Being nice to others - ZorbaBooks

Being nice to others

Being nice to others in small acts of daily life is most rewarding. This means be kind, considerate and polite. This attitude shows itself in acts of kindness, complementing someone, or helping someone in need. Being nice means smiling, talking calmly, and helping people when you can.

“Sometimes you have to be kind to others, not because they are nice, but because you are.” — Kind Quotes

“Be good to people, you will be remembered more for your kindness than any level of success you could possibly attain.” — Mandy Hale

“No matter how educated, talented, rich or cool you believe you are, how you treat people ultimately tells all. Integrity is everything.” — James Simonds

We are humans and part of this universe. We have to live and love people. We need support and guidance from others. At the same time, we should not depend too much on others. Be independent as much as possible. Otherwise, you cannot lead a happy and peaceful life. Be happy and enjoy your journey with minimum expectations. As long as our intentions are good, we need not worry about others. If we cultivate a positive attitude, we try to understand others better and the best means. Everyone has their own problems, and no one has time to think about others in this changed scenario. Give respect and take responsibility for your own actions and expressions. Be good and do good. Be reliable and practical to the extent possible. The world is same wherever you go and whatever you do. Do not try to change the world. Instead change yourself. It is easy to change yourself and plan accordingly in given circumstances and the time available makes an impact on the part of your own life and others as well. All the glitters are not gold. Never attract for easy going. There is no shortcut method for success. Success is a journey not the destination. Struggle alone gives results. Your effort is your valuable asset. Always think about what you have done for others. Do more and expect less. Pray the Almighty to give something to others to your best. You should be in a position to give something to others. You are the giver not the taker. Then you will have pleasure and satisfaction. It gives peace of mind. It leads to prosperity. A satisfied person is better than a successful individual. Be task oriented and result oriented. Results are ultimate. Your results will speak better than you. Data proves everything. Create a data and display it. Show the facts and figures to give surprise. It is an open secret and eyewitness. No one can deny. Set an example to others. You are the performer. You are the creator. Create your own path and show the way to others. Then people will follow you. You become a leader. Leadership is an art. One has to cultivate the leadership qualities and grow as a leader to live in the heart of people. A true leader can make more leaders. Great leaders are readers. All the readers cannot become leaders. We should qualify and prove ourselves by expressing our thoughts and share our views with others. Sharing is caring. Share your success with others. Your success is not yours alone. It is a combination of so many people involved and stand behind the screen to see your success collectively. Co-operate and co-ordinate to satisfy in large scale. Success is a collective effort. Every effort has its own value. Try to recognize and review to share and care the people. It should bring some change in their thought process. People will rely on you. People believe you. People follow your path. People management is an art. Be people oriented. Focus more on people. Focus more on growth. Change yourself to transform everything in a systematic and dynamic way to put one step forward to reach miles and miles in your journey. Think differently. Plan well and perform better in an innovative and dynamic manner gives fruitful results. Be like a tree. It gives shade to others. It never expects from others. It has confidence. Be like a bird. It will never compromise. It believes on its own wings. It can fly high. Be like a bird. The river will never flow in reverse. Move forward like a river and be helpful to others. Be strong and stable. If you are strong, you can help others. Grow yourself. It is not selfish to grow and rise like a star to shine bright like sun rays to give light to others. Always think positively. What you have done to others is more important than what others have done for you. Think in this direction. Grow in this manner. Grow together. Grow horizontally. Live and let live is the priority. Love and live is the main criteria.

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Bijibilla Rama Rao