Knowing your values - ZorbaBooks

Knowing your values

Knowing your values means having a life compass that guides you in the direction you want to live your life. Values are guiding principles that help you make good decisions in the face of uncertainty or powerful emotions like fear or anger. It is not the same as goals, in that there is no end point. Knowing your self-worth means believing in your intrinsic value as a human being, and to know that you are worthy of respect and acceptance from others.

“When you know your worth, you feel great about yourself without anyone else’s approval!” — Mesmerizing

“Be with people, who know your worth; you don’t need too many people to be happy. Just a few real ones who appreciate you for who you are .” — Enlightening

“Your value does not decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.” —

Know your core values. Change one thing every day. Do it one by one. Never put all eggs in one basket. Segregate and allocate separately. Handle it carefully. Divide and rule applies here. Small things can be handled effectively. Effectiveness gives efficiency. Efficiency gives ability. Ability gives strength. Be strong and stable. Stability gives confidence and courage. It allows us to apply or not. Dos and Don’ts are more useful in real life. Application of brain gives more information. Know your strength and weakness. It helps to plan well and implement it effectively and efficiently. Life lessons are most important. It teaches so many things on a daily basis. Every day is a new experience. It is a new opportunity. Opportunities are plenty. We have to apply and use them properly. Identification is a core value. Once identified try to grab them. There is a process for everything. We have to learn on a regular basis. It helps to update and upgrade us in a phased manner. It makes us to elevate and enhance to the next level in reality. Realization helps to evaluate and appreciate on our own. Appreciation gives support and guidance. It strengthens further to concrete the system towards growth and development. It moves towards positive thinking and gain to apply the logics differently to get the positive results in real life. Positive attitude makes us to reach positive people to acquire positive thoughts and achieve the positive results. Thought process is ultimately makes an idea. The idea can change this world. It sparks like a light within and inspires us to empower and establish to grow better and the best. Determine and dedicate yourself to sacrifice and focus more on your desired goals. Never look for shortcut methods. There is no shortcut method for success. Success is a journey not the destination. Instant results will not fetch much. It will not yield the fruitful results in the long run. Slow and steady wins the race is the best policy. Win-win strategy is the best way to create positivity. Winning mindset gives winning results. Try to meet as many people as possible to express your views and share your thoughts to get the best results. Sharing is caring. Share your success with others. Sharing is loving. Loving and kindness are like twin babies. They grow and become like a banyan tree and give shade to others over a period of time. The roots spread widely in and around. Be like a tree or river. The river will never flow in reverse. Be helpful to others. God has given an opportunity to you to serve the people. You came to this world with a purpose. Try to fulfill it. Enjoy your journey. Do your best. Give your best. Hope for the best. Prepare for the worst. You will get the best. The choice is yours. Select the right things with the right people in right time at the right place with the right cause for acquiring the right results is the right way of approach. Be people oriented. Be result oriented. Results are ultimate. Your results alone will determine whether you are a successful individual or not. It has its own value. It can spread across the globe. It goes fast beyond the frontiers. It shouts better than you. It shoulders you to feel more comfortable. It makes you to feel more responsible and answerable. You are the key performer. You only can do anything and everything. Nothing is impossible in this universe. Put a step forward to reach miles and miles in your journey. Life is like a journey. Enjoy your journey. It is a God given gift. God is there to help us. Believe! Belief gives everything. Nothing stops you in this world except yourself. Never stop in the middle. Arise! Awake! Aware! Appreciate!

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Bijibilla Rama Rao