motivation - ZorbaBooks


In the depths where courage sleeps,

Where dreams and fears converge,

A spark ignites, a flame takes leap,

And whispers stir to urge.

In the quiet corners of the mind,

Where doubts like shadows roam,

There blooms a flower, hope defined,

To guide the spirit home.

Through trials steep, and valleys low,

Where weary feet may tread,

A force within begins to grow,

To lift the weary head.

For motivation, a silent force,

That calls from deep within,

It charts the course, sets the course,

And helps the journey begin.

With every step, a victory won,

In every struggle faced,

Motivation’s song is sung,

A melody of grace.

So when the road ahead seems long,

And doubts begin to rise,

Remember, in your heart it’s strong,

The fire that never dies.

For in the depths where courage sleeps,

A spark becomes a flame,

And with each dream, the spirit leaps,

In motivation’s name.

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