One-to-One Meeting - ZorbaBooks

One-to-One Meeting

Individual Counselling, Job Issues, Employee Empowerment.

“When two people first meet, they can only have a very ordinary kind of friendship. But when you begin to understand each other, when you get close to them, you discover that you are suddenly eager to know him or her even better.” – Ziyi Zhang

One-to-one meeting with team members makes an impact and gives effective results in leadership management. It inspires and empowers the individual to focus more on desired goals and improve the skills where deficiency is there. It gives scope to learn through guidance and support in the form of training will expose and explore to pick up fast to cope up with peers and colleges gives an immense pleasure and satisfaction in this respect. The main advantage of one-to-one meeting with an employee maintains confidentiality and courage levels will increase on the part of individual based on the information shared by higher officials for the sake of growth and development as an individual and the organization as well. It is a collective effort and consistent process to evaluate and appreciate the staff concerned will motivate further to increase the productivity than expected in real terms. It yields the fruitful results in long run. It also helps to retain the staff concerned after hiring with skill development through various means makes an impact on the part of team as a whole. Treating an employee keeps the organization culture, work culture, employee morale above all the image of organization in the minds of public is worthful.

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Bijibilla Rama Rao