Evolve, Inspire, Empower - ZorbaBooks

Evolve, Inspire, Empower

Progress, Development, Growth, Achievement.

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” – Arthur Ashe

It is almost difficult to find an individual who does not have biased mindset in this world as a human being we ourselves bend or accustom some kind of like or dislike on something or the other is a happening event in real world. We will have our own likes and dislikes on particular subject, person, or brand for that matter anything and everything makes an impact on us based on the impression created in a given time and circumstances prevailed. It is purely personal and their own feelings who can express their opinion and feelings in the form of visible way elevates and inspires us to the next level if it is a positive feedback. Otherwise, we really feel and get upset to some extent or the other. As a matter of fact, as a strong and determined personality we should not bend or downfall on either way and maintain the balance to continue your own strength to fetch the best in given time with the available resources and situation prevailed makes an impact to great extent on us and others as well. Too much is not good either for or against in reality. Maintaining standards is key for everything. We have to control and convince ourselves to create an environment in such a way that with win-win approach makes us to be cordial and flexible manner keeps us to negotiate and adjust us even tough situation gives scope to manage and balance everything to move in a smooth manner makes us to feel happy and enjoy the event and easily come out of the situation makes us to feel joy and pleasure. Time plays a crucial role for everything. We have to understand and manage accordingly. We should always maintain cordial relations and crucial decisions should take without bias makes us to feel happy and enjoy our life free and fair. 

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Bijibilla Rama Rao