Dance Beneath The Sky 🕺💃 - ZorbaBooks

Dance Beneath The Sky 🕺💃

In the beautiful evening, wandering heart in hand, With you,

I stroll beneath the dreamy blue sky, grand. 

In the gentle breeze, finding solace so sweet,

 In the essence of love, our souls together meet.

Beneath the open sky, our union unfolds, 

Lost in time’s flow, a moment pure, untold. Yearning for this moment to return, we pine, Preserving memories, each precious design.

Love’s affection, akin to the sky’s gentle glow, Hand in hand, face to face, our hearts aglow. 

In the light’s embrace, this evening sublime, 

We lose ourselves in the rhythm of time.

Together we stand, unwavering and true, 

Face to face, we never bid adieu. 

Lost in love’s boundless deep, we transcend, In the infinite depths of love, we find our blend.

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Anup Kumar Roy
West Bengal