Highly successful people - ZorbaBooks

Highly successful people

They feel comfortable with pressure, They look cool, calm and collected even when they are not.

  • “You can make a positive out of the most negative if you work at it hard enough.” – Sam Walton

Succeeding at workplace as an employee and the best contributor makes an impact on the part of individual and the organization as well is crucial part to play and exhibit the skills where required is the step by step process with proper planning and effective implementation gives an immense pleasure and satisfaction. They always learn to acquire more skills according to their job description to update for the next job to succeed. They never stick and settle at one place and try to move from one place to the other to get the better and the best opportunities. They focus more on career development. They raise their voice and speak up when opportunity comes do not feel to express their opinion bluntly with everyone. Dress code is essential to present themselves to attract and maintain the standards with human values. They do not even hesitate to go to the higher ups to get promoted. They also know how to communicate with those higher ups to convince in a reasonable manner. In fact, they wait for opportunity to interact with CEO if required. They take charge and feel more responsible and accountable to prove as successful individuals when situation demands. They wait for leadership opportunities. Successful people will work smart and hard to impress everyone in the organization. They listen carefully and pay an attention towards people to solve the problems. They follow professional approach with everyone across the organization. Time management is crucial exercise to ensure to seat in time at the meetings and conferences. They behave like managers not an employees. Everything they keep a record and their accomplishments and achievement in project management. They share their success with others. They focus more on the results not on the activities. They pay attention who else is getting promoted. They never compare themselves with others. They listen to get the feedback. They solve the problems and show some solutions. They identify the inefficiencies and guide to move in right direction where required. They commit to learn with positive attitude. Mingling with people makes an impact to move freely and friendly for acquiring the best results as a successful individual. They can understand easily body language. They are comfortable with pressure, strain, struggles, obstacles, hurdles, hindrances and difficult times.

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Bijibilla Rama Rao