Evolution Brings Revolutionary Changes - ZorbaBooks

Evolution Brings Revolutionary Changes

Advancement, Development, Progression, Expansion, Extension, Adaptation, Revision, Modification, Reconstruction, Evolvement, Transformation, Flexibility.

  • “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” – Charles Darwin, 1809

Evolution is a gradual development and advancement of something whether it may be in employment, profession, business or personal activity. It applies to everyone irrespective of our position, status, size, nature, age, qualification, or even gender makes an impact if we evolve or transform from the present level to the next elevates us and empowers to motivate and enhance us to reach the peak if we follow and implement it effectively and efficiently in planned manner shows the best and significant results in real life. Dramatic changes are taking place in recent past. Post pandemic situation proves that traditional systems are not required to follow and give freedom to an individual to work from any where, anytime, any device is immaterial and output is the main criteria to share the information in given time with adaptive learning and teaching in democratic manner relies on collaborative technology helps to grow as a dynamic leader and lead the team with team spirit gives the fruitful and positive results. It gives freedom, power with responsibility and accountability to focus more and complete the task assigned in specified time attracts and feels happy to show the results by respective groups or individuals in this respect.

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Bijibilla Rama Rao