Never try to please everyone
Pleasing is disease, Respect yourself, Give respect and take respect, Dignity of labor, Treat properly, Respect your work.
“If you try to please everyone, you will please no one. It is impossible to lead your life for others’ happiness.“ – Sudha Murthy
It is not our job to please everyone in this world. It never happens in any case with anybody. It is highly impossible to please others. Never make an attempt to please others instead appreciate yourself to get some satisfaction makes some sense in this respect. Do your best and give best then hope for the best. You will get the best. Believe! It gives everything. Change is must and mandatory. Transformation gives collaboration and coordination makes us to share and learn through various means elevates and enhances us to the next level in reality. Never live in the past which deteriorates and diminishes your zeal and pleasure gives scope to strain and struggle in your present. It is always better to live in your present and do your best in given time with available sources makes an impact on us and others as well. Under estimating yourself is like insulting and disrespecting your capabilities. It further deteriorates your ability to perform and acquire the desired results in real life. Upgrade and update yourself on daily basis gives confidence and courage to face the challenges that occur in our day to day activities. It helps to learn and improve better manner to plan well and perform effectively. Overthinking is ill healthy.