Entrepreneurship - ZorbaBooks


Industrious, Preserving, Determined, Productive, Dynamic.

  • “Being an entrepreneur is a mindset. You have to see things as opportunities all the time.” – Soledad O’Brien

Ambition, inspiration, motivation, innovation, determination, dedication, discipline, love and kindness drives us towards entrepreneur’s approach and allows us to think in that direction on daily basis makes an impact in our thought process to move forward with one step to reach miles and miles in our journey to reach our destination safely and securely well in time is the best way of approach in reality. It boosts and ignite the power within helps us to get more strength and complete the tasks on hand quickly in rest of the day. It helps to plan well and prioritize our tasks to perform effectively and efficiently in a designed manner well in advance. Set a goal and face the challenges that occur while moving gives thrill and will to achieve the goal to set an example to others feels joy and pleasure. Everyday is a new opportunity to raise up and get up to dress up with inspiration in motivational approach keeps us active and alert in our activities through out the day. Action alone yields the fruitful results. Our effort should be bigger than our dream. Then only things will happen in real life. Be realistic! Be practical and genuine. Be trustworthy. Fairness gives faithfulness. Be task oriented! Be result oriented! Proceed!

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Bijibilla Rama Rao