Actions better than Words - ZorbaBooks

Actions better than Words

Silence is gold, Action is powerful, Results are ultimate.

“Actions speak louder than words. We can apologize over and over but if our actions don’t change the words become meaningless.” – Simple Reminders

Our actions are more powerful than our words. While using words we should be very very careful and cautious then deliver them with great precaution. Once delivered we can not take back as an individual. It has already gone and broadcasted in the world at large and crossed the continents. We can not take them back. It is always better not to speak and work out your plans in determined manner and show your force in the form of performance makes an impact on the part of receiver and they can understand better and the best in reality. Your actions will speak in the form of results. They can spread faster and louder than us. Be action oriented. Be result oriented. Talk less and work more. Work is Worship. Duty is Divine. Do your best. Give your best. You are the best in this world. People like to work and perform better and the best. It inspires and empowers others. It makes them to follow with great respect. Our respect will increase in the minds of others if we talk less and work more. Work alone yields the best results. It makes us to move together as a team and create the spirit with love and affection to grow together as a team. Team work is ultimate. It gives strength and stability to move long in our journey and trust yourself.

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Bijibilla Rama Rao