Spiritual feelings
Spirituality is much a deeper belief in something greater than us and faith in life itself. Spiritual practices can lower anxiety, improve self esteem and improve physical functioning. Spirituality is recognizing and celebrating that we are all inextricably connected to each other by a power greater than all of us and that our connection to that power and to one another is grounded in love and compassion.
- “Pain is a messenger. Through pain and difficulties we grow, we learn and we get cleansed. “ — Swami Satchidananda
Worship of humanity is Worship of Godliness! God is invisible! Not to be seen in one shape, color or anything for that matter. At the same time, God is everywhere. To say in one word God is within us if we can see and understand ourselves God is omnipresent. Our parents are visible Gods who gave birth and taking care of us in all respects till we grow and live on our own their involvement is worthful to mention here on this occasion. People who help and guide to support us at every stage in our journey will also be considered as our Gods. God feeling is nothing but showing our gratitude to memorize and feel faithfully to remember their good work done at all times on all occasions is our duty and responsibility. An individual who does the work with sincere effort will certainly get the results is our belief. It is true! True love and kindness gives pleasure and prosperity. Live to love feel to help others makes us to learn and earn everything in reality. Cleanliness is close to Godliness! Clean and purify yourself as much as possible, as well as possible, as soon as possible will improve our maturity levels step by step to reach the God as quick as possible is the bear fact. One has to believe this principle. Then we reach peak. 🙏