How can I Publish my Manuscript?
A recent incident highlighted a truism that exists in the book publishing industry, but till now there was no proof of it.
When author Serge Volle sent fifty pages of Nobel Prize-winning author Claude Simon’s novel ‘The Palace’ as a fresh piece, 19 publishers rejected the script. That book which has survived the test of time, proved its worth in the most prominent way possible and has ruled the literary world for decades, could not qualify as publishable material. Now, it is no longer a rumour but is open in broad daylight that rejection does not really judge the quality of your work.
Neither it is the end of the road.
Are you still waiting in the queue to get that much-desired book published?
What if it never comes? What if you never realize what potential lies in your written word? Do not let your worries turn into nightmares. Consider self-publishing as your one-stop solution. You would be surprised to know how many famous authors started their careers with self-publishing! EL James and Ashwin Sanghi to name a few.
There is only one major difference between self and traditional publishing – you don’t have to pay money to get your work published in traditional houses while self-publishing requires an initial investment. The quality of the book, however, remains the same with an added advantage that in self-publishing you can even choose little details like the type of paper or the size and style of fonts that are used in your book. Of course, the more significant decisions like the designing of the cover, formatting and editing are always taken with your approval at each step.
Self-publishing is not just fast-paced, but it comes with a promise of enormous pay-off as well. In self-publishing, it is possible to earn royalties as high as 80-90%!
Those who are still very keen to draw the attention of traditional houses, why not use self-publishing as a ladder to reach them? Famous authors have done that since time immemorial. Self-publishing can provide you with that perfect marketing plan and distribution process which can gain you the exposure you require. Amish Tripathi, Savi Sharma and many others started their writing career with self-publishing and were soon lapped up by traditional publishers.
Volle’s experiment breaks many age-old myths and highlights the fundamental problem in the publishing world. Let’s not abandon literary works “that are not easy to read or that will not set sales records”. No longer do you need to be already famous for your book to be published, self-publishing has stepped in to take every manuscript through a fascinating journey to become a published work of art.
Your dream is our dream, and we do not discriminate! Every dream has the right to achieve fulfilment, and we are here to get it done at a lightning speed!