Self care and Self love - ZorbaBooks

Self care and Self love

An empty cup can not pore to others, Be strong and stable.

“It is not selfish to love yourself. Take care of yourself, and to make your happiness a priority.” – Mandy Hale

Take care of yourself first. Be strong and equip yourself in all respects to lead a happy and peaceful life gives some kind of satisfaction. Prioritize your desired goals and try to fulfill with learning attitude makes an impact and make it happen in reality. Empty stomach can not fill other’s bowl. Make sure yourself to fill your stomach and fulfill your needs first. Then you can think about in and around. Get relax and satisfy yourself which gives scope to think about others. As an individual one has to take care of personal and family needs then feel to take care of social needs gives scope to grow better together which gives an immense pleasure and satisfaction. Collective responsibility gives collective results. Team work is essential and empowers and enhances us to the next level in real life. Share your success with others is part of the exercise. It experiences respect in the minds of others. Love and kindness are crucial and very important to grow horizontally in this universe. Social responsibility is must as a human being. Human values are human connections to respect each other to share and care. Share your knowledge, time, service, product or anything for that matter creates self satisfaction and gives peace of mind.

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Bijibilla Rama Rao