Rising up - ZorbaBooks

Rising up

At the beginning everything starts with one step forward makes us to move forward with great respect and determination to sacrifice and focus more with great zeal of enthusiasm to reach our destination safely and securely well in time is the best way to move miles and miles towards our journey keeps us strong and stable with the available resources and information in a given time makes sense and yields the fruitful results in reality. It gives confidence and courage to face the challenges that occur in our journey and helps us together as a team to cross the bridge from one place to the other side is possible. It empowers and enhances us to inspire and motivate ourselves as successful individuals in reality. Togetherness gives more strength. It is possible with love and kindness coupled with pleasure and joy gives satisfaction which leads us towards positive attitude and energy keeps us active and efficient to plan well and perform better to implement it in an effective and efficient manner. Willingness gives zeal and desire to design the plan in a strategic way of approach makes us to learn on regular basis and helps to practice regular basis makes us perfect in our lives. Believe! Belief gives us everything. Be trustworthy!

We should shine ourselves like a Sun or a star in the sky through our effort in our lives together on daily basis makes us to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm in order to fetch the fruitful results in reality. People will help us to reach new heights and create a new path for the sake of growth and development is must. As long as our intentions are good everyone will help us and extend the cooperation and coordination to make the relationship strong and stable with great respect and make us surprised to see the results in real life. It makes sense and yields the positive impact on us to grow better than we expect and do good all the times and in all respects is the best way of approach. It helps to reach more people to express our views with great respect and take care of everything with love and happiness in peaceful manner. It gives energy to inspire us and others as well to proceed further towards our journey smoothly and safely well in time is the best way of approach. Let us rededicate ourselves to achieve this type of attitude which gives immense pleasure and satisfaction. Satisfaction plays a key role. A satisfied person is better than the successful individual. It gives confidence to become a good friend.

Rise yourself by rising others! It inspires and motivates us to dream big and achieve more on reality. Sky is your limit! Limitless and endless effort makes us to reach the new heights with positive attitude helps to grow better with innovative and dynamic thoughts for obtaining and acquiring the new skills through our effort to fetch the fruitful results in real life. Unity gives more strength. It makes us strong and stable. Community growth and prosperity is possible to accomplish the goals set by us need effort and effective implementation on regular basis makes sense and yields the best results. Dreams and aspirations allow us to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm. Willingness gives strength to purify ourselves and exhibit our skills and build the team to train them well as per the needs and requirements of our own desires and wishes to establish and evaluate to fix more responsible and accountable for the sake of society.As long as our intentions are good everyone will help us to move forward with great respect and take care of everything in this world. Let us rededicate ourselves to accomplish the right things in right time with the right people for the right cause at the right place is the right way of approach.

Your life is your experience! You are the best teacher for yourself! Each event in real life makes an impact on daily basis gives us the best experience to expose ourselves to get the things done in time with our effort coupled with planning and effective implementation on regular basis makes sense and yields the fruitful results in reality. Your effort is your valuable asset. You are the performer. Performance alone can yield the best results. You are the winner. Winning mindset helps to grow better and prove ourselves as successful individuals. Success comes through consistency. Let us practice on regular basis. It makes us perfect. It gives strength to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm. It gives recognition. It makes us to reach new heights in real life. It elevates us to the next level in reality. It shoulders to feel more responsible and accountable in our day to day activities. It inspires and motivates us to know the ground realities. Train yourself and update the knowledge on daily basis. Skill development is the root cause of everything in application of brain and focus more on our desired goals and milestones set by us for the sake of our growth and development in this direction. Technology helps to grow better.

Aspiring better human is a great concept! It is possible only through love and kindness which gives immense pleasure and satisfaction coupled with skill and knowledge. It inspires through various means and elevates us to the next level in reality. Technology made easy to reach people in no time. There is no distance between the people to express our views with in the Seconds to communicate effectively and efficiently to plan well and perform better to implement it in an effective and efficient manner gives confidence and courage to determine and dedicate to sacrifice and focus more on our desired goals is the root cause of everything. It is real and genuine to meet people with kindness and genuine way. Our intentions should be good and faith alone makes us to reach the right people at the right time in right place with right intention to acquire the right thoughts and achieve the right results is the right way of approach. We need not meet every day or live together as long as trust is created among the people it alone takes care of everything in all respects at all times and in all occasions. Keeping in kind and real makes us to reach more people to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm in order to fetch the best results.

Every mother plays crucial role in our lives and play an active role in this respect. Let us celebrate mother’s day with great respect and great zeal of enthusiasm in order to show our gratitude towards our mother on this occasion. She is only the person who can share with us the unconditional love and kindness in all respects at all times and on all occasions. Her blessings will come through various means and yields the fruitful results. Let us rededicate ourselves to empower and equip her to play an active role in our journey to reach our destination safely and securely well in time is the best way of approach. She plays multiple roles to take care of us and protects where required to safeguard and focus more on our day to day activities. She is the only person in this world who works round the clock without any rest or holiday for the sake of our growth and development to fulfill the needs and requirements in reality. It is a natural gift given by God in the form of mother to all of us. As a mother she takes all the pain and give us happiness. Mother is the most powerful person with great values in this universe. Let us respect her with folding hands and pray like a God who is physically and mentally strong in many aspects.

Your spirit is what is inside you, what makes you different from another, what drives your passions, ignites your aspirations and what lights the way along your journey in this life. It is your spiritual nature, your life force. Cultivate your inner strength with the help of connecting your inner spirit makes an impact irrespective of situation prevailed whether it is a positive or negative. Know what you are. Spend time in silence to set as a routine. Create the right circle to gain control of your body. Connect with the source of your power. Give yourself a good home. The inner being is the life force of humans, a consciousness that has no physical form. It is our core spiritual nature, our inner self. You may already refer to this part of you as your higher self or soul essence. It helps to connect your inner spirit in better way to the soul fitness. If we pay an attention the spirit will speak us at all times on all occasions and every stage irrespective of the place where we stay. It lights up if we try to aware of recurring themes from different sources which can be considered as Divine source if we believe them in right direction. Divine power makes it happen when we initiate our inner power to move forward in our journey.

Signs of good things will setright soon as mark of zeal and enthusiasm in the form of Wisdom which gives desire and hope as part of the process on daily basis in our activities makes us to inspire and motivate ourselves to reach our destination safely and securely well in time is the best way of approach. As a matter of fact, every day is combination of learning and improving through expression and understanding better in various means is the root cause of everything. Each event, every moment gives us an opportunity to prove ourselves as successful individuals in reality. Let us know the facts and rededicate ourselves to accomplish our goals in systematic and dynamic manner makes sense and yields strength to purify ourselves as successful individuals. Aspiring better makes us to transform and find out new opportunities to create a path to follow by others in order to fetch the fruitful results in real life. Nature is our best friend to please us and gives good health while walking in Sunlight preferably in morning hours keeps us active and efficient to be stubborn and strong coupled with pleasure and satisfaction throughout the day is worthwhile to mention here in this respect. Every day is a new opportunity to prove as a winner.

Enjoy the ride! You are the only person who is with you forever at all times on all occasions at every stage of your life till the end irrespective of the circumstances that occur at any point of time you are the person who inspires and motivates on your own to face the challenges with obstacles and hurdles that occur and consider them to accomplish with the confidence and courage to determine and dedicate to sacrifice and focus more on your desired goals is the best way of approach. Realise and recover yourself to understand better to implement it and plan well to perform and prove yourself as a successful individual. Create your own path to follow by others which gives an immense pleasure and satisfaction. Prepare yourself to stay alone if required. No one stays with you permanently in this world. Life is like a journey. We have to move on from one place to the other. Less luggage more comfort is the right way of living. Help ever hurt never is the best policy. Slow and steady wins the race is the best. Be cool and enjoy your day as fresh as possible. Try to reduce the load to the extent possible. It gives peace of mind and happiness with great respect and satisfaction. A satisfied person is better than a successful individual.

We have to clean everything on regular basis including our own mind and body is utmost important. Otherwise it will rust, dust and worst which will not be useful for us in reality. Cleanliness is close to Godliness! Clean is green! Green is the best for all of us. We live in green in the form of mother nature which takes care of us in all respects at all times and in every moment is a bear fact. Without nature’s support we can not live in this universe. We breath, drink, eat and survive in this world with the help of mother nature. It is our minimum responsibility to take care of our nature to protect us and our future generations as well. If we protect the nature it protects us in many ways. Conservation of natural resources is the prime object. Safe guard yourself and save the natural resources. It is a God given gift. We have no right to spoil and use it for trading and other purposes. Because it is not ours. When it is not ours we should not simply jump in everything and move forward to misutilize and consume as we like for own way is not correct. Let us respect and enjoy as much as possible and lead a happy and peaceful life. Make it a habit to plant one tree on festival days or your birthday day as mark of respect.

We should make a difference in our community to some extent where we live is minimum responsibility and makes an impact on the part of our society at large in growth and development point of view as a matter of fact. Let us rededicate ourselves and focus more on our level best in the given time and situation with the available resources is our prime object and top most priority to fetch the fruitful results in reality. At the same time it gives us an immense pleasure and satisfaction. A satisfied person is better than the successful individual in real life. Play your role as part of the process to proceed further towards your journey smoothly, safely, effectively and efficiently to plan well and perform better to implement the activities you take care of yourself is worth mentioning here on this occasion. Play a key role and face the tough situations in day to day activities is part of the process. Nothing happens without support and guidance coupled with effort and abilities. Where there is will there is a way. Willful exercise gives willful results. Mindful exercise gives mindful results. Application of brain is must. Thought process is ultimate! Think positively. Positive attitude gives positive energy with peace of mind.

Moving forward towards our journey is a great concept irrespective of obstacles and hurdles that occur during the course of approach if it doesn’t work out then change your plan ‘N’ number of times but not your goal. So many people will come to our life when we perform something on daily basis each one creates their own mark on us and gives more strength to purify ourselves and upgrade to improve our own talent as an elite performer. Convert each and every occasion as a matter of fact in positive direction makes sense and useful to us have an impact. Consider it as God given gift. Everything happens good for us. Have patience! Wait for an opportunity! Slow and steady wins the race is the best policy. Rome was not built in a day. All the glitters are not gold. If we want gold we have to struggle and dig it deeply. Then only we can get it as an elite performer. Help ever hurt never is the best policy. Never loose your temper under any circumstances preferably when things are not in our favour. Just wait and in different way to measure with quality and increase to understand better to know the ground realities will help us to reach our destination safely and securely well in time is the best way of living. Consistency makes it possible.

Teaching is noble profession. A teacher will play key role in our lives. Immediately after parents the teacher is a person who takes care of us to mould and make as useful citizens of this universe. Everything starts from home and the parents will take care of us to grow better in all respects. Teacher and friends alongwith neighbours will take care of the rest to grow in right direction with right people at the right time in the right place is the right way of approach. Most of the things we learn in our childhood through class room which makes the foundation to become strong and stable in long run throughout our life. Childhood is the best period to enjoy in life with love and learn many things with discipline makes us as responsible individuals to create new path with innovative thinking about the world is worth mentioned here. Connecting and engaging the learners as one group is a great concept. Unity gives more strength. Teamwork plays a key role and fetch the fruitful results. It makes an impact on the part of team members to prove themselves as elite performers in their own way. It gives an opportunity to learn and improve in better manner. It inspires and motivates them to grow as successful individuals. Sharing is caring.

Life taught us many lessons in real life. Each one has their own way of life. We can not compare with others. It is always better to lead your own life the way how you like and proceed further with your belief gives everything. Honesty is the best policy. Help ever hurt never is the right way of approach. Slow and steady wins the race is the root cause of everything. Patience plays an active role with proper planning and effective implementation to complete the task handling in genuine manner gives us an immense pleasure and satisfaction. A satisfied person is better than the successful individual. Success is a journey not the destination. It gives us recognition. It makes an impact on us and others as well. It inspires and motivates us in many ways. It shoulders our responsibility and accountability. It increases our knowledge and skills to prove ourselves as successful individuals. It gives recognition. It elevates and enhances us to reach new heights in real life. Effort alone gives us the results. Your effort is your valuable asset. Effort will never go waste. It has its value. Consistent effort gives consistent results. Practice makes us perfect. It gives strength to perform better. Willful exercise gives willful results.

As a matter of fact, the life line of an individual is not straight at all times in all respects at every occasion in our activities ups and downs are common in real life. Even the ECG shows the medical report ups and downs that means we are safe and secured. Like that our life also moves faster with obstacles, hurdles and jerks in our journey to move forward and reach our destination is not easy without struggle we can not reach our destination safely and securely well in time. We have to apply the break and slow down to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm in order to fetch the fruitful results in reality. To say in one word it is always better to balance everything with cautious and careful study is required to accomplish our goals to plan well and implement it in an effective and efficient manner to reach our goals. Inspiration and motivation gives the energy to proceed further towards our journey with burning desire makes it to reach and happen in reality. Will gives thrill! Thrill gives skill! Skill gives ability to learn and improve to innovate new things with dynamic approach. Facing challenges and opportunities with your past experience is like a key to open the door and invite everyone to join with us is the best.

Trust alone leads to move forward with great respect and determination to sacrifice and focus more on our desired goals. It inspires and motivates us with great zeal of enthusiasm in order to fetch the fruitful results in reality. Creating trust is not an easy task. It needs lot of effort and ability to perform better and prove ourselves in many ways and time considering task which happens only in long run and retain the same with practice and consistency. It is a difficult excercise and one has to cultivate this habit as a matter of fact with conduct and character. Excellence is the right source to create a trust on ourselves and others as well. Behaviour is another side of the coin which helps us to create the trust. Goodwill gives us an impression on a particular person or an organisation for that matter even the product or service, profession or anything counts in reality. Let us rededicate ourselves and focus more to exhibit the skills acquired by us in this respect to perform better and prove ourselves as successful individuals in real life. Spiritual feelings will give the pleasure and satisfaction to get some relief when we are in touch with God for blessings it creates confidence and courage to move forward in our life.

To increase the retention rate of an employee in an organisation the management should follow certain things like keep employee informed, involved, inspired, interested towards policies and focus more on work culture to create an interest in performing the work assigned and train them properly to learn more and more through various means by applying technology gives confidence and courage to increase the productivity and efficiency makes sense and yields the best results in reality. Discipline is like a weapon working on both sides sharply to please everyone with willingness gives zeal and enthusiasm to plan well and implement it to perform better in an effective and efficient manner. It is like a give and take policy. Both should play an equal role to understand better and workout in positive attitude makes sense and useful to all. Health is better than wealth. It gives more satisfaction. A satisfied person is better than the successful individual. Satisfaction plays a key role. It makes an employee to stay long and focus more towards growth and development of the organisation. Employee morale is a key factor which makes him to contribute more and involve themselves in the process to fetch the fruitful results in reality. Do it!

An elite performer is an effective leader who can deliver the best in a given situation with the available resources and the information and skills required for acquiring positive thoughts and achieve the best way makes sense and yields the fruitful results as per the needs and create wonders in reality. Timely action plays key role and face the tough situations in planned manner gives confidence and courage with effective and efficient results in an innovative and dynamic manner makes us strong and stable. Proper feedback helps management through reliable source is must to come to a conclusion and the damage can be minimised to a great extent. Human resources are utmost important and essential for an organisation irrespective of its size, nature, activity and training helps to an employee to grow better and prove ourselves as successful individuals in real life. Training is a continuous process and combination of learning and improving our skills in various means and helps to reach new heights in reality. It elevates and enhances us to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm in our journey smoothly and safely to our destination well in time is the best way of approach. Update yourself on regular basis makes sense and useful.

Surrounding yourself arround the right people at right place for the right cause at the right time with right attitude for acquiring the right thoughts to accomplish the right results is the right way of approach. Kindness helps and gives us an opportunity to wish and meet our requirements for acquiring the positive attitude makes us strong and stable to learn and improve in many ways to create a memorable journey through out our life. As long as our intentions are good people will inspire and motivate us with their support and guidance makes sense and yields the best results. #soultribe is the place to get the love and kindness which gives us an immense pleasure and great satisfaction with peace and prosperity powered with relief is worth mentioned here in this respect. It empowers and enhances us with igniting the power within and allows us to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm in order to fetch the fruitful results in reality. Consciousness will increase with spritual feelings and create the awareness among us to learn and prepare for the sake of our own growth and development. It helps to play an attention towards action oriented and result oriented person. Upliftment is possible only with kind heart, soul and love.

Believe! Belief gives everything! It is the secret of success! Because, it creates confidence and courage with desire to determine and dedicate to sacrifice and focus more on our desired goals. It helps to put a step forward to reach miles and miles towards our journey and reach our destination safely and securely well in time is the best way of approach. If we believe we plan and perform better to implement it in an effective and efficient manner. It also helps to learn to improve and involve ourselves to achieve and enhance us to elevate to the next level in reality. Learning is a life long process. It makes us strong and stable to move forward towards success path. Success is a journey not the destination. Success gives thrill. It gives recognition. It gives name and fame. It makes us to struggle to acquire the necessary skills to prove ourselves as successful individuals. Will gives thrill! Thrill gives skill! Skill gives ability to perform better and plan well to implement it in an effective and efficient manner to prove ourselves as successful individuals by believing something in real life. Believing is a positive attitude. It helps to reach the right people in right time for the right cause to achieve the right results.

Language has power to express and exchange our views and intentions with others through communication and prove ourselves as successful individuals. Kindness gives us lot of energy and strength to purify ourselves and exhibit our skills in many ways to create a memorable journey throughout our life. It helps us like a weapon to cross the bridge across the river to communicate and collaborate between two people or two groups among us works most effectively and efficiently in order to fetch the fruitful results in real life. It is like a key to open the door and invite people to express our views with others in an effective manner to understand better with love and kindness gives us an immense pleasure and satisfaction. Every day is a new opportunity to wish and meet to communicate in our own way to smile and move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm to reach more people in our activities on the way as part of learning and improving ourselves through various means is the right way of living. Willingness helps to grow better and workout effectively and efficiently to plan well and perform better to implement it in an effective and efficient manner. Language is the basic need to please us and others to get the things done in time.

Self care, self motivation self evaluation, self awareness, self knowledge, self learning, self understanding, self respect, self love, self kindness, self freedom, self confidence, self determination and dedication, self sacrifice, self satisfaction gives us pleasure and satisfaction along with eminent peace of mind which leads us towards positive attitude makes sense and yields strength to purify ourselves and exhibit our skills in many ways. Be responsible and accountable for your own activities and achievements which helps us to learn more and more through various means is the best way of approach. Skill development and training is a combination of learning and improving the quality of living on regular basis makes sense and yields the fruitful results in reality. Nothing is impossible if we are willing to work. Everything makes it possible through expression and effort. Your effort is your valuable asset. Effort will never go waste. It has its value. Everything takes time. Have patience! Please wait! Slow and steady wins the race is the root cause of everything. Winning mindset helps to grow better in real life. Then you feel you are truly free. Freedom gives utmost satisfaction which is important to focus more on our goals.

As a matter of fact, it is a tough exercise to understand and know better about others like our friends, colleagues, peers, higher officials, relatives, our own family members or anybody for that matter to say in one word at the beginning it is difficult to come to a conclusion or create a faith or trust time will prove and our experience will teach us something over a period in long run. It is always better to maintain some standards and make our own principles to lead a happy and peaceful life to improve ourselves and focus on our desired goals to plan well and implement it in an innovative and dynamic manner gives some meaning in reality. Make a policy that never expect from others and do your best, give your best, hope for the best is the best way of approach. Help ever hurt never is the right way of life. We are not here to change others. Change and transform yourself based on the situation and the time available in the process where required. Enhance and enrich yourself to become an excellent person to play your role as a responsible person and develop with great zeal of enthusiasm in order to fetch the fruitful results in real life. Be a role model and trend setter. Automatically people will follow and support with respect.

Redirection is nothing but trying in different ways to learn more and involve ourselves to create a new path in an innovative and dynamic manner to understand better to know the ground realities and plan well to implement it in an effective and efficient manner to perform better and prove ourselves as successful individuals in reality. Never underestimate and degrade or misunderstood others and explore in negative way at any cost under any means at all times on all occasions at every stage of life irrespective of the process of approach is the best way of approach. It helps us to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm in right direction with right people at the right time to explore new ways of learning and improving through various means is worth mentioned here. Never take anything personal and feel too much stress and strain which leads us towards disturbance and ill health causes to spoil our mind and body will get weakness in reality. Instead convert and try to cultivate a positive attitude which gives us energy with an immense pleasure and satisfaction to understand better to know the ground realities and plan well to implement it and perform better to fetch the fruitful results in real life. Thought process is ultimate! Try!

Connecting people makes us to communicate with great respect and determination with dedication to sacrifice and focus more on our desired goals and helps us to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm in order to fetch the fruitful results in reality. It helps us to reach our destination in our journey smoothly and safely well in time is the best way of approach. Leadership is an art! One has to cultivate the leadership qualities. A leader can create more leaders. Leadership helps us to inspire and motivate ourselves through learning and improving in various means is worth mentioned here. A dynamic individual is a great leader who does the regular practice makes perfect in every aspect and witness the results in real life. Learning is a life long process. It gives confidence and courage to determine and dedicate to sacrifice and focus more on our desired goals. Dependability is minimised if we are independent thinking about the organisation and its functions knowledge is more powerful and enlightenment in our activities to grow and develop on our own through expression and plan well to communicate effectively and efficiently to perform better and prove ourselves as elite performers with winning mindset makes us strong and stable.

Law of attraction and manifestation of trust is the universal word for love and kindness gives the best way to measure with quality and increase the productivity in reality. Energy with ability gives the pleasure and satisfaction to fetch the fruitful results in real life. As a matter of fact, transformation is like a change happens in long run if we want to live together as a team to meet the like minded people to acquire the positive thoughts and achieve the positive results for the sake of growth and prosperity in safe and secured zone and the most powerful thing to do something with fresh intentions of approach and important to focus more on our desired goals and make it happen through expression and plan well to implement it in an effective and innovative manner to understand better to know the ground realities and plan well to perform better and prove ourselves as successful individuals in real life. Knowing yourself itself is a great concept to move forward with positive attitude makes sense and yields the strength to purify ourselves and focus more on our desired goals. If we are in high vibration our level of approach differs and the most powerful and effective way we can think to get the things done in time to explore.

Mental health awareness campaign is a great concept to maintain good health and have peace of mind is ultimate and the root cause of everything in real life. It makes an impact on every one of us to unite and involve ourselves to play an active role in our journey smoothly and safely to reach our destination is the best way of approach. It makes us to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm as a team to train and learn on our own through various means makes us to elevate and explore to the next level in reality. As an individual we are drop in the ocean where as we are strong and stable as a team to meet our desired goals and helps to reach our destination by planning and implementation effectively and efficiently to perform better and prove ourselves as a winner which helps to grow as a leader with winning mindset. Winners will never quit and the quitters will never win! Consistent performance alone can yield the best results. Togetherness gives positive energy with peace of mind and create a path to follow by others in real life. Discipline is the root cause of everything. It inspires us and gives energy to prove as an elite performer. Our effort is our valuable asset. Performance alone can make us to struggle and sacrifice.

Saying is different than what we are doing! It is always better to plan well and implement it in an effective and innovative manner to create an impression and satisfaction gives us the pleasure and purify ourselves to learn more and involve in this respect and take care of yourself and others is the best way of approach. Do it right now is the best policy! Your effort is your valuable asset. Talk less work more is better. Your performance will speak better than you. Your work is the indicator to measure everything to know more about you. First impression is the best which helps us to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm and elevate us to reach new heights in real life. Winning mindset helps to grow and develop with the skills acquired and prove yourself as an elite performer. Do it differently and think in positive direction to evaluate and appreciate your own work and create a path to follow by others. Keep on doing irrespective of the obstacles and hurdles that occur till you reach your goal is the best way of approach. Performance alone can yield the fruitful results. Consistent performance gives us the success. Success is a journey not the destination. Success gives recognition. Recognition gives name and fame. It makes us to feel more responsible and accountable to prove as a successful individual. It helps to lead the team and grow as a leader. Leadership is an art! Everyone has to cultivate this habit. Positive attitude makes us to reach the positive people to acquire positive thoughts and achieve the positive results. Struggle alone gives the best results. Your effort is your valuable asset. Effort will never go waste. It has its value. It makes us to be stubborn and enthusiastic to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm towards our journey to reach our destination safely and securely well in time is the best way of approach.

Try to set an example to others! Be a trend setter and role model to make an impact and create an inspiration with motivation makes sense and yields strength and ability to perform better to plan well and implement it in an effective and efficient manner gives confidence and courage to determine and dedicate to sacrifice and focus more on our desired goals. You are the performer! You are task and result oriented! You are determined and dedicated! You are sacrificed person in this world. You play a key role in society. Your effort is your valuable asset. Effort alone can yield the fruitful results. Consistent performance alone can yield the best results in reality. Be realistic! Be practical! Try to live close to reality. Be natural! Love and kindness gives us pleasure and satisfaction. A satisfied person is better than the successful individual. Satisfaction is the key for everything. Be happy and enjoy life. Create your own path! It makes others to follow. It inspires and motivates in many ways to learn and improve. Learning is a life long process. It makes us strong and stable to proceed further towards our journey and reach our destination safely and securely well in time is the best way of approach. Work alone gives results.

Self care is like self respect which gives confidence and courage to determine and dedicate to sacrifice and focus more on our desired goals. If we want to accomplish our goals we need rest on frequent intervals. Because rest is must. Without rest our mind and body will not function properly and tire quickly as a result efficiency and effectiveness will reduce in work spot and effect to our profession and the health as well. Frequent breaks will be useful and helpful to become fresh and gives energy to inspire and motivate ourselves to achieve our goals with consistency makes us to commit and contribute in reality makes to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm in order to fetch the fruitful results in real life. Light refreshments will be useful for making us active and alert to Play key role with team members and friends makes us to express and exchange our views and receive the valuable feedback is part of learning and training is a continuous process irrespective of age, gender, qualification, position and size of the organisation. If you are strong you can help others. Kindness and support with respect to act as a team member makes us strong and stable to perform better and prove as successful individuals in reality.

It is always better to know the status and ground realities to plan well and implement them to perform better and maintain balance irrespective of the process whether it is possible or not will happen in reality or not just do your best and give your best and hope for the best is the best way of approach. Slow and steady wins the race is the best way of approach which helps us to move forward with great respect and determination to sacrifice and focus more on our desired goals. Let us rededicate ourselves and exhibit our skills in systematic and dynamic manner to fetch the fruitful results in real life. Learning help us to great extent and make us strong and stable to face’the challenges that occur on regular basis makes sense and yields the best results. Discipline is the root cause of everything. It gives confidence and courage to put a step forward to reach miles and miles towards our journey and reach our destination safely and securely well in time. Honesty is the best policy. Be honest and trustworthy irrespective of the situation at all times on all occasions at every stage of the life gives pleasure and satisfaction to us and others as well. Love alone makes us to reach the people to express our views and explain the best.

Learning is life long process! It makes us to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm. Success is journey not destination. It makes us to learn and improve in many ways. It teaches us many ways to create new path in our journey on daily basis and helps to realise and recover to adjust and understand in better manner to fetch the fruitful results in reality. It gives strength and ability to perform better and plan well to implement it in an effective and efficient manner. Technology helps to grow fast and secure us through artificial intelligence. Digital technology saves our time and energy. It gives access to reach out and think about the happening in far away from us through remote control and helps to prevent the same if required when it is not safe to use. It enlightens and enhances the power of vision and focus more on our goals to accomplish the best results in reality. It elevates us to new heights in real life. Application of brain is must. Apply logics and follow accordingly. Mindful exercise gives mindful results. Willingness is must. Willful exercise gives willful results. Thought process is ultimate and adjust the same with time and situation makes sense and yields the fruitful results. Timely action plays key role.

Personal transformation helps to create a new path to generate the power within us and provides the light to move forward with our effort and abilities to plan well and perform better to implement the things done in time makes sense and yields strength to purify and exhibit our skills in many ways to fetch the fruitful results in reality. It inspires us with burning desire to design and develop the leadership qualities by acquiring the positive attitude to mingle with others and explore ourselves as a performer and gives us the confidence and courage to determine and dedicate to sacrifice and focus more on our desired goals is the best way of approach. As an elite performer one has to create a zeal and enthusiasm to plan well and perform better to implement it in an effective and efficient manner gives us the pleasure and satisfaction coupled with vision to proceed further towards our journey and helps to reach our destination safely and securely well in time is the right way of living. Nothing happens instantly. Everything takes time. Ups and downs are part of the process. Patience and struggle is must to maintain good health and happiness which gives us growth and prosperity. If we observe carefully we come to know the status.

If we write a book on our own we can become the owner of the entire process and the work done by us gives an immense pleasure and great satisfaction coupled with fame and recognition makes us to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm in order to fetch the fruitful results in reality. It also helps to learn more about many things to consider them as a learner and listen while introducing ourselves as a writer gives more strength to purify ourselves as an observer and keeps us to be active to play a key role and elevate to the next level in real life. It fills with wisdom. It is always better to be as superior than our past makes sense and useful. That means we ourselves are nourishing for acquiring the best results in all respects at all times and on all occasions is the right way of approach. Introducing ourselves is an art as a writer which gives us inspiration and motivation to create a new path to move forward with one step makes us to reach our destination in our journey smoothly and safely well in time is precious and powerful. Shoulder and accept the responsibility as a writer gives the thought process to proceed further towards positive attitude makes sense and work accordingly to create more innovative and dynamic way.

Brave inspires brave is a great concept! It helps to reach the like minded people to express our views and acquire the knowledge and improve our skills in various means to prove ourselves as successful individuals in real life. A leader can create more leaders. Leadership is an art. One has to understand and cultivate this habit to grow better and implement it in an innovative and dynamic manner to understand to know the ground realities to fetch the fruitful results in real life. Leadership gives deep meaning. It inspires to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm in order to fetch the fruitful results in day to day activities. Lot of effort is required to accomplish the goals. Our effort should be bigger than our desired goals. Then only things will happen in reality. Discipline helps a lot to grow as dynamic leader. It makes to learn and prepare to understand better to hear carefully when someone says something about ourselves or anything for that matter keeps us to be active and alert to become strong and stable to make a difference between the people and determine the best way to measure and move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm to plan and perform better and implement it in an innovative and dynamic way in reality.

What you consume and consult it goes to your mind! Food is essential to live in this respect. Let us drink pure and boiled water with nutrition food makes happy and healthy which gives happiness coupled with health and safety pulls towards prosperity with positive attitude to think in positive direction and allows us to reach positive people to acquire positive thoughts and achieve positive results is the best way of approach in real life. Thought process is ultimate! Always think with good thoughts with peace of mind makes us to believe that we can consider the environment where we are as humans can do anything and everything with love and kindness gives immense pleasure and satisfaction to fetch the fruitful results in reality. Excell yourself and others as well thru your effort and abilities to practice regular basis makes sense and will have an impact on others based on the situation and prevailing situation depends on the way how you like and create trust among others have worthwhile to mention here on this occasion. Discipline is the root cause of everything. Try to understand better know the ground realities to implement and perform better to plan well and lead the team in dynamic and systematic manner to fetch the best.

Always trust your own inner feelings and natural look makes sense and yields strength and ability to learn more and involve in large scale and focus more on your desired goals with great respect and determination and dedication to sacrifice and focus more and accomplish the best results is the right way of approach. It motivates and inspires us to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm in our journey to reach our destination safely and securely well in time is the root cause of everything. It is combination of learning and improving through various means through our desire to design and plan well to perform better and implement it to prove and exhibit the skills acquired by you in right time with right people at right place with right cause and achieve the right results is the root cause of everything. Will gives thrill! Thrill gives skill! Skill gives ability to perform better and prove as a successful individual in reality. Success is a combination of learning and improving through various means and it is a continuous process irrespective of age, gender, qualification and position. It makes to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm with one step forward to reach miles and miles towards our journey smoothly and safely.

Unity gives strength! It makes us strong and stable! It keeps us to move forward together as a team. Team spirit is ultimate! It makes to feel active and inspire us to reach our destination safely and securely well in time. It makes us to feel trust and gives confidence and courage to determine and dedicate to sacrifice and focus more on our desired goals. It helps to learn more and more through various means. It elevates to the next level in real life. It improves our knowledge and experience to acquire skills required in positive attitude to show our strength and ability to perform better to plan well and implement it in an effective and efficient manner. It makes to reach new heights in reality. Belongingness and satisfaction plays a key role in team work. Trustworthiness and confidence levels will increase to fetch the fruitful results in collective effort. Cooperation and coordination with great respect and support improves the leadership qualities in reality. Communication skills acquired by mingling with others in group activities. Willingness with selfless effort gives us the pleasure and satisfaction to fetch the fruitful results in reality. Willful exercise gives willful results. Mindful exercise gives mindful results.

Success is journey not destination.It inspires us in many ways. Your net worth is your own character. Conduct and character are most important and essential elements one should cultivate right from childhood. It helps us in long run if we continue to move forward with our friends and family in real life. It makes us to be with good habits and gives peace of mind and happiness with good health. As long as our intentions are good everyone will help and support us in many ways. Let us respect and get the best results from others. It motivates and inspires us in all respects. We can achieve anything and everything. It develops the leadership qualities by mingling with others and explore us to move forward with great understanding and create wonders in reality. Thought process is ultimate. Positive attitude makes us to reach positive people for acquiring the positive thoughts and achieve the positive results in real life. Unity gives strength. It makes us strong and stable to learn more and more through various means is the best way of approach. Time and effort gives us energy to proceed further towards our journey smoothly and safely well in time is the right way of approach. Let us rededicate ourselves to accomplish this attitude.

To thank yourself for your own achievements on regular basis matters and inspires in many ways to learn and improve in better manner to understand the ground realities of our approach and make us strong and stable with great zeal of enthusiasm in order to fetch the fruitful results in real life. It gives more confidence and courage to determine and dedicate to sacrifice and focus more on our desired goals. It empowers and enhances us to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm to reach our destination safely and securely well in time in our journey. It gives us an opportunity to meet new people to express our views with others and explore us to learn more from them is an art which we should cultivate the habit with our effort and practice it makes sense and yields strength and ability to perform better in reality. Dreams and aspirations are part of the process. It creates desire to design and plan well and perform better to implement it in an effective and efficient manner gives us the pleasure and satisfaction. It is not an easy task to happen. It needs patience coupled with struggle and sacrifice alone can yield the best results. Learning is a continuous process irrespective of our age, gender, qualification and place of work.

Willpower is ultimate! It is more powerful and effective in reality. It creates desire to plan well and perform better to implement it in an effective and efficient manner to fetch the fruitful results in real life.It inspires us in many ways to create strength and ability to learn more and more through various means is the best way of approach. It gives confidence and courage to determine and dedicate to sacrifice and focus more on our desired goals. It elevates us to the next level in reality. It helps to grow better and reach new heights in real life. It makes an impact on us and others as well. Where there is will there is a way. It makes us to move with one step forward towards our journey to reach our destination safely and securely well in time is the best way of approach. Discipline is the root cause of everything. Do it right now is the best policy. Live in your present. Honesty and integrity is the best policy. It makes us to be task oriented and result oriented person in real life. Be practical! Be realistic! Be as a performer! Performance alone can yield the best results. Consistent performance gives consistent results. Winning mindset helps to grow better. Be as successful person. Success is a journey not destination.

If your approach is not working and gives the best results as per your plan and performance then you can change the direction the way how you like to introduce and produce the results and watch an event in reality with different options and focus more than earlier with great zeal of enthusiasm makes sense and yields the strength to purify yourself and others as well in dynamic and systematic manner to fetch the fruitful results is the best way of approach. Like this you can change any number of times till you get the best and positive results you can change your plan and perform in a better manner not the goals. Goal setting is must and mandatory to fetch the fruitful results we have to struggle and sacrifice with determination and dedication to sacrifice and focus more on our desired goals. Never stop in the middle irrespective of the obstacles and hurdles that occur during the process and move on till you reach your destination safely and securely well in time is the best way of approach. Be like river Ganges. It flows forward with a view to help us in many ways. The river will never flow reverse. It has its own value. Let us be like a river which gives us the confidence and courage to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm.

As long as you are in touch and continue the task handling and focusing more to improve and learn while performing ourselves to accomplish the goals set by us need not worry much about the results. We fetch the fruitful results when time comes and do your best. Believe! Belief makes everything. Nothing happens overnight! Things take time to explore new ways in reality. We should have patience and understanding to get the best results with positive attitude makes an impact and generate the power within us to create a memorable journey smoothly and safely well in time is the best way of approach to live with confidence and courage to determine and dedicate to sacrifice and focus more on our desired goals. Effort alone gives peace of mind which leads us towards positive attitude to acquire positive thoughts and achieve the positive results. Consistent performance alone yields the strength to purify ourselves and helps to exhibit the skills acquired by us in many ways. Let us cultivate the habit of doing things in planned manner gives confidence and courage to face the tough situations that occur on daily basis makes sense in the given time to face in systematic and dynamic manner gives fruitful results. Discipline is the root cause.

God has given us an opportunity to live in this world. It is covered with natural resources like Earth, sky, water, air, trees, animals and some kind of thought process is given to us only when compared to others like animals for example they can not think and do like us. Let us rededicate ourselves and utilise this opportunity given by God for good cause and apply our brain to think in positive direction to save this world for the future is utmost important and good for us and future generations as well. To protect this we have to conserve the natural resources and try to contribute our level best not to pollute thru various means is the prime object and do it on priority is our duty and responsibility. Cleanliness is close to Godliness. It starts from us only. Let us start to keep the home neat and clean and clean the premises where we live like our community or town or anything for that matter makes an impact on the part of Nation at large and spread to the universe slowly is the best way of approach. If we are happy and maintain good health with peace and prosperity the world is peaceful and prosperous in the best manner is a fact. Earth is like our mother. If we respect our mother land everyone will respect us. Do it!

Management education is a combination of learning and improving through various means and training the youth and create an environment in providing necessary information and skills required for all kinds of people irrespective of their gender, age, position and field it gives scope to discover something innovative and dynamic manner to fetch the best managerial skills by their faculty in many ways will help the students with great respect and take care of everything in academic background will yield the fruitful results in reality. It gives exposure to prove and facilitate them to be as successful individuals in their journey smoothly and safely to grow better and reach their destination safely and securely well in time is the best way of approach. Faculty play a crucial role by providing necessary information through group discussions and workshops coupled with symposiums and interviews along with eminent authors and efficient manner gives confidence and courage to determine and dedicate to sacrifice and focus more on their growth and development in project management plays a key role in society and makes them as useful citizens of this world. They can handle things in dynamic manner with leadership qualities by skills acquired.

It indicates our attitude to show our strength and ability by asking a question about anything is a great concept and works like a weapon to get the things done in time is the most precious and powerful thing in real life. We have to cultivate this habit to please ourselves and others as well. It gives an opportunity to wish and learn something new in the given situation and makes us to move forward with great respect and take care of ourselves to accomplish the right things in right time with right people at the right place in right direction with right attitude is the right way of approach. It is an art of living and provides a room to facilitate the process in an effective and efficient manner to understand better to know the ground realities and plan well to implement them in the best way to measure and move forward with great zeal of action with enthusiasm gives us joy and pleasure in reality. It gives an opportunity to feel active and Play key role by feeling, hearing, knowing and satisfying eachother enlightens everyone in reality. It helps us to move forward to reach to the next level in real life. Asking itself is an excellent tip, art, chance and lot of of effort and practice is required to express our views with others.

Celebrations are part of the process which helps us to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm in this world with joy and create wonders in reality. It helps us to be kind enough to get the strength and ability to learn and improve while introducing ourselves to acquire positive thoughts with positive people to achieve positive results and become strong to help others is the root cause of everything. Kindness is an art which indicates our attitude while introducing ourselves and walking together to work with many hands as a team keeps us active and alert to plan well and perform better to implement it in an effective and efficient manner gives confidence and courage to determine and dedicate to sacrifice and focus more on our desired goals is the best way of approach. We can not pour with empty cup. Let us be strong ourselves as successful individuals to help others. Together we can consider any kind of day to day challenges to face them based on different types and focus more on our requirements will make us strong to help others where required. Identification is the best way to measure with quality and increase the productivity in reality. Need based approach gives us the clarity to provide necessary help where required.

Our inner voice helps us a lot to know the unknown path is the only way to find ourselves is the best way to measure and move forward with our knowledge and experience coupled with skill and faith makes us to reach in the right direction with winning mindset helps to reach our destination safely and securely well in time is the best way of approach in real life. Believe! It gives confidence and courage to determine and dedicate to sacrifice and focus more on our desired goal is the root cause of everything with love yourself and your work helps to reach new heights by facing the challenges that occur in our day to day activities. Let us rededicate ourselves and exhibit the skills acquired with willingness gives more strength to purify ourselves and exhibit the best to the best of our ability in our journey smoothly and safely well in time is the best way of approach. Our knowledge is powerful and effective and efficient which works like a light shows us the success path to create a new opportunity for using our effort and abilities to accomplish the desired goals is possible to get it done through expression and plan well and perform better to implement it in an effective and efficient manner gives us complete picture with vision.

It is most important and always better to correlate based on your actions how others are feeling is essential as an elite performer it gives more strength, energy, coupled with pleasure, satisfaction, happiness, inspiration, motivation, awareness, enjoy your life to the best of yourself and have some kind of positive attitude makes sense and impacts us to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm in order to fetch the fruitful results in reality. Help ever hurt never is the best way of approach. Be kind enough and be safe with great respect and take care of yourself and others as well. Do more and expect less gives more scope to grow better in long run. One thing always remember if it is yours you will get it. At the same time do your best and give your best and hope for the best. You will get the best. Believe! Belief gives everything! You are the performer! You are the winner! Winning mindset helps to reach our destination safely and securely well in time is the best way of approach. Your effort is your valuable asset. Effort will never go waste. It has its value. It keeps on moving us. Positive attitude gives positive energy. It helps us to reach positive people to acquire positive thoughts and achieve the positive results.

Everything depends on our mindset and the heart set as well. Do it wholeheartedly and accept the same as the way how you get the best things in reality. Doing is our duty and responsibility. Results are not in our hands. Have patience! Wait for the opportunity. Nothing happens overnight. Instant results will not fetch much and better way. Because, Everything takes its own time and energy to inspire and motivate ourselves to accomplish it in real life. Practice makes perfect. Consistent performance alone can yield the best results. Do your best! Give your best! Hope for the best! You will get the best! Believe! Belief gives everything! It inspires us in many ways. It makes sense and work more effectively and efficiently to plan well and perform better to implement it in an innovative and dynamic manner and gives us the pleasure and satisfaction with peace and prosperity as well. Let us rededicate ourselves and focus more on our desired goals. It keeps on giving the best results. Never underestimate yourself and others as well. Every one of us think in our own way to measure with quality and increase the value which helps us together as a team member in reality. Teamwork plays an active role! It has its value! It inspires us!

Silence is filled with fragrances of love, peace, harmony, kindness, wonder, great relief, preferably when we spend our time with mother nature at the time of sunrise or sunset. It conveys miracles of whispers. Let us begin the day by uploading positive things in our mind while walking, cycling or swimming gives energy and inspiration to proceed further with great zeal of enthusiasm in order to fetch the fruitful results with one step forward makes us to reach miles and miles towards our journey safely and securely well in time is the best way of approach. Meditation helps to make our mind fresh beyond our imagination and expectation. It allows us to be silent and away from materialistic world to spritual awakening in terms of wellness, broad thinking, helping others, maintaining harmony with kindness, full of joy and pleasure, positive thought process, transformation, some kind of change when compared to earlier gives us inspiration and motivation to evaluate, enhance, upgrade, elevate, appreciate in many aspects on daily basis is the right way of innovation and creativity. Creativity is an opportunity to do the things in right time with right people for right cause and accomplish the right results is the right way of living.

” Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.” – Buddha

” A man is not poor without a rupee but a man is really poor without a dream and ambition.” – Swami Vivekananda

” Talk to yourself at least once in a day otherwise you may miss meeting an excellent person in this world.” – Swami Vivekananda

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Bijibilla Rama Rao