Nature is God given gift - ZorbaBooks

Nature is God given gift

Natural Resources, Mother Nature, Clean and green.

  • “Nature is considered to be God’s territory. It is where we feel an awareness of truth and a sense of closeness to that field of energy which created all that is – Susan Barbara Apollon

Happiness and satisfaction gives peace of mind. Be happy with available resources in a given time makes to plan well and perform better with an innovative and dynamic approach makes us to learn and improve our skills in required manner elevates and enhances us to the next level in reality. Thought process is ultimate. An idea can change this world to great extent. Attitude is key for everything. Positive attitude is like a seed if we sow it in our mind it grows gradually to become a plant and tree to give shade and makes a path to set an example to others. It creates thunders in clouds and generates lightning to form the rain and nature becomes cool to reduce the heat and makes us to feel joy and pleasure. As a result the crops will grow better and get the water to drink and ponds will fill with full of water to meet our needs. Nature is like our mother. The mother land is covered with full of trees, lakes, canals, rivers, seas, sky, air, fire, water, mountains and earth. It takes care of our needs and wants. Let us feel joy by protecting the nature from all kinds of threats makes to protect ourselves and take care of our own future generations keeps us healthy and wealthy in all respects. We are here to enjoy the nature. Protect!

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Bijibilla Rama Rao