Heart's Sorrow - ZorbaBooks

Heart’s Sorrow

In quiet rooms where shadows linger long,

The whispers of farewell, the parting song.

My beloved gone, the heart in disarray,

In solitude, my mourn, in silence, my sway.

No grandiose words or flowery prose,

Just simple truths that everyone knows.

A vacant chair, a voice no more heard,

Memories linger, like the flight of a bird.

The ache of absence, a constant refrain,

Echoes of love, amidst the pain.

Yet life persists, despite the sorrow,

Hope flickers bright, in the darkest morrow.

So let me embrace the bittersweet sorrow,

In the absence of today, we’ll find tomorrow.

For though we’re parted, in spirit we’re near,

The love we shared, it’s forever sincere.

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Anup Kumar Roy
West Bengal