ripped by cannibals,
My dignity thrown in courthouses and brothels.
Every part of my body was objectified and rated.
I was reduced to a mere disgrace of an object.
But today, I ACCEPT YOUR OFFER to stand up for myself.
My whole being was to revolve around men,
To mend their needs and sacrifice my dreams.
To please them, and forget my happiness,
To support them and never care about their greed,
For it was duty, my soul duty
To do everything for another human being!
A man who gratified in my pain,
Who saw his success in maiming me,
Who never bothered to take care of my soul,
Was but just concerned about his own.
Today, I ACCEPT YOUR OFFER, the women who has suffered for ages,
To speak up!
Free ourselves from the shackles of society,
Break the chains that bound our humanity,
To scream with rage and calmness,
To end this patriarchal mentality,
Reeking with misogynistic entity.
Today, I am free!
For I no longer accept these atrocities.
शब्द जहाँ शस्त्र है, तो मौन है ढाल,,,
वक़्त बेवक़्त कहकर ऐ बंदे, तू क्यूँ करता है बवाल,,,
परवाह जहाँ रिश्तों की हो, तेरा कुछ न कहना ही श्रेष्ठ है,,,
जो व्यक्ति हो सहनशील, वही सृष्टि में सर्वश्रेष्ठ है,,,
शब्दो के इस जाल में, तू क्यूँ बंदे उलझता है,,,
फिर जहाँ परवाज़ हो रिश्तों की, समझौता ही असर करता है,,,
शब्दो के इस फेर में, तू यूँ खुदको बरबाद न कर,,,
कि रोक ले खुदको तू कहने से, अपने रिश्तों पर तू यूँ सवाल ना कर,,,
रिश्तें है अनमोल, कहे – अनकहे शब्दो से,,,
प्रेम की एक डोर भी है, जो बनती है अपनों से,,,
वक़्त रहतें सुलझा ले, तू इस शब्द पहेली को,,,
तोड़ दे दीवार, गिरा दे कटुता की इस हवेली को,,,
कि सक्षम है, तू अकेला चलने को,,
इस भ्रम का अब, तू विस्तार ना कर,,,
मिटा दे दिलो से अपने, बैर को,,,
अपने रिश्तों को, फिर एक बार तू आबाद कर,,,
फिर एक बार आबाद कर,,,
Topic: I accept your offer
Title of my poem: Accepted Offers.
With all my heart how does contents me just
Offer over my ear to him dream for
Some delighted smothers hunted the most
To go back to ours and move on old car
The car once lost by way encrusted blood ;
He offered me reinhart a chance for gear:
A road to head and heart smoothing his good
Revered roaming rebates on cracked undone
Stone heart’s heed without debate on deed
I signed ; no piercing with the night– croon
Analysis was postponed for the time
He offered what I accepted in bone :
He wanted back , palm over greatest rhyme
So I’m , can move with wind and hymnal prunes
Of all those lonely days lengths diadem;
Of all familiarise sweat smells in spoons,
Gulling bewitched moments, clovers elated
Soothing old pain renewed sound sweet solemn
The boat sailing on midnight’s liquidmoon
The first kissing and rubbing skin into
Filthy coastal’s reviewer could be run
An easy moves without cares to heaven
Love, the way to go through power adieu
E’er can be doused oil with air and proven
It’s malfunctioning career in leu
Of heal swallowed solitude swelling throat
Why quivering laughter and resent dew!
So, the chicken out l was to you bloat
And erased nameshake on desert; the space
Between tragedy to comedy act.
Can I dream ’bout to hold the sun I guess
In thy eyeballs I want to cross the stars
Of your starts and glue to your lips leak fuss:
How hail my spheres a single heart beat cheers
In my womb , I guess the dream baby
Warmly waiting to be maintained with prayers
O’er eternal been delighted happy
Leaving me assailed musical smiley
Offered punctured height to yonder guppy !
Uh! I never seen him after: really
Accepted , what he but offered rally!
** A Terza-rima poem, with pentameter and rhyming with aba, bcb, cdc….. with couplet.
“If you use me for other’s welfare, am boon for you”
But if you use me for your own selfishness, am changing into curse”
These lines are written on an unknown book which are lying in a collection of other books in a library. It was a magical book and select their majesty of their own. One day a boy whose name is “Sohm” ,a teenage boy going into the library, not in their school library. When they selected some books for the research of their project that magical book comes with rest of them. They are invisible between the other books. When Sohm reach their home and start their project work , He saw an unknown book . Book’s first page is written in a German language and Sohm don’t know German. Sohm is a good guy , that’s why book selected him for being a majesty of her. Whenever Sohm wants to help other the book is Always help him in a different manner. Like in a way of poetry or word puzzles. Sohm help so many people but one day He used magical book for their own selfishness, they used that book for to take revenges and harm the others. But that book makes the things always reversible of what he wants. Book makes his life curse. He asked to Book give me an ides so that you gone in my life for always. The Book give him offer you have only I option” if u want to leave me ,burn me with the pine woods but you have to give me your most loving thing” Sohm have no option because that magical book made his life hell day by day. He said” I ACCEPT YOUR OFFER” I give you mine Helping nature to u. And then they burn the book and never done something good with others even people hate him a lot now.
Topic – “I accept you offer”
Nikhil and Ragini loved each other so dearly that, they could even sacrifice their lives to keep their partners happy. So one day, Nikhil proposed Ragini, but instead of accepting the proposal she asked him a question, “do you love your mom more or do you love me more”. He was surprised to hear this question from Ragini, his girlfriend who was only the one, who understood him the most, after his parents.Then again she asked, “tell me?”. He sadly said, “I can’t choose, you both are equally important to me, but if I have to then it would definitely be my mom, as I love her the most in the world”. And as he turned around to leave, he saw his mother smiling at him, as she said, “why do you love me so much, your love for me cost me a few bucks”.
Then his mom replied, “I and Ragini had a bet, that who you love the most, Ragini or me? I said you love Ragini more and Ragini said you love me more…so you see you made me lose”. Confused Nikhil turned, just to see Ragini kneeling down with a ring. Then he looked towards his mom and then again towards Ragini with a confused face. Seeing Nikhil confused Ragini said, “I think one who cares for his mother so much, imagine how much more will he love his wife. And at that very moment Nikhil knelt and they both asked each other “Will you accept my offer of being my life partner” and as they both hugged each other they together said, “Yes… I accept your offer”.
Restless and exasperated, Sundar looked behind him, at the long queue of cars honking and hooting impatiently. But there was pretty little anybody could do to remove the blockade at the entrance to the airport, caused by the dharna of a political party. Sundar realized that not only his reporting time, but even his flight time had passed. He saw no point in waiting any further, and decided to return home. At the back of his mind, he was visualizing with glee, the surprise his wife, Aruna, would get, on seeing him!
Upon opening the door with his set of keys, hushed voices, including a man’s, emerging from the bedroom stopped his heart for a minute, and he stood there frozen. He knocked on the door impulsively, and after what seemed an age, the door opened slowly and guiltily….Sundar just walked out into the dark night…
The family court room was thronging with men and women and advocates. Sundar could see Aruna, standing at the far end, unrepentant. Only Sundar bent his head down, to avoid meeting her eyes, that had once enslaved him. The clerk calling out his name jolted him out of his thoughts, and he squeezed himself past the crowd, to go and stand in front of the judge.
He could hardly follow the allegations that Aruna’s advocate was hurling at him. But her words, “He comes home drunk, and turns her out of the house, in the dead of night! He deserves the strongest punishment under section 498A of the IPC”, told him that facts had no chance in front of fabrication. “Would the couple go for a family court mediation” asked the Judge. Sundar was least interested. All he wanted was to get out of all this.
Going home, that night, Sundar informed his advocate, “Please tell her that she can take my house as she demands, and even my life if she wishes; I only want peace. I accept her offer.”
By Gulnar Raheem Khan
Story title : I accept your offer
She was the apple of his eyes, how could anyone insult his daughter and seeing tears in her eyes, Sukracharya, the Asura guru, barged authoritatively into the court of king Yayati .
Yayati welcomed him with open arms as a learned person and also as a father of his first wife. Though, he accepted the salutations , of the king, what caught his attention was he felt , the king showering enormous love on his second wife and their sons.
In a fit of rage, he cursed Yayati to attain old age and reduced him to a state of nothingness. Yayati , awoke as if from state of stupor and pleaded to Sukracharya to offer a solution for the curse.
Sukracharya, out of mercy , told the king, that if someone could exchange his old age with their youth, he could become his self again. Heaving a sign of relief , Yayati first went to his eldest son and told him about the curse and offered him the kingdom in lieu of his old age , the son bluntly refused. Then after getting subsequent refusals from all of his sons , he came to try his luck with his last son
Puru. On hearing , his father’s predicament , Puru jumped with joy and told his father he was ready to accept his father’s offer of old age with his youth.
At this Yayati, embraced his son and promised to return his youth as and when he would be satisfied .
After many years , Yayati realised that there was no end to sensual enjoyments and hence he not only returned the youth to his son but also crowned him the king .
Wings to My Life
I sit against the barred window, my life retreating from its unspoken tirade. A long, winding road unravels in front of eyes, bending into a curve infinitely out of my reach. My life is ebbing away against the white background, to be darkened by overshadowing figures at times. The lifeless existence is not always monochromatic though. Speckles of light and color embellish the room as does streaks of lightning.
I haven’t seen the world outside, never been given the offer to. I haven’t seen the shades of red the sky can turn or the peace that pervades in the mind staring at the lull of the waves. The magic that lies in the world is unattainably away from the gliding touch of my fingerprints. But, those lines put a spell on me, the splash of black on white vivid. Unknown sights visited, streets traversed with new acquaintances, bonds formed and heart overwhelmed with love, my life is spent in this world which feels like home.
There is so much to live, to see, will my life ever be enough? I was meant to fly, to roam the sky and I will. Within the walls of white, the blackness breathes life into me. Words offer me a life concealed from the real world. I am a nomad this instant, a waltz dancer the next, swaying through the dark groove to reach the light. I accept your offer to live my life vicariously through the color of black. Who knows what hides in those endless lines, a life worth living? Yes, I embrace it and accept the chance to give wings to my life.
I accept your offer
I’ve been knowing you since long,
First had an interaction with you by a song.
Now you got me an offer,
I do accept that invitation,while working hard far suffer.
Yeah,sure there is going to be a marriage,
In earth one cure,later as proposed in heavens.
You gone with your carriage,
I’ll come sailing the oceans.
I have hastily hovered over high hills,
After getting offshore,
Railed onto an island,not onto highland,
but engaged like busy with daily chore.
I have no idea where you are,
I have no idea whether you touched by fortress one.
I got here,but no phone,
Let hustling myself in this island bare.
Convinced myself to not care my own life,
I won’t get into any strife,
Because no human here,
Just nature near.
If I stay silent,no worth,but I work,so that I see no dearth,
Withdrawn myself from lighting lighthouse,as seafarers sail by island.
I have pitched my tents on earth,
They haven’t heard me,but in emergency I run over sand.
I risked,my career,but sojourn,filling my carrier,
I won’t pound back,seeing obstacles,or by cutting edge sovenier.
Though hindrances,come as barrier,
I’ll put up,run as hinds feet,more steadier.
I will hand this note and a present,
Itself a fortune,and have my presence.
Because you send me an invitation,
I have that card,half torn.
The only details of your wedding,I could read,
That’s time and place,it’s enough feed.
Lately,I have guesses on the groom,
Anyway,lo I come to banqueting room,as I have already accepted the offer.
-Blesson M
“I accept your offer”
Hiren was a man of about thirty two, the heart-throb of many women, tall, gaunt and handsome as he was. However, he had become a widower two years ago. His wife, Sathi had left him along with both of their children, Pakhi and Raghav.
Two years passed since Pakhi’s demise. Hiren had never thought of giving his life a second chance by beginning a new journey with anyone else. Nevertheless, life, at times takes a different turn which seems to be taking one completely out of one’s spontaneous flow. Something similar and a bit ironical happened with Hiren. Dahlia, a young maid of twenty five, who worked in their family since Hiren’s marriage with Sathi looked after both the kids as their mother and took a genuine care of Hiren too, as she had been asked by Sathi on her deathbed to play her role in her absence. Dahlia was extremely serene and beautiful, characterised by a distinct feminine care, concern and tenderness.
One day Pakhi asked Dahlia, ” Aunty, from now on, will you please become our mother? “Pakhi tried to convince her saying that she loved them no less than their mother. But Raghav realised that it was a false consolation and asked Pakhi to persuade Dahlia so that she marries Hiren. Dahlia refused as lovingly as possible, but in vain. The following day, while lending Hiren his cup of tea, Dahlia related to him the whole matter. Asking for forgiveness beforehand for giving him a proposal out of her audacity, she asked Hiren if both of them could start a new phase of married life, just for the sake of his children. Concealing his tears deep somewhere within himself, Hiren told her, “I accept your offer. “
“Mere spellers of fight, actually envisage the ground for fight. And That fighter withheld the beauty
of inner or outer soul”.
(Sirasi was awake in her sleep planning the fight with the proposal she wanted to mesmerise for her
inner soul. In her daydreaming, she sleeps with it, and in awakening sleep she was envisaging the
ground of that proposal.)
Sirasi was asleep in her attic of academia, just in her pants as it was NOT A HIS(STORY) day.
Her face was not showing the grind of the bluest eyes, not the load of mannerism of a newly-
wed girl should follow, not the strain of ‘ACCHI BETI BANO’ (Be a good girl), not the
dilemma of NIRMALA, not the helplessness of CHANDRAMUKHI; only, just only the calm
light of supreme attainment was glowing on her face.
Her attic, not this dear one only, was clean enough to write the newer chapters of her flight
with her all the creatures of this multiverse, along with mother planet and father planet, with
zillions of galaxies and Unexplainable Feelings of Others (UFOs).
Her books of laws, social laws, marital laws, law’s law, psychology, moral psychology, social
psychology, positive psychology, negative attainment, disorders, reason’s reason, platonic
love, satanic love, bisexuality, queer love, Grihsobha, Hotel’s Riya or cinema’s Diva…all…just
all needed to rewrite.
Her all known spas, malls, fashion, colours, ornaments, undergarments, jogging shoes,
joggers park, waiting rooms, hospital staffs, new buildings, girls hostel, Balika Vidyalayas
(Girls schools), reservation queues …all of them are going to be dismantle.
Because GOD has accepted her offer. You know what was the offer…???
Liberation is not, where we can discuss what shape and size of the penis a woman want, liberation
would be then when she will be respected on her decision whether she wants the penis or not.
Has voice#3 results been declared? Kindly inform when will the results be declared.
I Accept Your Offer.
Your offer I accept,
Where in bargain of liberty on your dictates I have to act,
And believe it to be freedom,
Where you have kept everything with you and given me some,
Some… which appears like freedom but freedom is none.
Your offer I accept,
To live and to act,
According to you,
Deemed perfect in your view.
Because that is what since ages,I have done,
What is mine to beg from you, is exactly what I have learned.
So… Yes,your offer I accept,
In bondages to live,thinking it to be freedom on my own, to act.
Sir, results will be declared early next week
Zorba Books :
The last date for submission was given as 15 September. Is the contest still open?
Will only the selected participants be informed all everyone can expect a response irrespective of wether their piece was selected or not?
Waiting waiting n waiting eagerly with fingers crossed 🤞🤞
Only the winners will be informed and the results posted on our social media
Are the results declared ! Let me know
Hi…will you kindly let us know the date of result publication so that we understand whether we are selected or not… sometimes we don’t receive mails on time…
Thank you 😊
Congratulations winners 🎊🎈🎂🎈
When is the October topic going to be given ?
Rupal, we haven’t decided on the next Your Voice contest
Okay.. thanks
Kaha hai anthology abhi tak
Ayi ya nahi
Pl wait it is in process
Where is the anthology? It’s already 14th November.
Priyanka, please check your email