Grow beyond uncertainty - ZorbaBooks

Grow beyond uncertainty

Embracing uncertainty allows for flexibility and adaptability in pursuing big goals. Taking risks and stepping outside of comfort zones leads to personal and professional growth.

“Change is the only constant in life.” — Heraclitus

“Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.” — John Ellen Paulos

Maturity of mind is the capacity to endure uncertainty. Uncertainty is about our inability to calculate the risk accurately.” — Steven P. Greiner

Grow beyond uncertainty is a great concept! As a matter of fact, In real life everything is uncertain. At the same time, nothing is impossible! You are key for everything. It is in your hands to turn it as possible with your own effort. Commit and confirm yourself to grow and establish as an ideal personality. Prove yourself as a successful individual. Youth empowerment is need of the hour. They are the future of our universe. It is in our hands to guide them properly. We play a key role in this respect as elders and well wishers. Monitoring them on regular basis gives scope to encourage and enhance them to the next level in reality. Watch and observe each and every step they put in all walks of life keeps us to be known well and correct them where required helps to take action well in time yields the fruitful results in long run. I strongly believe Marlene Foster plays her role efficiently to guide the young minds in this respect. As a well known author and experienced trainer she takes care of of all aspects required in today’s world to inspire and empower the young minds makes an impact and benefit them through this key note speech turn their lives brightly to shine the light in their career to a great extent. Best of luck! 🙏

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Bijibilla Rama Rao