A Good Word - ZorbaBooks

A Good Word

Wisdom, Attitude, God’s Gift, Personality Development.

“You don’t always need to understand your journey in life, you just need to trust that you’re going in the right direction.” – Steven Aitchison

Words are like birds fly from one place to the other and raise in the sky high without frontiers across the globe and allow us to misunderstood very fast with rumors and gossips without any weight. They sail like a boat in the river smoothly without fear freely and frankly in the minds of people to grow like a nest. It is in our hands to believe or not. Belief process is a great concept. If you believe blindly people will tell anything and everything. Application of brain is vital and valid to work only on good things to hear and spend our most valuable time on good friends, associates, company and society at large keeps us busy not to have time to listen and hear the unnecessary and unwanted things in this world. Wisdom is a God given gift. Attitude is our view point and frame of mind to posture us to grow with positive mindset allows us to move with right people at right time in right place for right cause with right spirit makes us to become the right person in this world. Friends circle, neighborhood, society, parents and teachers will play vital role in this respect. It is not one day affair whether to be good or bad it is a life long process. We have to cultivate this habit right from childhood. Seed will grow as a plant and spread it like a banian tree with deep roots to create our structure in such a way that it makes an impact on the part of society at large. As an individual we have to cherish ourselves like an eagle and never compromise to stop in middle till you reach your goal by hearing good words and doing good things to set an example to others.

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Bijibilla Rama Rao