Be Proud of Yourself - ZorbaBooks

Be Proud of Yourself

Being proud of yourself means being deeply pleased or satisfied with something you have done, own, or qualities you posses. It also signals your strong sense of self-worth and ability to recognize that your achievements matter. Self pride doesn’t mean thinking you’re perfect. It means recognizing your achievements, traits, something that is unique in you, and the fact that your personality is worth celebrating. People who are proud of themselves tend to have a great passion for life, feel content and grateful, and are excellent in motivating others.

“Don’t wait till you reach your goal to be proud of yourself. Be proud of every step you take.” — Karen Salmansohn

“Take time to do what makes your soul happy.” —

“ If you can learn self control you can master anything.” —

“If you are really my children, you will fear nothing, stop at nothing. You will be like lions. We must rouse India and the whole world. No Cowardice. I will take no nay. Do you understand?” — Swami Vivekananda

“May your day be blessed with happiness and peace of mind. May you be free of all burdens, and know that you are completely cared for. Let Angels light your way with grace, and have a beautiful awesome day! — 💝love this

💝 Self appreciation gives self confidence! It inspires and motivates in many ways! It gives scope for improvement! It helps us to learn more and more on regular basis and elevates us to the next level in real life.

💝 Consistency gives more clarity! Clarity makes us to visualize in strategic manner with an innovative and dynamic way of approach keeps us in right direction with right people at right place in right time is the right way of approach. Never stop in middle under any circumstances.

💝 Always remember when nobody is there to flap you just flap yourself. You are living for yourself. Not for others. Self love is not selfish. Love yourself first. Then you will love others automatically.

💝 If you love yourself you work better. When you love your work it loves you in the form of success. When you succeed everyone loves you. Be like a bird. Be like an eagle. It will never compromise. It struggles a lot.

💝 Who bothers about your struggles. No one cares you till you get success. You have to fall down and get up on your own. Then only you will realize, recollect, respond, respect, resolve yourself and declare to proceed further with one step forward makes you to reach miles and miles in your journey.

💝 Silence is gold! Your success speaks better. It has its own wings. It flies and reach more beyond the limits. People will realize and respond. Your respect will increase. You become fame. You are the performer.

💝 Self reflection throws and acknowledge our progress in all walks of life makes an impact on everyone to prove in scientific way through our effort gives pleasure and satisfaction. A satisfied person is better than a successful individual. Success is a journey not the destination.

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Bijibilla Rama Rao