Dare to Lead - ZorbaBooks

Dare to Lead

Dare to lead is a leadership philosophy that emphasizes recognizing the potentials in people and ideas, and having the courage to develop that potential. Leaders who dare to lead don’t pretend to have the right answers; they stay curious and ask the right questions. The principles of daring to lead emphasize the importance of who we are as leaders, and how we lead. Leaders who dare to lead are never quiet about things that matter, have difficult conversations, attend to people’s fears and feelings, and continuously build trust with and through people.

“Courageous leaders aren’t without fear. Instead, they recognize and own their fear.” — Jennifer Hogan

“Courage is not the absence of the fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.” — Meg Cabot

“Courage doesn’t mean you don’t get afraid. Courage means you don’t let fears stop you.” — Bethany Hamilton

Dare to dream leads dare to transformation! Transformation leads to actionable leadership. Leadership demonstrates skill development. Thrill and will are deep roots to make us strong and stable. It gives shade and shelter. It is part of nature. It gives us oxygen to survive and sustain in this universe. A leader also should create more leaders and set an example to others. Leadership is an art. We should be capable of doing things and get it done in an innovative and dynamic manner to do them differently. It leads to creative thinking as a team and makes it happen in reality. Team spirit is ultimate. We can do anything and everything. Nothing is impossible. Willpower leads to move forward with one step to reach miles and miles in our journey. Set a goal and achieve it. SMART and SWOT analysis helps to determine and dedicate to sacrifice and focus more on our desired goals. Honesty and integrity are like two rails to sail on a track to reach safely and securely to our destination. We sail on a boat and move forward. Life itself is like journey. Every day is new opportunity. Try to avail. Show your gratitude towards God. Be positive. Behave as human. Achieve your best. Give your best. Hope for the best. You will get the best. Try!

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Bijibilla Rama Rao