Animation and Digital Technology - ZorbaBooks

Animation and Digital Technology

Artificial Intelligence, Photographs, Paintings, Film Making.

Digital technology has several features that can make it much easier for teachers to pay special attention to all their students.” – Bill Gates

Sheldon and Emerson Chong are the young achievers in the field of animation and digital technology with multi skills acquired during dangerous pandemic from Malaysia. They were converted the challenge age an opportunity and focused more to determine and dedicate their time and skills towards their goals and proved to set as an example to the young minds in this world. Animation is a film making technique by which still images are manipulated to create moving images. Images drawn or painted on celluloid sheets to be photographed and exhibited on film. Digital technology helps to move the picture in motion mode. Actively creating and posting their content in you tube channel is a welcome sign and made the world to know more and aware the system is an eye opener to many of us. Coding technology, artificial intelligence, automation, makes an impact in our journey. We should encourage young minds by conducting seminars, workshops, symposiums, group discussions, training by experts to our kids in respective fields stressed here on this occasion. Parents play a key role in this respect. We should guide and support by providing facilities to aware and encourage them to learn through various means depend on their interest is focused.

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Bijibilla Rama Rao