Don’t be a liar! - ZorbaBooks

Don’t be a liar!

The psychology behind lying is quite intricate, often linked to factors such as fear, manipulation and issues related to self-esteem.

“Never argue with a liar. You can’t win because they believe their own lies.” —

“A true relationship is when you can tell each other anything and everything. No secrets and no lies.” —

“You don’t need a perfect relationship. All you need is someone who loves your weirdness, wants to spend time with you and respects you.” — Tiny Buddha

Lie is a lie. Lying in any form is not a good sign. Lie is like a bad symbol which generates a bad environment. It cannot become true. Never behave as a liar. Don’t be a liar. It creates problems. It makes us plunge into deep troubles. We can’t even come out of it. Once lost trust it is difficult to recoup and regenerate the confidence on the people’s side. It spreads fast and crosses the frontiers in no time. It gives a bad image and spoils the reputation so fast. As a result, it affects us in all walks of life adversely. At last, we will be kept aside by everyone. No one believes and continues the relationship. It turns bad and gives negative results. Our own personality is our character. It builds strong and powerful. It gives the ability and strength to perform better and the best. It makes us a disciplined soldier. Discipline is the root cause of everything. Discipline gives everything. Conduct and character are like two pillars that will help to build a structure strong and stable. It gives the ability to prove as a successful individual. Success path is like a clear and strong path towards success. A journey towards success gives recognition. It makes me feel more responsible and answerable. It inspires everyone. They consider it as a powerful weapon. It gives name and fame. It spreads faster than us. It speaks better than us. It makes us learn more about new things to grow and plan well to execute better and the best. Learning is a lifelong process. Learn as much as you want and update yourself to upgrade your knowledge to enhance then elevate to the next level in reality. Be cautious and careful. Be genuine. Be reliable and responsible. Be confident. Confidence gives courage. Courage gives the ability to perform better and the best. Performance gives results. Results are ultimate. We have to set a goal and achieve it. Change yourself. Change is a must. It leads to transformation. Transformation should be for a good cause. Then things will change. Create your own path. People will follow your path. It gives shade to everyone if we sow the seeds on either side and grow as a Banyan tree to help the people. Remember, to create your own footprints which stays forever in the minds of people even after we leave this world physically and go beyond not to be seen, imagine, and even identify still we are the hearts of so many is a good sign to remember and set an example to others is really worth considering and worth mentioning. Let us rededicate and reconsider to shine as bright stars and evergreen and be like mother nature which is a God given gift. Even for your kind information our life itself is a God given gift. We came to this world with a purpose. Let us fulfill it and go as a full pledged personality. Then only it justifies and gives some satisfaction to us and others as well. Otherwise, it has no meaning. Meaningful life gives meaningful results. Meaningful results will give pleasure and satisfaction. A satisfied person is better than a successful individual. Satisfaction is ultimate. Satisfy yourself. Convince yourself. If you are convinced you can convince anybody in this universe. Have courage. Be bold enough. Be proud of yourself. Be human. Behave as a human being. Maintain values. Be valuable. Human values are utmost important. Give your best. Do your best. Hope for the best. You will get the best out of your effort. Your effort is your valuable asset. Struggle alone gives results. Struggle. There is no short cut method for success. Share your success with others. Sharing is caring. Never compare yourself with others. You are unique! You can only do anything and everything. You are part of the process. You are part of the journey. Contribute your level best. Your contribution is your own content. It gives immense pleasure and satisfaction. It takes you to a different world. It makes you strong. It gives strength. It empowers you to be able to reach your peak in real life. Reality is different from imagination. Imagine and visualization in a strategic way makes it possible to plan well and execute it effectively and efficiently. Efficiency proves to make it happen. Happening is reality. Reality is a fact. Believe! Belief gives everything. Be handsome.

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Bijibilla Rama Rao