Siblings we are, we will be - ZorbaBooks

Siblings we are, we will be

My Dear Brother, My Only Sibling,

spent most of our early years fighting,

being a little one I loved complaining,

with much determination in winning

Didn’t allow anyone to bully you

As only I have that right on you

Realized bond when we started living apart

formed deeper connection when we were afar

sharing every little thing of my life

knowing you will always be my side…

Life has its own turn of events as we grow,

giving a piece of heart to ones we love,

you will be not replaced, that is for sure.

My Dear Brother, My Only Sibling,

Never our choice, neither we asked for,

God’s wonderful plan it is to have each other,

Who are we to disrupt the purpose of creator?

lets cherish everything forever… !!!


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  1. Arun david says:

    Gods plan will stay forever

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