Journey of Self Discovery
It is always better and the best choice is not to choose or select when we have a doubt or not known to give a pause and wait for some time to review and know thoroughly through various means gives us more clarity to determine on a particular thing is a good sign and allows us to have some breathing time. At the same time do not ignore it fully and forget. Periodical checks and reviews will help us to have more knowledge and throws some light on it. Recognition helps a lot both active and inactive tasks should be kept alive, aware, awake, arise and achieve with innovative and dynamic approach makes us to give more strength with confidence and courage will develop over a period of time. As a result, we move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm in order to fetch the fruitful results in real life. That is the power of will and drill. Action alone yields the best results. Be action oriented. Be task oriented. Be practical. Be close to reality. Accept the change. Change is inevitable. Nothing waits for anybody. Time moves on! It is precious and more powerful. If we do not change it chases us. Transformation is nothing but learning in new ways. It is a process. Not the destination to stay at one place and relax. It is like a journey.
Passion is nothing but a desire or enthusiasm to accomplish something in our own way in given time with the available resources is the right way of approach. During this journey we have to discover our own strength and weakness in a disciplined manner and find out the solutions by learning during the process through various means explore, inspires, empowers, enhances and elevate us to the peak step by step over a period of time in reality. Evaluation helps us to equip well and motivate us to explore on various occasions at every stage at all times in all circumstances makes us to feel more responsible and accountable in a dignified manner. Public speaking is one area which makes an impact in anybody’s life to move forward with courage and confidence gives us determination, dedication, devotion to put one step forward with great zeal of enthusiasm in order to fetch the fruitful results in real life. Try to do new things with innovative and dynamic approach makes us to explore, expand, transform to discover and put in to practice and execute it in planned manner with your own thoughts will materialize the dream in to reality. Smile zone is the safest zone! It throws us from fear zone to courage zone! It leads us to learning zone! Then we perform and qualify to reach the challenge zone! It makes us to prove and exhibit our skills at different levels and finally allows us to reach success zone. Success zone is nothing but feels us more responsible and accountable to sustain and further prepare to sharpen us in many ways. Life is like a journey. We have to move forward. Live like a river which never flows reverse irrespective of the obstacles and hurdles that occur in the middle it will reach its destination safely and securely well in time is the right way of approach. Be like a bird. An eagle is the best example! It never compromise! Be like a tree! It will not feel if the leaves, flowers, fruits fell down. It grows on its own. Let us live like a river, bird or tree. We came to this world with some purpose. Better to fulfill it in a given time with the available resources makes us to feel smile and get some satisfaction. Do your best! Give your best! Hope for the best! You will get the best! Believe! Belief gives everything. Be happy enjoy life! Cheers! Never fear and come out of your comfort zone to learning zone. It makes to reach creative and victory zone.
Creation of an environment will help to a great extent between the students and teachers to conduct the research on a particular subject makes them associated to benefit each other in long run keeps our society healthy and wealthy. Because today’s children are tomorrow’s citizens of this great universe and it is in the hands of present teachers to make them as useful soldiers of this great nation is worth mentioning here on this occasion. It is like a give and take policy. Win-win strategy is always better to follow and get the fruitful results in reality. Sharing is caring. A teacher will play a great role in this respect. Teacher’s contribution is more to nourish and make the candidate as a bright individual proves him/her as successful candidate in career development. Student also should follow the guidance and support given by his/her mentor in right direction and plan well to implement it in strategic manner will help to reach peak in real life. It is a collective effort. Both should understand their roles and follow in such a way that to think in dynamic and an innovative manner makes it happen with due respect. Values are most important. Let us respect each other. A lot of effort with better understanding is possible to happen.
Heart touching and heat beat conversation! Be like a lion! Be like as you are within and outside. Real face keeps us in real world. Be realistic and genuine. Never act and bluff for small and temporary results. Struggle alone gives the best results. Your effort is your valuable asset. Be good! Be trustworthy! Be confident! You are the real player who can win yourself. If you win yourself you can win anybody in this world. Realize! Rectify! Feel! Respond! Respect! Recognize! Reach your destination! Life is like a journey! Just move on! Belief makes everything. Believe yourself. Believe your fellow men/women. Belief gives everything. Live like a lion. You are king for your own kingdom. That type of feeling itself gives victory. Winning attitude gives winning environment. You are the performer. Plan well and perform better. Action plays a key role. Be action oriented. Be task oriented. Be result oriented. Evaluate and appreciate yourself at least once a day gives boosting to rise up. Aware, awake, arise, appeal, accept, announce, adjust, applause and achieve. You are the king in your own kingdom like a lion in the forest. Lion eats when it is hungry. Behave like a human being. We are living in this world. Man is a social animal.
Team spirit inspires and empowers us to win! Togetherness gives more strength. It helps us to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm with one step forward to reach miles and miles towards our destination. Willpower is ultimate. Will gives thrill! Thrill makes us to enjoy the work. Work alone will take care of victory on its own. Where there is will there is a way. Willful exercise gives willful results. Mindful exercise yields mindful results. It ignites the light and sparks like power within us. It generates heat to boil and comes out in the form of zeal and enthusiasm allows us to plan well and perform better to implement it in an innovative approach and dynamic manner makes it happen in reality. Appreciate yourself and your team at least once a day gives more energy. Challenge is part of the process. One has to face the challenges that occur during the course of our journey. Our effort should be bigger than our goal. Then only things will happen in real life. Have patience! Rome was not built in a day. Instant results will not fetch much. Try to cultivate a positive attitude. It creates us winning mindset. Mindset is ultimate! An idea can change this world. Thought process is root cause of everything. Sharing has an access.