Job Characteristics Model - ZorbaBooks

Job Characteristics Model

Task Identity, Task Significance, Skill Variety, Autonomy, Feedback.

  • “Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard and smart at work worth doing.” – Theodore Roosevelt

Job satisfaction is most important and essential for any individual who works in an organization makes an impact on career growth and development. Feedback is one area where we get first hand information about the work done or presented skills on various platforms and products shared gives an immense pleasure and satisfaction if we get the positive feedback. Task significance is another area where it pays an attention and gives importance and weightage for the job done in remarkable manner makes an impression on the part of contributor. Skill variety is the area where we apply in different way than usual way of doing gives more satisfaction on the part of an employee who feels joy. Task identification is crucial and occupies great role to feel ownership of the work done makes more responsible and accountable to pledge and claim accordingly. Autonomy is ultimate and feeling freedom to make the choices to create a path with innovative and dynamic approach to make the choices is the main criteria as performer and contributor who plays the main role is stressed here on this occasion. Employee engagement, experience, skills, contributions, creations, coordination, team spirit, commitment, determination, dedication, sacrifice works out.

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Bijibilla Rama Rao