A Radical Transformation - ZorbaBooks

A Radical Transformation

Transformation is a profound change that requires a fundamental shift in mindset. Radical transformation, on the other hand, looks at the root cause of problems and gets to the core of the issue. This usually requires a shift away from the type of thinking that created the problem(s) in the first place. Radical transformation is a bold and distinguished vision of how society must rethink its economics and ideals in order to preserve the earth and itself in the present situation. Transformation is a complete change in the appearance or character of something or someone.

“The more radically you can change your thinking, the more radically you can change your life.” — Bryant McGill

“Transformation is a process, and as life happens there are tons of ups and downs. It is a journey of discovery — there are moments on mountaintops and moments in deep valleys of despair.” — Rick Warren

“It is not about perfect. It is about effort, and when you bring that effort every single day, that is where transformation happens. That is how change occurs.” — Jillian Michaels

When we moved the place from where we stay is that we miss the particular place is the first and foremost point whether we like it or not we should go to the place where we go and settle there will certainly take some time and adjust ourselves for some time and become accustomed over a period of time is a fact in general. There is no permanent place to live forever for anybody in this universe. We have to move occasionally to meet our requirements and fulfill our needs depending on the situation with available time and resources is part of the process. Moving from one place to another will be depending on our fate and I largely believe it is a God given gift to stay at one place and settling to fulfill our needs are happening on various factors like our own effort and liking the nature with available natural resources and other facilities available is a great opportunity to live and survive in this world. No one is permanent in this world. We have to shift from here one day or the other. Change is must and mandatory. Change has its own value. Time takes care of everything. Time moves faster than us. Time determines everything. Time is crucial. Utilization of time is an art. Try to utilize the time to the best of your ability and be happy with the available resources in a given time is our duty and responsibility. Duty is Divine. Do your duty. Do your best. Give your best. Hope for the best. You will get the best. Believe. Belief gives everything. We are one among others. We are part of this world. We live and love together. Togetherness gives more strength. Be strong and stable. Stability gives ability. Ability gives strength. Strength gives power. Power empowers us to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm in order to fetch the fruitful results in real life. It inspires and encourages to get the confidence and courage to sustain longer period. Longevity gives trust and goodwill. Trust creates quality and shows the path to move in right direction with right people in right time at right place for right cause is the right way of approach. Be people oriented. Be task oriented. Be result oriented. Everything is within. You are the key for everything. You are the performer. Performance alone gives the results. Results are ultimate.

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Bijibilla Rama Rao