Rejection is powerful motivation - ZorbaBooks

Rejection is powerful motivation

  • “Rejection is not a reflection of your worth, but a redirection to something better.”
  • “Rejection just motivates me to keep trying and to try to do better.”
  • “Rejection is a catalyst for discovering your true potential.”
  • “If a circle shuts you out, draw a circle around it.”
  • “Learn to eat rejection; it will make you stronger.”

Rejection is a fact of life that is difficult to deal with. Nobody wants to believe that they are insufficient. But, being rejected indicates that you still have something to learn, which will help you.

Self motivation, Self evaluation, Self appreciation.

“Rejection is not failure. Failure is giving up. Everybody gets rejected. It is how you handle it that determines where you will end up.” – Richard Castle

Rejection is the most powerful motivation which inspires and empowers towards learning and challenging zone and throws us from comfort zone. It also makes us to realize and analyze to evaluate and enhance to the next level in reality. It keeps us to think and re-think to know the ground realities and strengthen us to understand better to plan well and perform better and the best. It hits our ego and makes us to become sleepless nights till we accomplish our goals is the best way of approach. It works like a stepping stone to climb high and high to make the limit as sky. Life lessons are essential to gain more and more experience and works as teacher in real life. Your life is your experience. You are the best teacher for yourself. Learning is a life long process. Do or die is the best policy. Do it right now is a good habit. Obstacles and hurdles are part of the process. Nothing happens without struggle. Your effort is your valuable asset. Effort alone yields the fruitful results. Results are ultimate. They speak better than us. Silence is gold. It gives lot of information by planning, performing, prospecting, proving and achieving our desired goals by implementing in an innovative and dynamic approach makes it happen in reality.

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Bijibilla Rama Rao