
FAQ on Book Publishing

Find answers to FAQs on Book Publishing

FAQ on Book Publishing 1: How do I figure out which publisher to prefer if I’m new in this field of publishing books? How do I publish a book as a debut author?

Once you start the task of finding a book publishing company, you will realise that job is difficult for a first-time author to even find a literary agent, let alone find a traditional publisher who will take on the book. But there are various other free and paid options available to the author, such as eBook publishing and self-publishing.

FAQ on Book Publishing 2: I want to self-publish a book. What are the basic things I need to take care of to start with this?

  1. Once you have a manuscript ready, first, you will need to take a call on whether you would like to self-publish only by yourself or take the help of a self-publishing company.
  2. You will find details of self-publishing options here.
  3. If you are planning on taking the help of a self-publishing company, it will make sense to spend time researching the publishing company that best suits you.
  4. Here are some questions you can research to arrive at an answer.

FAQ on Book Publishing 3: How long does it take to self-publish a book in India?

You can expect standard publishing to take approximately 2-3 weeks. If you would like to get your book edited too, it will take 3-4 weeks additional. Contact to publish a book.

FAQ on Book Publishing 4: How do I publish my book? What is the full procedure? How much will I have to pay for this?

This question has answers in three parts.

  1. First, you will need to narrow down the type of publishing that is the perfect fit for you and your book. Click here to know more about the types of Publishing options available to you.
  2. Once you have decided on the type of publisher best suited to you and your book, start connecting with them. If traditional publishing is your option here are some guidelines to help you approach and be chosen by a traditional publisher and also explain the procedure.
  3. To know the procedure for self-publishing
  4. To calculate the approximate cost for self-publishing
  5. To know more about self-publish you can connect with us

FAQ on Book Publishing 5: Do I need an agent to publish my book if I am going the self-publishing way?

No. But you should conduct thorough research before zeroing in on the right publisher for your book.

FAQ on Book Publishing 6: Is self-publishing a good idea in 2021?

Self-publishing is a good idea for those who want to escape the uncertainty of being accepted by a publisher and not being involved in the publishing process. Read up on the different types of publishing options available and the pros and cons of each publishing option. Self-publishing has presented authors with many benefits.

FAQ on Book Publishing 7: How do you get your self-published book, in bookstores?

  1. Once you have self-published your book print physical copies.
  2. Have ready physical copies of your book, a visiting card, and book details. Approach bookstores near your home/office and show them all three things, leave the last 2 with them if no immediate offer to keep your book is coming.
  3. Approach a book distributor.
  4. Approach a self-publishing company to help in distribution. Details of how to self-publish your book: https://www.zorbabooks.com/expert-self-publishing-a-book/

FAQ on Book Publishing 8: How can I write and publish my book in under a year?

FAQ on Book Publishing 9: How do I get my book published by a good publishing house?

Once you have zeroed in on a publisher that suits your requirements, visit their website. Go to the ‘Submit your manuscript/publish with us’ page. Go through the details and read the instructions carefully. Make sure whatever you submit is written in the format as requested by the publisher. Do not forget to follow all the rules and guidelines as stated by the publisher.

FAQ on Book Publishing 10: What is the difference between self-publishing and traditional publishing and which one’s better?

In traditional publishing, an agent gets your book to the publisher and the publisher publishes your work. If an agent is not involved, you need to submit your manuscript to the publisher yourself and wait for acceptance.

In the self-publishing route, you are in complete control of your book and its publishing. You choose the editing, proofreading, marketing processes, etc.

For first-time authors, traditional publishing is a difficult route to take as there is no surety your script will be accepted. Self-publishing is an easier route than traditional publishing. However, you must research to see whether the self-publishing route is the best option for you.

FAQ on Book Publishing 11: What is the cost of publishing a book?

The cost of publishing will depend upon whether you are going in for traditional or self-publishing and further your publishing requirements. Your publishing requirements as the publishing services you are looking to take, editing and the type of editing, and the level of skill you are looking to hire, for detailed input on cost of publishing read here.

FAQ on Book Publishing 12: What are the benefits of publishing an eBook?

The biggest benefit of an ebook is reproduction cost is almost 0. If you are considering an ebook but don’t know much about eBook benefits, an in-depth understanding of the same is a must. But if you are wavering between eBook and print book read this to improve your understanding.

FAQ on Book Publishing 13: Can I copyright my book after it is published?

Yes. As soon as your book is written and published, as per the Indian Copyright Act, 1957, you have an exclusive right over the contents of your book. If anyone copies your content without your permission, it is plagiarism. To read more about copyright & ISBN India,

FAQ on Book Publishing 14: What is an ISBN? How does it work?

An ISBN is an International Standard Book Number. ISBNs were 10 digits till the end of December 2006, but since 1 January 2007, they consist of 13 digits. ISBNs are calculated using a specific mathematical formula and include a check digit to validate the number.

Each ISBN consists of 5 elements with each section being separated by spaces or hyphens. Three of the five elements may be of varying length:

To read more about ISBN India,

FAQ on Book Publishing 15: How hard is it for an Indian to have a book published internationally?

In this question, I believe you are looking at your book being available internationally. If that is the case, there are many Indian publishers who have tie-ups abroad and can help you make your book available internationally.

However, if you are looking to publish your book with a traditional publisher based abroad. You can take the help of desktop publishing or if you have an eye on traditional publishing, write to them or connect with their office in India.

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