Listening is Learning
Listening is an art, Listen carefully.
- “If you make listening and observation your occupation, you will gain much more than you can by talk.” – Robert Baden-Powell
It is always better and wise to talk less and listen more. Hearing is an art. As rightly mentioned we speak only what we know and what is in our mind will come out when we talk to others. Where as if we observe, heard or see something we can absorb more and new things will come to light. As a result, we learn so much from others. Give more scope to study and allow others to speak, observe more silently in the form of learning to improve your skills for your own safety and security which helps to take care of yourself when you speak with others. Using words and selecting the words is a great and difficult exercise. Choosing the words is an art like selecting the friends. There is well known proverb most of us should bear in mind that tell me your friend I will tell about you is the known fact. Active listeners can gather more information on selective basis and store it safely and securely to share with others as part of their responsibility with love and affection to grow together gives an immense pleasure and satisfaction. Procuring information like saving the data in hard disk to store and utilize it when required for our own growth and development. It helps to expose and expand our mindset in multiple ways. Listeners are learners.