Powerful imagination
Imagination is the production of sensations, feelings and thoughts informing oneself. These experiences can be recreations of past experiences such as vivid memories with imagined changes or completely invented and possibly fantastic scenes. Imagination helps apply knowledge to solve problems and is fundamental to integrating experience and the learning process. It is called disciplined imagination. A way of training imagination is by listening to story telling in which the exactness of the chosen words is how it can “evoke worlds”.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever, will be to know and understand.” — Albert Einstein
Our own imagination leads us towards vision. Vision makes us to dream. Dream turns as desire. Desire makes us to determine, dedicate, sacrifice and focus more on our desired goals. Then it prefers to put our effort and ability gives strength to inspire and empowers us to move forward with one step to reach miles and miles in our journey which leads us to exhibit our skills where required makes it happen in reality is called the true success. Everybody likes success. They do not bother about your effort and struggle behind the screen and time you spent sleepless nights with empty stomach and the rejections you have faced with insults will never be seen by anybody in this world. You yourself will forget for a while after seeing your own success will disappear everything for a moment. That is the secret of success. Success gives fame and recognition. It shouts better than us. It spreads across the globe faster than you. It makes you to feel more responsible and accountable than your past. At one stage you are the competitor for yourself. You have to measure yourself on daily basis and update it through learning to upgrade your skills based on the information gathered and resources available is a key exercise on the part of successor. It is like a challenge and difficult task. It will not allow to sleep peacefully. It reminds to feel more responsible and accountable to improve the skills based on the demand prevailed. It makes to prove yourself as a gigantic personality. Success is a journey not the destination. Learning is a life long process irrespective of the position, qualification, gender, age and size of the firm and its nature where we work and live in this universe. It is always better to rededicate, redesign, evaluate, appreciate, enhance, excel, absorb, digest and understand the situation based on the circumstances prevailed is the prime quality one has to bear in mind. Then only we can survive and sustain to maintain the quality with goodwill and create our own brand image in the minds of others by giving more than what they expect allows us to live long as a successful individual. Lot of effort is required to gain this quality. All the glitters are not gold. If we want gold we have to dig in deeper and deeper. We will not get it on surface. Rome was not built in a day. A stitch in time saves nine. Help ever hurt never is the best policy. Be innovative and dynamic to think differently. Thought process is ultimate. An idea can change this world to great extent. Action plays the role.