Motherhood - ZorbaBooks


Divinity euphonize the aura of the birth-giver, 

A miracle transpires with the pendulum’s chime;

A melange of intense pain and shimmer. 

Divinity personified in its prime

Not time’s fool; ‘tis a sempiternal bond, 

Holding thy flesh for nine months and soul for an infinite time.

Unfathomed notions of her soul, blood and body correspond,

Scintillating is the stellar spirit of marvel moment;

Outplaying every warrior hitherto and beyond. 

She doth beguiles pain like a splendiferous ornament;

Atween every syllable of sacrifice, symphonies her glimmer, 

Love at no time manifested better entitlement. 

In the Garden of Eden, motherhood blooms forever, 

Divinity euphonize the aura of the birth-giver.

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Ali Ashhar