Living our vision meaningfully - ZorbaBooks

Living our vision meaningfully

Visualize, Analyze, Awareness, Understand, Implement.

  • “A vision and strategy aren’t enough. The long term key to success is execution. Each day. Every day.” – Richard M. Kovacevich

Every day is a new opportunity to update and uplift us through various means in real life. Mother Nature helps in this respect. Immediately after getting up from our bed we should pray God and show our gratitude by giving us an opportunity to raise up to breath and dress up to do our normal works makes us to spend some time to walk in the woods to become fresh ourselves to get some relief and shines our eyes when the sun rays falls on us gives more energy to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm to complete our tasks rest of the day. Nature is God given gift and we have to protect it for our goodness and others as well. If we protect the nature it protects us in many ways. Breathing fresh air makes us to feel joy and pleasure with good health. Health is better than wealth. If we are healthy we can do anything and everything. Plant a tree on our birthday, marriage day or any other day which is convenient and feel proud yourself to make an impact on you and rest of the world as well. Try to support or encourage to plant more trees in open places like parks, schools, public place and so on. Urbanization is increasing day by day. Urban forestry and urban green leads us towards healthy way of living. It helps to reduce the heat.

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Bijibilla Rama Rao